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A Trip Report Sure to Win Applesauce. . .TCD's NYE 2011 TR!

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You're going to visit the Four Seasons, am I right??


This whole "spankula" thing...am I the only one reminded of the movie "Stripes", where Bill Murray gives the girl "The Aunt Jemimah Treatment"?

This has been a great post. Not only informative, but it also included a lot of holes, a big driller, and birdhouses on poles. Nice job!

I'm sorry that you got lost, I'm pretty good with directions, maybe you could take me with you next time to ensure a safe return.

Boo to new construction! I hate seeing more and more natural WDW disappear.

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1. Why can't they do construction on the other side of the WDW from the Fort......

2. That was a pretty place to get lost in.

3. there simply hasn't been enough TCD Twins in this report so far... what is Twin #1 been up to? What is Twin #2 hiding?

There will be plenty of TCD twin photos coming up.

At this point in our story we hadn't even been at the Fort for 24 hours yet.

This has been a great post. Not only informative, but it also included a lot of holes, a big driller, and birdhouses on poles. Nice job!

I'm sorry that you got lost, I'm pretty good with directions, maybe you could take me with you next time to ensure a safe return.

Boo to new construction! I hate seeing more and more natural WDW disappear.

Yes, boo.

But, this area was already developed as a golf course, so technically it wasn't natural anymore anyway.

I think this new resort might end up being a good thing.

It is in walking distance from the Fort, and it will probably have a few restaurants and bars.

Plus, while it is being built, it will give me something to report on.

Next time you go out exploring, make sure to wear your new Fort shirt in case you're stopped and questioned...

Yes, I should have thought of that.

But, nobody stopped or questioned me.

And I'm not sure anyone will in the future.

Great update, Andrew! It took me a little longer to read, I was right at the birdhouses and lost my mifi connection. You were lost but now are found. :whew: good thing too, I'm ready for more. :))


Glad you're back and ready for more.

I'll work on some more.


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Doodle asked for more, and it looks like she is in luck.

I have time for one more update today.

Tomorrow, you may not be so lucky.

I left off with the conclusion of my visit to the Four Seasons resort area.

Now we are walking back to the 1500 loop.

There was a guy exercising his dogs along the canal. He clearly had come down this way so he could let the dogs run off leash. And one of them looked like a German Shepherd mix. The German Shepherd mix was a bit growly, and barked at me as I walked up. The owner said don't mind him, he's just saying hello. Luckily, I have no fear of dogs. In fact, we had a German Shepherd when I was growing up, so I was fine with the dog.

I was wearing a Gators sweatshirt, and the fellow with the dogs had a Gator hat on, so we had to talk a little football. He was from Jacksonville. Nice guy. I took a photo of him and the dogs as I walked on:


Then I took this one looking toward the 1800 loop:


You see that green thing there in the distance in that photo?

That's this site:



This is a pretty neat site. Look how the sand pad is elevated. It almost makes me want to stay in the 1800 loop. But not quite.

This site backed up to the canal from the 1600 loop:


Here we are heading back to the 1500 loop. That's the 1600 loop on the left, and you can see the TCD pop-up there in the center of these photos:



I checked on the TCD twins, who were still sleeping (remember when you were 16?).

I bribed them to get out of bed by offering to go get some breakfast sandwiches from Trail's End.

As I headed down to get them, I saw these two girls riding on a bicycle built for two. The girl in the back was not pedaling at all, and I think the girl in front had no idea:


We enjoyed our breakfast, and then I took the girls out to loop.

I noticed these LSU fans on the 1200 loop. They had lights made out of buckets. I saw other LSU fans with the same kind of buckets at Thanksgiving. Anybody know the deal with these? Why do they have bucket lights?:



I liked this inflatable on the 1300 loop. The snowman and penquin are drinking out of pineapples:


This clear Santa was on the 1100 loop:


Why is he clear?

We had a debate for a while about this next inflatable:



The TCD twins both said it was a moose.

I said who ever heard of a Christmas moose? That's a reindeer.

We had a long discussion about this.

The antlers aren't right for a moose.

But the nose isn't right for a reindeer.

I ended up agreeing that those could be moose antlers.

So, we ended up agreeing that this was, indeed, a Christmas moose.

The owner of the moose had eyes and teeth on his RV:


I like that a lot.


