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Tow Nater Celebrates At The Fort

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Nope that wasn't my guess. I thought it might be because the male carries the eggs till term. Which to me anyway sounds like a pretty good deal! :)

Updates are fast and furious! I have never been in the Norway church either. I'll have to check it out. It's amazing what the 'ritas will do to you on a hot day like that. If I am ever there at th

Hooray for Tow Nater!!! Y'all are like the Incredibles at the Fort. A family of superheroes! Trevor is snake man. Nathen is Tow Nater. Stef is Banana girl. She will get rid of any unwanted bananas in

And, what's with the pink Solo cups?

That ain't right.


Nothing wrong with those pink Solo cups, I bet know they were cheap and easy........just like ....... oh never mind.


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Drunk texting, this should be good!

Since you've been on the receiving end of a few, you know they are interesting!

Does anybody stay sober? ?????

Does when I'm sleeping count?

Remember, I spend 5 days a week busting my ass in the gym and eating decent. When I'm on vacation, all bets are off!!

Girl, do you wear dentures?! Cause it looks like a toothless no hair combed, drunken lady behind the cake.

WTH are you talking about, you can't even see my face? Are you drinking at work again? I thought you were just "slow" when it came to math.

I personally work hard to play hard. The two NEVER mix.

Amen, Hallelujah and God Bless!!

I didn't bust my ass to pay off a mortgage, a boat and a camper, to not enjoy them to the fullest!!! :jumpforjoy

Did Mason take that photo?

For not having oppose-able thumbs, he's doing real well.

Wow, all I can say is wow, I love that cake.

Thanks for inviting me. Ok, so I wasn't in the area. But next time, you better.

Lou, thanks for not reading this report.

Amanda took that picture with the self-timer, so you know, we all stood perfectly still with stupid grins on our faces waiting for it to go off. :hah:

I knew you weren't around that weekend, but I wouldn't have invited you any way.

You NEVER need an invite and are always welcome on my slab. :heartsmiley:

The castmember was right- for some reason I have yet to discern, the sign by the Settlement TP says no bikes on that path.

Yet, castmembers routinely drive their cars and trucks on it.

Makes no sense to me.

Dumb rule.

And, what's with the pink Solo cups?

That ain't right.


Well the kids came in on the 300 loop, so the lack of a sign makes the rule null & void, IMHO. :siren:

Those pink Solo cups were given to me by a special friend (who got them for free)

I like this friend, and I especially like free!

Being a guy myself, I don't think that Nate was "reading instructions." I'm betting he was just checking out the weekends NASCAR schedule. :P

You are probably right!! Usually the instructions don't even make it out of the box. You did notice that Nate is "reading" while his Dad and Amanda are doing the actual work, right?

All caught up again. Great photos and poo poo on the cm that scolded the kids. Booo!

Stupid rule!! Just like we always say, I'll follow a rule if it's across the board, not just because some b****y lady decides to pull one out of her :moon: . What kind of harm is a bicycle going to do back there?!

You sure can take some great photos! Hope you didn't have a headache in the morning after eating all that cake. :partyline:

Thanks Brenda, love the digital age. Take 500 photos to get 200 good ones.

Darn that cake!!! That's why I had a headache in the morning. 8)

Put your glasses on, Lou! Mason is in the picture! (maybe he used a remote control?)

Way to be snarky Gwen!

Believe it or not, even I didn't realize Mason was back there.

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Jello shots are one of those things that get you in trouble quick....but you don't know it until a bit later.

Lesson learned! I don't even like jello!

She made the lime ones with "99 bananas" and they were yummy. And dangerous.

Ummm well my kids do.

:rofl2: Mason does too!

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Well, it was his Birthday!!

Funny that you should say that! He used that excuse all six days we were there!! ::)

Why does that sound so naughty??

It does doesn't it? :clint:

because it's stef... or you have a naughty mind...

either applies :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:

Uhh, yes on both accounts.

I learned about jello shots the hard way to Stef, so there are others out there!

:whew: I don't feel so bad then.

Never liked eating alcohol. I prefer it in liquid form in a 12oz can.

I cannot argue with that.


Of course you do.

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The official birthday celebration is over. I wake up Saturday morning at 6:15 to the sound of a diesel MH from next door. I have a slight headache and I want to sleep longer! A half hour later, the diesel is still chugging away, so I crawl out of bed and put on a strong pot of coffee (and take 2 excedrin)

When I look at last nights texts between Genia and I, this is what I saw. Translations anyone?

Genia: Uh gig your a fijin

Stef: Frog govgin




Hmmm, your guess is as good as mine?!

After I started feeling human again, I went to ask the kids what they wanted to do today and never got a response.


Trevor, Mason and I decided to go for a cart ride. We rode back by the group camping area where there were quite a few tents, even being as hot as it was.



The water beside the tent camping area is all but dried up!


The kids were awake by the time we came back and we decided to take the boat over to Magic Kingdom. Amanda's mom was driving down this afternoon to visit, so we only had a few hours to kill. We also knew the crowds would be unbearable, but we were on a snack mission!

Waiting on the dock.



Here comes our boat!



Just as we expected the crowds were coming out in droves.



I had stuffed my pockets with my wallet, camera and phone so no bag check for me! Amanda had her purse so she went through that line.

Amanda is almost dead center with a hat on.



Who is the first person we run into?

Dave, look out!!!



Of course, the Move it, Shake It parade was happening! We did not stop, but I snapped one picture to prove that every time I walk into MK, that darn parade is happening! UGH!


Our goal was to get to Tomorrow Land, but first a castle shot.


We found a tiny piece of shade while Trevor went to get in line for his snack of choice.


Who doesn't love the People mover?


Trevor got his sweet cream cheese pretzel and reluctantly let me take his picture.


The kids went and hopped on the people mover while we finished a drink.

My view from the ground.



Their view from above.



The cool mist station was working overtime today!


Almost all the rides were 60 minutes or more at this time, so we strolled over to what used to be Toon Town, to see the new stuff that was completed.


I'm always amazed at the lines for Tomorrow Land Speedway. Kind of outdated, but I guess the little ones enjoy it.


This new area of Fantasy Land is going to be great. It's been too long since we've seen new stuff.





Picture limit, continuing in the next post......

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Remember, Trevor had his snack but Nathen, Amanda and I had not, so we took the train back to Frontier Land.








We made a quick stop at the front of the park where we stayed on the train.

I love his outfit!



We arrived at Frontier Land and spotted Tigger & Pooh signing autographs.


Big Thunder was still closed for refurbishment so you can imagine the crowds in that area. If I remember correctly, the wait time for Splash Mountain was 75 minutes. Yikes!



We ambled around while Amanda went to stand in line for her snack.






Score! Pretzels are one of about 10 things Amanda will eat, so pretzel it is.


Now it's only Nathen and I that still need our fix. Bet ya can't guess what we were after?!

Here's a hint. If you don't get it by this picture, you've not read my other reports. :)


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I have never tried the cream cheese pretzel....may have to next trip. Sleepy Hollow has those gol dern waffle sandwiches that I am dying to try......could that be what we will see next? I think this is the first full TR of yours I have read since joining, so I could be way off....but I am gonna say waffle sandwiches for 500 Alex.....I mean Stef.

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