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Dining reservations when not sure number in party

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We will be going to the fort 2nd week of December. However, we're not sure if our older kids and grandchild will be joining us or not yet so we could have 2 to 6 people. Thinking about a few reservations for places we always like to eat at plus Mickeys Christmas Party. I guess we will get tickets for the Christmas Party for us and hopefully won't have a problem if the others decide to go. As far as dining, anyone suggest making reservations for the entire party now and scaling back if it ends up being just two or three of us.

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It's going to be a lot easier to find seating for 2 or 3 tops at table service than it will be for 6. Reserve the 6 or whatever you realistically believe you'll need now, then revise as soon as you have a definite count. Just do it promptly. There will be people looking for bigger tabletops in the months leading up to your trip. Finding that space when everything's been booked for months may really make someone else's day...

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Much easier to scale back than add on.

Unless you're good at fibbing and can get the CM to believe that you really DID book a party of 7 (even though the largest table at that location seats 6!) and they let you pull up another chair. If you're gonna try that tactic, it might help to wear a large, purple hat.

Just sayin.... :P

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