But clever.

Over on the 600 loop we came across a TCD Real Snowman of Genius.

Here he is:



His little stick arm moved up and down over the fire.

That's cute and all.

But, that snowman really shouldn't be that close to a fire.

Should he?

We came across this reindeer stable on the 600 loop. I liked it a lot too:


But then the girls pointed out something.

They started singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and they made an important discovery.

Where the heck are Donner and Dasher?

What the Fort?

There are 8 reindeer, not 6.

These people got robbed when they bought that stupid stable.

Here, we have crossed over to the 700 loop.

I know CDN Cruiser was reading along earlier.

This is the spot he likes to get when he is at the Fort. Somebody else had it for New Year's. These are all from that site:




Nice job on those decorations!

I liked the snowmen skiing down the slope there near the truck.

Just down the 700 loop, we saw this Class C with a chimney:


After we got back from looping, the girls hit the showers.

And I hung out at the site and tidied up.

We were going to have some visitors in the afternoon.

Here is one of my Christmas gifts:


It's a spatula shaped like Dave's girlfriend.

Have you ever?

I have never!

Here are photos of the tag (front and back):



And, here's a last one just for Dave:


Who needs a spatula that looks like Snow White?

Nobody, that's who.

But, I have one.

So there.

While I was waiting for the girls, I took a good look at something that we received at check in.

It was the schedule of activities for New Year's Eve at the Fort.


There were a couple of brand new things on the list.

And I was looking forward to those.

Check it out:



Did you read that?

Do you see that bit about a New Year's Resolution Photo Booth?


Did you see that you can "use our props or come in costume?"

Oh boy, that sounds like fun!

We will not want to miss that.

And then right below it, we have the Lucky Ducky Giveaway.


In Disney World?

That is also a must do.

Then there's going to be a trivia contest. And Bingo. And a Dance Party.

I really couldn't wait.

But I had to.

It was only the 29th.

We still had two days to go.

You are going to have to wait to hear about those activities too. But don't worry, we went and I have photos too.

Up next, our visitors arrive, and I leave the campground for something fun.

But the TCD twins stay behind.

By themselves.

I'm glad those college boys left.

I'll tell you all about it next.


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We had a debate for a while about this next inflatable:



The TCD twins both said it was a moose.

I said who ever heard of a Christmas moose? That's a reindeer.

We had a long discussion about this.

The antlers aren't right for a moose.

But the nose isn't right for a reindeer.

I ended up agreeing that those could be moose antlers.

So, we ended up agreeing that this was, indeed, a Christmas moose.


Don't you know anything? ??? Everyone knows that in West BF China where that thing was made, there are bunches of "reinmoose" and "deermoose" running around.... Man, where were you edumacated? :rofl3:

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Thank you very much, Andrew!! I read your TR while driving, well riding through the mountains of Utah. :)



Isn't this a strange world we live in?

I'm sitting here posting stuff from a computer in Florida, and there's someone who can read it almost instantly while traveling through the mountains of Utah?

What would Davy Crockett think about that?


Don't you know anything? ??? Everyone knows that in West BF China where that thing was made, there are bunches of "reinmoose" and "deermoose" running around.... Man, where were you edumacated? :rofl3:

I thnk you are on to something- that definitely looks like it could be an Asian Reinmoose.

Nice try, Andrew. But I'm not buying your lame "spatula" story. That's no spatula.

Admit it. You own some sort of kinky, Snow White spanking device.

TCD's got himself a spankula.


Can't you read?

The tag says it's a Fairy-Tale Tool for Magical Baking:


Where do you get your crazy ideas?

:bugeyes: :rofl2: I have no words at this point. KFK is speechless...

It's all Dave's fault.


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While not reading this TR, I don't read TRs, I just look at the pictures, I couldn't help but be thankful that I found out that Snow White loved to bake. I didn't know that. Guess I'll have to watch the movie again.

If there are Christmas Armadillos as shown on Friends and Christmas donkeys, there is a song about them, why not Christmas mooses or would that be mice?

Keep that Snow White spatula away from Dave. Me thinks he wants some of that Snow White spatula spanking action.

