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The Tortoise & The Hare, Southern Style

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Whoa, hold on, I think I may have to rethink this whole mud thing. I think I may have found something I like about it.


Sorry to hear that Nate and Amanda broke up.........happy to hear that he found someone new.

Waiting for more!!!


Nice to see you again Heidi!

Thanks for joining in, another update on the way!

Come on P-Bucket!! I need a good mud fix! Only problem, it makes me want to build another one.. >:D

It looks like photobucket is back in working order this morning, fingers crossed.

Building another mud truck is NOT a problem...DO IT!! I would love for you to come and play with us! :jumpforjoy

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I'm gonna start this update a little differently.

Ocean Pond is 80 acres. While a big portion of it is a humongous mud puddle, there is also a prettier side.

After we took the trucks out for the first run of the day, we hopped on the 4-wheelers and rode some trails. At one point, Trevor and I took a right, while the kids went left and I snapped this photo.


It's kind of hard to believe that just on the other side of these oak hammocks is nothing but mud!

So for those of you who aren't into getting dirty, there are some other areas that are true southern Florida.

But to get back on track ruts.....

They had a much better turn out this weekend, being that it was a holiday.

There were trucks to the right of us


And trucks to the left


The little buggies were out in full force




Even as well as they do in the mud, they too get stuck. Sometimes more than one.


The big buggy had better luck.



Ryan was able to get out for a while, before his starter problems began.


But the Bronco just keeps going and going.....


There was another old style Bronco that was running well, and he was also nice enough to help out others.

*Not all mud slingers are so nice. Some of them like to go out, show off and then park it and laugh at others who aren't having such a good day. Keep that in mind for later.


What goes around, comes around. The older Bronco now needed some assistance.



Sometimes, even after they're pulled out of a hole, their day is done.


This is not a rare sight at the end of a day. :wacko:

We missed the free Monster Bus ride again as we were out in the Toyota.


Notice my window frame in the foreground.


Before we move on with another update, I need to explain something.

You guys all understand "In state rivalries" It may be Florida Gators vs.Florida Seminoles. Maybe, Alabama vs. Auburn.

Well, mud bogs are no exception.

Ocean Pond is in Dixie County. When a big weekend, such as Labor Day, rolls around, the Lake County boys show up. This is a huge, somewhat-friendly, rivalry over who has the biggest and baddest truck.

The big boys showed up!!

Coming up, I have pictures of them, pictures and video of "the winner" and an explanation of my report title.

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Well guys, photobucket is still acting wonky, so until they resolve their issues, we have to wait on an update.

To hold you crazies over until then, I have a music video for you. Every good story should have music, right?

Anyone ever heard of The LACS? That's an acronym for Loud A$$ Crackers. They are kind of a mix of country & rap. Think Colt Ford, yet, way less famous.

Pretty great CD, though.

I have taken this song and made a DVD to send to Jordan with pics to match the lyrics. It came out really good, if I do say so myself. I started it with another one of their songs "Country Road" and included all of his homecoming pics.

If I can find a way to post it, I will.

Enjoy, get your groove on!


Is the girl dancing on the stripper pole for the majority of this video pregnant? Or is that just a beer belly? Either way, very classy.

Can't wait to hear about the Dixie Co. vs Lake Co. smackdown. Yee Haw!


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Is the girl dancing on the stripper pole for the majority of this video pregnant? Or is that just a beer belly? Either way, very classy.

Can't wait to hear about the Dixie Co. vs Lake Co. smackdown. Yee Haw!


If she wasn't during the video there is a high probability that she was after,

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I always knew you were a 'dirty girl' ... You just can't hide stuff like that. Even when you take a bath. That's why we love you. ;)

So glad to hear that Nate found a new gal. That can definitely be tough, especially after that long. I never doubted that he would find someone though. And she's a cutie!!

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Whoa, hold on, I think I may have to rethink this whole mud thing.

I think I may have found something I like about it.

Leave it to Lou ...

ETA: Questions.

2. How they hell do they get in those vehicles, ladders?

I was wondering that too.

Put me down on the enjoy your goofy humor and endless ramblings list.

Please put me on the same list. While this is something I don't think I would do myself, I sure am enjoying reading about it and seeing all the great pictures!

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Is the girl dancing on the stripper pole for the majority of this video pregnant? Or is that just a beer belly? Either way, very classy.

Can't wait to hear about the Dixie Co. vs Lake Co. smackdown. Yee Haw!


