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Throw Some Glitter on it, Sugar Knees ...aka Womenz Gone Wild 2013

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Oh and I forgot the most important part...

I now love biscuits and gravy!

But only when Missy makes them. :heartsmiley:

I thought you hated biscuits and gravy.

I think you have passed your southern admissions test and everyone loves Missy! :heartsmiley: :heartsmiley: :heartsmiley: :heartsmiley:

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I do not recommend you google this..

Shardi was giving the old SALUD to small children and senior citizens, this was the first instance where I almost pee'd my pants..


WOW, ya'll didnt waste anytime, like the others I've been covered up with madness since my return, I can't deny nor confirm the allegations.. I'm just sayin when we go from crazy to ridiculous.. I can't be held responsible for my actions!!


:heartsmiley: :heartsmiley: I'd do it all over again just to see the look on your face :heartsmiley: :heartsmiley:

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Wild Womenz Saying -

Then your not doing it right. That's why God made pillows.


Oh and I forgot the most important part...

I now love biscuits and gravy!

But only when Missy makes them. :heartsmiley:

:heartsmiley: :heartsmiley:
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It's the WWWPP...

Wild Womenz Witness Protection Program

The hardest part isn't learning your new name, it's retraining yourself to keep your arms by your sides every time someone shouts "let's go!"


Thank goodness. I was packing or a move to a third world country. ;D I may need to crazy glue my arms down. They no longer stay down on their own.


You will notice that even Marty's smile is getting a bit forced.

And at this point my eyes had ceased to blink.

From there we went to get something hot to drink and Kim ended up with Nescrappe.

*spit sputter, grumble, complain* Ick! Ick! Ick!

. Then we wandered over to Peter Pan. Rebel moment #3 happened here. I reached into my pocket to find my phone only to realize my pocket was down to my knees. That's right I was bustin a sag in Fantasyland. Thank goodness I still had those shorts on.

Amen. That would be a different sort of Fantasy not necessarily appropriate for Magic Kingdom.

Once I pulled my pants back up and we got into the very short line, there was a very interesting discussion. I told Kim that anytime she wanted to cry Uncle we could go back to the Fort. She went all Scarlet O'hara and declared that she was here till closing and it was on.

That's right! AT least until Judy swears and gets the "crazy eyes". I am not afraid of much...but that was a little unnerving. :rofl2:

After Peter we decided to try for Pirates. So we walked ALL THE WAY over there and it was closed "due to technical issues". yeah... whatever. So we rode what has to be the worst ever trip on the Jungle Cruise. We couldn't even manage a fake laugh it was sooo bad.

The best part of that experience was hands in the air and exiting. Boooo to that jungle guide. Booooo I say!

I used my time wisely though. I decided to check the wait times for Space Mountain since Kim REALLY REALLY wanted to ride. That is when we discovered that the Magic Carpet Ride was a 5 min wait. This means Walk on. LET'S GO!

Now we all could have had our own carpet but Kim hitched a ride with me. All I can say is that, The Magic Carpet after midnight on a freezing cold night.... NOT THE BEST IDEA.

Not even the 100th best idea.

So we headed into the blessed warmth. It lasted about 10 minutes for me and Kim. We discovered something interesting. The warmer you got the more you ached so we headed out to find us a bench to sit on in the cold. We found our bench. Judy threw her blanket on us and the rest I will leave for Kimmie Poo to tell.....

As Nicki and I sat outside on the bench trying to refreeze ourselves to numb the pain.... we'd made a decision to stay put and just let the clean up crew find our frozen bodies. BUT then Judy Crankypants Pie gets the crazy eyes. By crazy eyes I mean, not blinking and the eyeballs are going in two different directions. She says, and I quote... " I have seen war. I have seen death. Y'all are close. GET YOUR @$$E$ UP RIGHT NOW!!! Ya'll have gone straight past crazy to RIIIIIII-DIC-U-LOUS!!!" (As she said the word ridiculous there was a wild hand movement that can only be witnesses and not explained.) Kimmie don't scare easy but DANG!!! We snapped to attention and marched out of there like good lil soldiers! :)) :heart: :rofl2:

Wild Womenz Saying -

Then your not doing it right. That's why God made pillows.


Nothing to add to that.

WOW, ya'll didnt waste anytime, like the others I've been covered up with madness since my return, I can't deny nor confirm the allegations.. I'm just sayin when we go from crazy to ridiculous.. I can't be held responsible for my actions!!

I believe you and will not argue the point. hahahahaha!

I'd do it all over again just to see the look on your face

Meeee tooo! Fist up! :D

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Thank goodness. I was packing or a move to a third world country. ;D I may need to crazy glue my arms down. They no longer stay down on their own.


You will notice that even Marty's smile is getting a bit forced.

And at this point my eyes had ceased to blink.

From there we went to get something hot to drink and Kim ended up with Nescrappe.

*spit sputter, grumble, complain* Ick! Ick! Ick!

. Then we wandered over to Peter Pan. Rebel moment #3 happened here. I reached into my pocket to find my phone only to realize my pocket was down to my knees. That's right I was bustin a sag in Fantasyland. Thank goodness I still had those shorts on.

Amen. That would be a different sort of Fantasy not necessarily appropriate for Magic Kingdom.

Once I pulled my pants back up and we got into the very short line, there was a very interesting discussion. I told Kim that anytime she wanted to cry Uncle we could go back to the Fort. She went all Scarlet O'hara and declared that she was here till closing and it was on.

That's right! AT least until Judy swears and gets the "crazy eyes". I am not afraid of much...but that was a little unnerving. :rofl2:

After Peter we decided to try for Pirates. So we walked ALL THE WAY over there and it was closed "due to technical issues". yeah... whatever. So we rode what has to be the worst ever trip on the Jungle Cruise. We couldn't even manage a fake laugh it was sooo bad.

The best part of that experience was hands in the air and exiting. Boooo to that jungle guide. Booooo I say!

I used my time wisely though. I decided to check the wait times for Space Mountain since Kim REALLY REALLY wanted to ride. That is when we discovered that the Magic Carpet Ride was a 5 min wait. This means Walk on. LET'S GO!

Now we all could have had our own carpet but Kim hitched a ride with me. All I can say is that, The Magic Carpet after midnight on a freezing cold night.... NOT THE BEST IDEA.

Not even the 100th best idea.

So we headed into the blessed warmth. It lasted about 10 minutes for me and Kim. We discovered something interesting. The warmer you got the more you ached so we headed out to find us a bench to sit on in the cold. We found our bench. Judy threw her blanket on us and the rest I will leave for Kimmie Poo to tell.....

As Nicki and I sat outside on the bench trying to refreeze ourselves to numb the pain.... we'd made a decision to stay put and just let the clean up crew find our frozen bodies. BUT then Judy Crankypants Pie gets the crazy eyes. By crazy eyes I mean, not blinking and the eyeballs are going in two different directions. She says, and I quote... " I have seen war. I have seen death. Y'all are close. GET YOUR @$$E$ UP RIGHT NOW!!! Ya'll have gone straight past crazy to RIIIIIII-DIC-U-LOUS!!!" (As she said the word ridiculous there was a wild hand movement that can only be witnesses and not explained.) Kimmie don't scare easy but DANG!!! We snapped to attention and marched out of there like good lil soldiers! :)) :heart: :rofl2:


Nothing to add to that.

I believe you and will not argue the point. hahahahaha!

Meeee tooo! Fist up! :D

you know your comments are funnier now that I can hear just how you would say them

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