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Gee, so many comments on this post. First to backtrack a sec, when I said natural WDW, I would say a golf course is much more natural than an overpriced development filled with snobby people, that I can see from afar. Sometimes my typing works faster than my brain. As if you didn't know that.

Onward...I like the bicycle built for two. My mother always sang that song when I was little young, and I am singing it now!

Donner and Dasher have probably been cut from the team due to the economy. Why would you think that the North Pole wasn't suffering like the rest of the country? Very sad. (Don't repeat this, but I heard that if things don't start looking up, Rudolph is the next to get the axe. He is the highest paid after all)

On another thread I read that your brother flies a queer plane, and then you bring out the Snow White spatula.....not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm seeing a pattern. I can see you standing at your quaint little kitchen set up, flipping pancakes with Snow White. :rofl2:

But then I got to Dave's post, and I had a whole different vision of you. I don't care who you are, that's funny stuff!! A spankula?!?! :rofl3:

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While not reading this TR, I don't read TRs, I just look at the pictures, I couldn't help but be thankful that I found out that Snow White loved to bake. I didn't know that. Guess I'll have to watch the movie again.

If there are Christmas Armadillos as shown on Friends and Christmas donkeys, there is a song about them, why not Christmas mooses or would that be mice?

Keep that Snow White spatula away from Dave. Me thinks he wants some of that Snow White spatula spanking action.


Thanks for letting me know that you're still not reading along.

I was beginning to worry that you were getting sucked in to the TCD craze.

And I know you wouldn't want that to happen.

I have to say that Snow White being some kind of baking fanatic was news to me too. It's been a while since I've seen that movie, so I figured maybe I fell asleep and missed the part where she was creating her magical treats. I just don't remember that at all. All I remember was how she bossed those poor dwarfs midgets little people around with her passive-aggressive tricks.

Gee, so many comments on this post. First to backtrack a sec, when I said natural WDW, I would say a golf course is much more natural than an overpriced development filled with snobby people, that I can see from afar. Sometimes my typing works faster than my brain. As if you didn't know that.

Onward...I like the bicycle built for two. My mother always sang that song when I was little young, and I am singing it now!

Donner and Dasher have probably been cut from the team due to the economy. Why would you think that the North Pole wasn't suffering like the rest of the country? Very sad. (Don't repeat this, but I heard that if things don't start looking up, Rudolph is the next to get the axe. He is the highest paid after all)

On another thread I read that your brother flies a queer plane, and then you bring out the Snow White spatula.....not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm seeing a pattern. I can see you standing at your quaint little kitchen set up, flipping pancakes with Snow White. :rofl2:

But then I got to Dave's post, and I had a whole different vision of you. I don't care who you are, that's funny stuff!! A spankula?!?! :rofl3:

Yep. I thought of that song, too. I like that song. It's not annoying at all.

My brother does not fly a queer plane. I agree there wouldn't be anything wrong with it if he did, but Ed has lost it saying that Prowlers were called Queers. Not true.

That's sad news about the reindeers. Here I thought that was just a defective inflatable.

Stay tuned. I am going to be flipping some pancakes with that spatula.

And, not just any pancakes.

I got some new pancake molds with that spatula.

I'll be breaking those out on the morning of the 31st.


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Donner and Dasher have probably been cut from the team due to the economy. Why would you think that the North Pole wasn't suffering like the rest of the country? Very sad. (Don't repeat this, but I heard that if things don't start looking up, Rudolph is the next to get the axe. He is the highest paid after all)

If Rudolph get the axe, does that mean Moose Steak at the TE Buffet? :beathorse:

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dwarfs midgets little..silver dollar cakes?

LOL! :rofl2:

I see where you are going with that!

Hmmm, Snow White spatula, pancake molds, I sense dwarf flipping in your future. Brings to mind midget tossing. Is that politically correct? :rofl2:

In Florida, it was called Dwarf Tossing.

Our Legislature, in its infinite wisdom, actually passed a law against it.

So no dwarf tossing in Florida.

Much to Stef's relief.


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SOooo many things to comment on as a new(er) member of this group. I'll just sit back and continue to enjoy the TR...an images of each Fiend I create in my head from the evidence collected. (looks good in swimsuit, climbs trees, owns a Snow White spankula, enjoys long walks to study and identify inflatable wildlife....

Keep it coming!

Any indication of Four Seasons complex completion?

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