If she wasn't during the video there is a high probability that she was after,

A. I don't think she's pregnant, blame the beer

B. I believe IDWD is right, too many beers = pregnant

I always knew you were a 'dirty girl' ... You just can't hide stuff like that. Even when you take a bath. That's why we love you. ;)

Some things you just can't fake. I am a dirty girl, but I'm happy you love me anyhow.

I was wondering that too.

Thanks for humoring me Gwen. :) Trevor says I write like I talk: fast and from subject to subject.

I'm gathering pics for the next update and I'm going to try and find a video clip of one of the boys climbing in the truck.

Hang in there.....

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I finally got a chance to read this! The first couple of times, I could not get past that Daisy Duke picture at the beginning. And I am a straight female! Way to come out of the gate there!

I've never been to anything like this, but grew up in the sticks surrounded by people who would totally do this if they could have afforded to. We did have several dirt tacks in the area and on Friday nights they would haul anything that ran and crash them into one another. Really it was just an excuse for everyone to have someplace to drink beer and watch fools crash Mom's old Vega.

But, I would love to see something like this some day! My boys would go nuts for that bus, we'd be on that for sure!

Sorry about the heartache in your family. Guess that is one of those difficult things everyone has to endure every once in a while.


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Here is a 40 second video clip. You'll see Nate jump out, lock it into 4 wheel drive and use the door and tire lug to get back in. I don't look quite so graceful when I do it.


Here are 2 of the big boys from Lake County.


One is a red Ford F-150. The other is a Chevy Colorado. Obviously these are not your average, off the dealers lot, trucks.

I will be the first to admit, I was impressed. More so by the Chevy, than the Ford, but they were both BAT (Bad A$$ Trucks)

Here are some slinging pics of the two of them. Do you remember me telling you that some guys like to go out (with no one else) and show their stuff, then sit on shore and laugh at the others who get stuck?

Meet Tweedle Dee, and Tweedle Dum.










The Chevy was very impressive and ran all over that hole, while everyone watched from the sidelines. They were parked right next to us, but there was no "Hey, how ya doing?" sort of thing. They clearly had two of the baddest trucks out there.....for the time being.

Keep in mind, these guys have MEGA bucks in these trucks. They're not your average weekend warriors like 80% of the other folks up there. Also keep in mind, we had a secret weapon in our back pocket........


Norman's (owner of Ocean Pond) truck, "WIRED" But like a good poker player, you don't show your hand until absolutely necessary. :clint:

Noonish rolled around and we decided to break for lunch and relax a little.


With our bellies full, and half the day over, it was time for some serious bogging. Remember the mud lessons from my last report? Don't tear your stuff up early in the day.

Nate found a BIG hole and went down...like down to where water was over the floorboards. He had Amber and Allison in the truck with him. While we were debating who could possibly get out there to pull him out, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum sat in their lawn chairs and watched it play out. KNOWING they had the baddest trucks out there, but not even considerate enough to help Nate out. Needless to say, Momma (me) was MAD, and I may or may not have, called them some ugly names.

One of the little buggies started out that way like he was gonna help, so I walked to the edge of the hole with the video camera. What I didn't know was that Nate was just as ticked off and was gonna give it another shot.

This is what happens when Momma gets excited for her son and forgets she's holding a video camera. I also forget that I'm the closest to the microphone, so don't have your volume up too loud. I will apologize ahead of time. ::)


I was so proud, he didn't need their damn help!!

The Bronco was a little warm,


And the kids were disgustingly dirty!



That's what we call a successful day.

Coming up: Showers for everyone, Nate makes new friends and WIRED comes to life!

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Is the girl dancing on the stripper pole for the majority of this video pregnant? Or is that just a beer belly? Either way, very classy.

Can't wait to hear about the Dixie Co. vs Lake Co. smackdown. Yee Haw!


Maybe that explains the title of this TR…….oh wait that would be the the Tortoise and the Wh*re.

My bad.

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But, I would love to see something like this some day! My boys would go nuts for that bus, we'd be on that for sure!


Thanks for joining in! Yes, your boys would love it! There's just something about mud, dust, ATV's and trucks, that makes the males smile.

After all of those warnings, I was expecting the Excited Momma video to have some cuss words in it.

Glad to see Nate got himself out of the mud. No thanks to the Lake County boys.

Based on the title of this report, I am guessing we have not heard the last of the Lake County boys.


Way to go, Nate!!!

