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Throw Some Glitter on it, Sugar Knees ...aka Womenz Gone Wild 2013

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:jumpforjoy  I'm having lunch with Loretta and Melissa on Monday! :jumpforjoy   Kim, I will collect my hugs and send some back to you!  Thanks!

I miss you all and I love you bunches! I can't imagine a better birthday weekend. Each one of you went out of your way to make sure I had a fun time and did I ever!!

What is a homeschooling fiend to do when 1/3 of her students fail to show up for class?  Why, give herself the day off and re-read the WWW trip report, of course!    I miss my WW every day.  It seems

It is now time for the last morning of WWW. So sad.

Angie, Kaahla, and Kelly were staying a bit longer, although I think Kaahla had a flight later that day.

Nicki and myself decided to have one last hurrah before I needed to be on the road and Nicki had to catch Magical Express.

We decided to make a quick morning run to the Studios. We got 8:00 breakfast reservations for Hollywood & Vine, and drove the truck over there after a quick stop at Resort Airline checkin, so Nicki could check her bags.

Of course, now that everyone had left, the weather was GEORGIOUS and WARM!!!!!


Waiting to enter the park



Wandering towards the restaurant














The server gave Nicki a looooong straw







After breakfast, time for the Studios Trifecta, Toy Story Mania, Tower of Terror and Rock n Roller Coaster









More to come soon!

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Now it's on to Rock n Roller Coaster



Then time for Tower of Terror. There was a good sized line. We wandered through parts of the garden that I had never seen before










I actually took a few pics in the elevator






Our bellhop greets us




I don't do hands all the way up unless I'm on the back row, don't want to block folks in the pic behind me.

Sadly, it's time to go. One last picture opportunity before we leave.




and that is my view of WWW 2013!!!

We went back to the truck, Nicki retrieved her stuff that was stored there, and headed for the Fort bus stop, and I started driving North!!! Until next time!!!

NEXT Persons turn!!!!

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I just have to say it is very, very very hard to NOT hold on ..... my face is hilarious!


Great Shots and a great eye...



These came out AWESOME!!

I actually took a few pics in the elevator




Get ready to scream... or scream and giggle as is the case with me...



Our bellhop greets us


I have to say after looking at this picture... Carol has a point! You can't see the person behind me at all.



I don't do hands all the way up unless I'm on the back row, don't want to block folks in the pic behind me.

Love this one!!


and that is my view of WWW 2013!!!

We went back to the truck, Nicki retrieved her stuff that was stored there, and headed for the Fort bus stop, and I started driving North!!! Until next time!!!

NEXT Persons turn!!!!

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Nicki helps Carol do the usual, Nicki finally rides RRC without using the Single Rider Line, and We enter another Dimension.....-

My photos from that last fun but sad morning.

Carol and I waiting to get inside. Love the lines at this hour of the morning-


Walking down towards the restaurant-




We have arrived-




Pood Forn-



On to the rides--



Carol's ride photos were miles better than mine so I will spare you.


After saying bye to Carol, I started walking to the bus stop. Suddenly a 3 or 4 year old child comes running towards me in hysterics, and when I say hysterics I mean the clinical version of hysterics. Screaming, eyes frantically darting, and running in any which direction and he was right beside the bus stops. I tried to snag him and a CM to help him find his party. This actually doesn't help the hysterics because the kids doesn't speak English. Finally after running almost to security to catch him, his grandfather finally realizes he is missing, finds us, then starts griping at him. Now we all know that it's not hard to loose a child at WDW but

Troll Rant On -

I had a moment of stopping myself from going all Judy on him. Yes, Judy... with eyes rolling, head, neck and hand movements included. I wanted to say "EXCUSE ME....but that child wasn't the only one that wasn't paying attention. He is not the adult you are. Give that poor boy a hug, make him feel loved and secure. Not like he was some criminal."

Troll Rant Off-

Anyway, one last shot of DHS before going to the bus.


From there I caught the Fort Bus, managed to get on an early Magical Express. My security walk wasn't bad and I had just enough time for lunch before the boarding began. I arrived in Houston for my connecting flight with just enough time to get to the gate and board. Then I arrived at my destination and was greeted by the sounds of my imaginary kids screaming "Mommy Mommy" and IH handing over the first round of medication (cough drops).

Even though I've been sick pretty much since getting home, I'd board that plane again tomorrow if I could! It was the best!!

Someone else's turn!!

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Great pics gals!

Carol - you snagged one of the best pics of the ghosts in the hallway that I've seen!

Love the Carol & Nicki photo. :heartsmiley:

And I'm with Nicki - I'd hop a plane tomorrow if someone said we were having another WWW.

Fun-to-the-Nth-power with some really wonderful Womenz!! Thank you all for letting me be a part of it.


Ok, now the rest of you get posting those pics.

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Wild Womenz Saying of the Day -

This one is a particularly special one because franky the even that caused the saying was so .... well unusual, unexpected -

Then Melissa became speechless

I'll be the first to say it, it's shocking for me to become speechless, so you know how unusual & unexpected this had to be.

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1. Next year I will contribute to the glow stick stash. ;D

2. Carol, your ghost photo at ToT was great! But the bellhop photo is creepy... He actually looks a little ghostly too. :D

3. I don't like missing the Thursday kick off of WWW or the Tuesday when only a few are left. We need to arrive and depart at the same time so no one misses anything. :)) Just kidding. That would be impossible. I know.

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1. Next year I will contribute to the glow stick stash. ;D

2. Carol, your ghost photo at ToT was great! But the bellhop photo is creepy... He actually looks a little ghostly too. :D

3. I don't like missing the Thursday kick off of WWW or the Tuesday when only a few are left. We need to arrive and depart at the same time so no one misses anything. :)) Just kidding. That would be impossible. I know.

