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We're going to Oregon.....oops make that Washington

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Sugar, that is Stef with her googly eyes after her dreams...

Do NOT encourage him, he needs to go put out a fire.

We have picked up 7 mpg more just by dropping the trailer!!! New plan, since the weather is clear we are going to take I90 home. I will get to see more of this great country this great I've never seen

You could always go make a glittery snowperson while mike naps.

Which if mike is napping ......... Never mind, don't want to know why you are on the puter.

No snow=no glittery snowmen. I have been watching for cowboys though. No luck so far, they must bring them in when it gets cold. :rofl2:

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Bite me.


Like a Virgin...hey,

touched for the very first time... :))


I think you should make a photo book with Hidden Jokers. I know I enjoy looking for them and it seems like others do too.

Maybe for the next raffle?

Excellent idea!!!! :jumpforjoy

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So we had a little excitement today. Not the fun kind either. The truck broke down. Mike says it's the alternator. I will have to take him at his word cause, well I don't even know what the alternator does.

Now here's the fun part. We made it by the last bit of power we had right to the parking lot of an IGA on the Reservation of the Crow Nation!!

Let me tell you this tribe rocks. We had help within 20 minutes of breaking down. The bad part is, well it's a Reservation and there are no stores, motels or wreckers.

If you thought oh boy Doodle is going to live out her days in Lodge Grass, Montana you would be wrong. Pete and Valerie offered to load our truck onto their trailer and haul us to the next town. The next town is Sheridan, Wyoming and more than an hour away.

We got loaded, Mike rode with Pete and I rode with Valerie. It was a very interesting and educational ride for me. I learned all about life on an Indian Reservation. I now know what a Sundance is. It is a 4 night 3 day event where the participants go without food or water and sing tribal songs. It is a very important tradition in the Crow culture. Valerie told me a lot of these traditions are being lost. As well as what happens in a Sweat Lodge. (According to Valerie you sweat for 4 days and pray.) She said she is all for the praying but doesn't like to sweat so she doesn't participate. I understood her reason behind that completely. :rofl3: I also learned about peyote and how it is used to help heal both the soul and the body.

I can't thank these wonderful people enough. All they would take was gas money. I will remember them fondly and thank God daily for sending them my way.

Now I just need to thaw out a little it was very cold tonight. And then to bed to get some sleep.

I'll let y'all know how we make out tomorrow!

Oh and thanks to Rita for being my text buddy tonight. And Bob, Kim and Nicki for just being on chat and worrying about me. If anyone else was in chat tonight thanks to you to. Fiends ROCK!!

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