Yes I was expecting a few bad words thrown in there too! :rofl2:

Well to be completely honest, I have a video of Nate getting stuck into this hole that I completely ruined with some nasty commentary. NOT FF.net post-worthy!

One of the reasons he got stuck was this guy, the small blue truck


was following Nate closely, TOO closely. Nate was crawling in 2 wheel drive as he barely uses 4 wheel at this hole. If he starts to get stuck, he'll work the clutch/gas and forward & reverse to "rock it out"

This guy was about 4 foot off of Nate's back bumper so there was no rocking it out, he just continued to sink. Karma is a b**ch though. The guy finally went around Nate and proceeded to bury his own, to which I yelled "Go ahead, sink it, A$$hole!!!"

Classy, I know. ::)

But even after the Bronco had risen from the dead, good ole Nate tried to help the guy out.

*Smart rule of mud bogging: 3 attempts to snatch someone out. After that, sorry about your luck, call someone bigger, as I'm not tearing up my stuff.

That was the end of blue truck guy's day.

Wow, after all that I feel like I need a shower too, lol!

:)) Because of the mud or the dancing beer belly/pregnant chick? Or both?

Did I see blue lights on the other side of Nate's truck in that video?

Does ya'lls reputations preceed you?

Or were the Lake Boys put in the witness protection plan already?

No po-po's! I think that was the EMT's parked over there. I have never seen po-po's needed at Ocean Pond. Norman runs a pretty tight ship there. No alcohol, no fighting.

Good thing too. Last year, over Labor Day, at Horse Hole Creek in Inglis, a young man stabbed and killed another, during a fight.

Ironically, Horse Hole was supposed to have a Labor Day event this year, but Jake (owner) couldn't get insurance.

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Southern Blessings mentioned a shower. That's what the kids were thinking. Last trip, we used the spring water that Norman was pumping into the back as our shower. With all of Isaac's rains, he didn't need to do that this time. So we hopped on the ATV's



And used the truck shower.



I'm not sure why they bothered. They didn't stay clean for long. I was the cleanest of the girls.


The best thing about this picture? I told you Ryan was having starter issues. Since we were heading home, and they were coming back the next day, Trevor loaded his Toyota up and gave Ryan his starter so he could play on Sunday too. When we took this picture, we didn't even realize Ryan was sitting underneath the Amigo putting the starter on. ^-^

After Nate's final run of that afternoon.


To wrap this report up, I want to explain a couple things. Nathen and his Dad have been going to OP since Nate was 13 and first bought the Bronco. Norman has watched Nate and the Bronco grow up. When Nate was 16, he took off riding on one of the 4- wheeler trails and came across a young girl who had just overcompensated a turn on her ATV and went right through a barbed wire fence. She was all cut up, her bike was hung up and she was scared to death. Nate got her and her bike out and hauled butt back on his bike to get Norman and the EMT's. Thank God, he was in the right place at the right time. Who knows how long she would have been trapped back there before someone found her.

Needless to say, Norman has a lot of love and respect for Nate.

Norman is a mud drag racer. Translation: When Norman is out in WIRED, he is "balls out" and very few folks will get out there in the hole with him. Well, except for Nate.

This video is 6 minutes long. You don't have to watch it all, but if you want to see what 1100 HP looks like ripping through the water, this is it. You will also see Nate creeping along behind or beside him.

The tortoise and the hare. Nate (tortoise) will get to the same places as Norman (hare) he just may take a little longer to get there.

You will see Norman rip by us on the dirt road, front tires off the ground, taunting the Lake County boys. They wouldn't take the bait. The only other truck that was willing to get in the hole was Nate.

Dixie County Boys = 1

Lake County Boys = 0


In the end, after we left, one of the Lake County boys needed air. You can imagine that in order to air up one of these monster tires, no simple jump pack will do the trick. Nate just happened to have his gas powered air compressor mounted on the front of his trailer...so guess who provided the air?

After seeing Nate's truck keep up wth the big dogs, pull others out, and be the only one over prepared with tools, air, etc. the Lake County boys made friends with Nate and invited him to one of their bogs, the first weekend of October.

You know what they say:

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" :clint:

Thanks for reading, til next time.

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Thanks Stef, This has been a fun TR. Learned what mudding is and didn't even get wet :jumpforjoy Seems to be a perfect sport for a hot Florida day.

The little blue truck looks like it would be in over it's roof...comparing it to Nate's Bronco.

Is it harder to go slowly thru the mud pond than to have the power to blast your way thru?

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