1. Carol and I will be ready with cameras.

2. So it did

3. Never say impossible

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Looks like I'm up! My WWW started with picking up the boys from school, heading home for G's therapy session which would last from 3 pm until 6 pm. This works out perfectly as lil H can get his homework done and G will be occupied while I finish up my last minute packing. After therapy was over and all the packing and last minute things were done we head out to the door to my parent's house for take out and the kiddo drop off. My parents were at a concert and wouldn't be home until around 10 pm so I got the boys to bed and sat up watching a little TV and texting with various womenz until they got there.

When my parents and bro got home and settled down from their excitement of the Ronnie Milsap concert (my mom said she had no idea he had gotten that old) really mom?, anyway, after all the excitement died down and I received (even though I am 44 years old) the obligatory lecture on being careful etc..I gave my obligatory response of "Gahhh! Y'all always have to spoil everything!" response. :))

At around 11 pm KFK is en route to Columbia to catch a train! The ride was pretty uneventful and relaxing... a little too relaxing... I was wishing I'd taken up KFD on that offer of a cup of coffee. ***yawn*** Since there is no coffee and I'm not stopping for anything other than a dire emergency, i.e blown tire or motor ... I crank up my Journey CD and blast the volume and cold air from the vent on my face to stay awake.

When I arrive at the train station I'm not sure where to park so I head for the spaces right up front quickly realizing I have practically trapped myself in the employee parking lot and am also getting glared at by said employee. While still praying that no one else saw that, I get a phone call.... "WE CAN SEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUU" :facepalm: I get the car parked and let the hug fest of Marty, Loretta and I begin!

*insert all the waiting on train, chatting, giggling, excitement building, waiting on train stuff here*

After we get all settled in our seats and the trip is officially underway....... crying baby. And a mom who apparently thinks the way to quiet a crying baby is by doing absolutely nothing at all. OY! Add in one really stressed out former sailor who ( has 3 kids depending on how you look at it) and can't smoke on the train and things can get a little interesting..... Anywhooooo I will hush and get a few pictures cranking....

Since we mostly traveled at night there weren't any pics to speak of until daylight. Here's a shot out the window somewhere...


After calculating the ETA and the fact that the train was running around 1 1/2 - 2 hours late we made the collective decision to have lunch on the train . Their customer service leaves a lot to be desired but the atmosphere was nice and the food was good. Marty had a giant burger, Loretta had a Reuben and I had a Hot Cuban.

Apparently Loretta doesn't want her pic taken after driving for 4 hours and then traveling on a train all night, so here is Marty and Loretta's phone.


After we'd sat there a few minutes we were curious about Mitch, our sailor friend. I joked to give him about 5 minutes and he'd find us.

And he did. :)) Here he is being Goofy.


At one point... we broke out into our version of The Mickey Mouse Club March and when we chanted "Mickey Mouse!! Donald Duck!!!, we discovered that sailors really do get tattoos of Donald Duck in his sailor suit. Loretta has the photo so you'll have to beg her to share it.

Sailors and Hot Cubans... I know, I know. Too many jokes, too little time.

We finally arrive in Kissimmee, say our goodbyes to Mitch and another nice gal we'd met who was on her way to Miami for a Wedding, and meet up with Loretta's friends who are there to drive us to the Fort. There were photos of them in the TR but I didn't take any at this point.






When we arrived at the Fort, some of the womenz were there under the EZ UP and others had taken off to a park. **Insert hugs, laughter** Slowly but surely the remaining womenz began to arrive *insert more hugging and laughter*

Since it was Marty's B Day weekend she was made Queen.


Somehow the decision was made head to the Contemporary to meet up with the fiends who had been in the park for for dinner.



Once at the CR, some fiends decided to patronize the Outer Rim while waiting for all the gathering of womenz to happen. (I'm not saying who, but Judy said... "after this one, I. Am. Done!") We then ordered on the cool computer screens at the restaurant beside Chef Mickeys. I had a flatbread. It was good but sorry no photo. There was too much fun being had.


I wish I had an explanation for this one. Perhaps someone could come up with a caption. hee hee.


I really really wish this one had not blurred. REally, there were no words ........


I love all the womenz with all my heart, but the most original first meeting ever goes to .....

Shardi!!! :rofl2: It went something like this.......

Me: "You're Shardi?" Shardi: " Are you Kim? Should I get naked now or wait until later?"

P1000836.jpg Mo and Shardi.

AT this point there was a lot of hootin' and hollerin' with laughter and a conversation that would curl your toes. During this convo someone asks me... "Kim, your camera is blinking... OMG!!! Are you videoing this?!?!" Indeed I did. :lmao1: If I can figure out how to edit and get it posted here I may share some of it.

P1000837.jpg Sheila, Lorna, Carol

P1000838.jpgMarty, Mama, Rita, Ami

After bunches of laughs, good times and wonderful memories being made.... we do what any good WW's would do. Get on the monorail and head for the Poly! For pineapple drinks or whatever floats your boat.





Judy said.... "After this, I. Am. Done!" Umm Judy? Where did I hear this before? Oh yeah at the Contemporary. :rofl2: :heart: (lawdy I love Judy)

This next photo... I can't even explain, but I LOL everytime I see it!!


*lots more laughs and fun* Then we head back to the monorail where I tried to take a few pics of the castle, which is not easy after ummmmm... laughing a lot. Yes, that's it!! Laughing a lot!! :)) Just kidding.



To be continued......

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