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My take on Gettysburg (with a stop at Chocolate World)

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I forgot to add this pic from in between Hershey and Gettysburg, a beer zoo. Interesting.




We also had to make a stop at wally world because I realized I left my stack of pots, pans, cooking utensils, etc at home on the kitchen table. I also got graham crackers because I had marshmallows and chocolate but no graham crackers (as it turned out we never made them). I also picked up an Angry Birds wind chime for Adam's Easter basket. 

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Somehow I already have myself out of order here. Thursday night we made tacos for dinner, the wind was pretty wicked so we sat inside our tent and ate. Mrs.DBLR came over and sat in our "dining room" as I called it while we ate. The kids played on the playground until it was pitch black. We went to bed early because we were beat.


We had a heater and a heated blanket (plus a bunch of regular ones) to keep us warm, and it really wasn't bad. My biggest issue was sleeping on the ground, we had some stuff under us but it wasn't enough for me. I'm kinda like the Princess and the Pea I guess! 


Some more pics from the camp ground.






You see the sand that was under the playground? I think the fiend children probably brought about 10 lbs home with them every night. Adam had it in his hair, his ears, his shirts, and his shoes/boots. It was a mess. And whatever he brought back from the playground is now either in my tent or car. 

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The showers weren't bad at the bathhouse, It took a while for them to warm up, and you had to hit the button like every 30 seconds to keep the water flowing, but it wasn't terrible. They were clean enough. 


So Friday morning we decided to get a little bit of history in before the remaining 6 fiends arrived. We wanted to take Adam to Lincoln's Train Museum but it was closed and not opening until 4/10 (yet their brochure said it was open in March). But it worked out fine because it was across from some battlefields so we drove through them instead. 


I'll be honest and I don't know what most of the monuments are, so excuse my lack of knowledge. 






This was in the steps of the above monument. We were able to go up to the top. 



View from the top




Adam and I firing a cannon.



And my favorite pic of the trip. I call it BudLight on the Battlefield




After walking/driving around, Adam said he was hungry so we went back to the campground and had lunch. He played for the rest of the day and Brian and I bs'ed with the fiends. The remaining 6 fiends showed up through out the day.


Someone (I don't know which fiend) was brilliant and had these little fingers lights that we put on the kids so we could see them while they played on the playground at night. Made things a lot easier!  


We feel asleep putting Adam to bed, so we missed out on sitting around the fire that night. I think it was about 9:30 when I feel asleep! 

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Saturday morning was a good morning. 


Jason made Mickey waffles. They were super yummy. Adam ate 2 of them. He was very happy to happy Mickey waffles. Jason, I think you will have to make these at every GG.




and DBLR made a breakfast skillet. Sausage, potatoes, eggs. That was supper yummy as well.



That's DBLR's legs in the background lol



Some of the fiends sites




Adam was a hot mess by this point, as he had played really hard for the past 2 days, was up late and up early and no naps. We skipped the campground Easter Egg hunt and drove around until he fell asleep. It probably took 45 mins but it was worth it. He needed sleep badly. 


We saw a covered bridge on our ride.



Once we got back he slept in the van for probably an hour and half. Thanks to an iphone app, I was able to leave my phone in the car and have it call Brian's phone when he made enough noise when he woke up. Worked out nicely and we were able to sit around the fire and do what fiends do best, bs.

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We all had a great time and I"M with you we need to do it again sooner, hopefully John's family will join us on mother's day weekend and anyone else woulod be welcome if the campground still has any sites.

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