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The Accidental Full Timers With Children - What The Fort!

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Mini Post- Boy Those Trees are Tall

It was there, in Oregon, that we realized how much of a bubble we lived in now. It was the Friday before Labor Day when a family arrived (with a badly behaved dog). We were quite excited. Kids to play with the kids. Then the questions started. The coldness started about the time she heard "living on the road" and was quite chilly by the time "homeschooling" came out. We'd been surrounded by retired fulltime RVers for three months at this point. Of course, they all loved the idea of our trip and wished they had been able to do the same with their children. It's a weird thing that you lose sight of "normal". Were my feelings hurt? No, actually we find these reactions a bit funny, just like when people see Drake the Dane for the first time, but it did remind us that we don't live a "normal" life.

After a beautiful week on the Oregon coast (surrounded I swear by Prevosts, and us in our lowly old airstream with pealing clear coat), we headed off toward Cali for nia baby. We had a campground nestled amongst the redwoods. Hiouchi RV Park was our new home. From 101 you drive through those big beautiful trees to get to the RV park. As much as I would love to bombard you with photos... there is just a small problem. It's hard to get a picture of these magnificent trees that truly conveys their size. I tried and tried. Shawn tried and tried.

If it looks even remotely large in the picture, multiply it by 1000 and then you might be close to having it. We learned alot about Coastal Redwoods this week. They share a root system. Just because one is laying on it's side doesn't mean it's dead. We saw several "young" trees shooting up from a "dead" tree. If a tree is truly dead the others that share the root system will suck nutrients and water from the dead tree. The bark is somewhat fire resistent. I'll stop now... except to say that the Coastal Redwoods get a lot of their water from FOG.


Remember what I said about it being hard to get the size to look right in a picture? This stump was massive, at least 15 to 20 feet across but it looks like a normal stump in the picture.


We were driving out of the forest to the actual coast to see the Redwoods when we saw a sign to drive through the a Redwood. What tourist couldn't resist?


Shawn was determined to make the truck fit. I don't think you can tell but he had about an inch, maybe two, to spare on either side of the folded in mirrors. What about me? I was trying to take a picture, while keeping the kids (waiting to step in front of the truck for a picture, and trying to stop the flinching at the carnage I was sure was about to happen.... by the way, you have to pay to do this. In hindsight, we prolly wouldn't bother if we had the choice again... but whatever.


Next Up - Caves, Bats, And Possibly the Worst Ranger Led Tour Evah!

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My Eyes... My Eyes... Somebody Stop the Slide show... PLEASE Now for that park you've been asking for..... Glacier National Park. A few things to remember: 1. The Fort AT Halloween has more parking

The pictures don't even compare to the original... awesome. That is quite ironic about Minnie. We had no idea! here is the thing on the pictures. we don't post kid picks online. All the recent pict

sorry about the same picture showing up multiple times.... I have removed it but for the one that's should be there. Was having issues with the pictures showing up at all and then didn't check it aft

My parents took us to the Redwood Forest in 1970. We drove through a tree too! I don't think we had to pay, but I could be wrong! They are huge and it was gorgeous!

There are apparently several of them around. If you went to the same tree now, and it wasn't in the actual forest, you'd most likely have to pay for it as well. Is there a pictures somewhere?

I love this TR. I'm just sad that I won't be able to spend enough time in Oregon to see everything. :(

Crater lake... We didn't make it to Crater Lake! You could complement my TR. Do my work for me! :rofl2:

Seriously, I don't think you can go wrong just driving through Oregon.

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Mini Post - Caves, Bats, And Possibly the Worst Ranger Led Tour Evah!

If I had one recommendation for anyone visiting a National Park, National Monument, or National Preserve (besides the bear spray) it's simply this: Rangers make the difference. They turn something to gawk at into a piece of living history. So here's the latest rule

Nicki's National Park Survival Rules

#2.- Take a Ranger led Walk/Tour/Talk


Did you know that the National Park Service is almost it's own mini goverment itself. They have their own branch of law enforcement. They have their own coroners and EMTs. Their own search and rescue teams and firefighters. They are have one of the most dangerous jobs in our country. They are more likely to die in the line of duty than most other goverment law enforcement officers. We read a book called Ranger Confidential and it really opened our eyes to what the public doesn't know or see when visiting our National Parks.

The Rangers that do the tours, for the most part, are interpretive Rangers. They are usually seasonal workers and often teachers by trade. We have been exceptionally lucky to have gotten some great Interpretive Rangers... Until the Oregon Caves. The one at Rushmore quoted Lincoln in such a moving voice the emotion swelled. The one at the Redwoods sparked the imagination to help you invision the forest as it once was. The Rangers that lead us through the caves near Custer, SD were passionate cave explorers and had personal experience in the caves they worked in. Each had a unique perspective to get your mind engaged in the tour they were leading.

Sadly, the Ranger at the Oregon Caves.... well you could tell it was just a summer job. No passion, no story, just a dude who needed some cash and couldn't wait to get the tour done. It was a bummer that the best part of the trip was the drive up and down the mountain. My husband enjoyed the drive while I tried not to puke. Yes, that is how bad the tour was. Such is life and well not let it ruin our TR. It will just be a bit light on commentary in this post since I really can't remember much about this place.


There might be faces/shapes in the formations... maybe.



Natural Entrance/Exit


And thus we are done with what could have possibly been the worst Ranger led tour EVAH. He couldn't wait to get away from our group.

We know return you to our regularly scheduled Excellent Ranger led Tours.

Next Up - You Want This Badge... You'd better bring trash bags, latex gloves, and Hand Sanitizer.

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Loving this trip report! The pictures of Glacier were amazing!!!! Did you spend two days there? That is pretty much what I have planned as well. Did you find that was enough time to see the major sights. I'd like to stay longer, but we have many other places to visit too! Olympia National Park wasnt on our list, but after seeing you pics, it makes me want to add it on!


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Another comment......I agree about the Redwoods, pictures just dont show how big they really are. Two summers ago we went to Sequoia National Park and were blown away by the sheer size of the giants. However, if we didnt have one of the kids in the pictures for comparison, you couldnt tell how immense they were.

We too had our worst ranger expeience at a cave. It was Crystal Cave at Sequoia. It was terrible from start to finish. First you had to make a fairly strenous hike to get down to the cave. Unfortunately, my husband twisted his ankle about halfway down and never made it to the cave. The boys and I continued on. All the lighting was being replaced that summer, so they handed out flashlights. We had been forewarned about the hike and flashlights, so I cant really complain about that. However, there were not many flashlights and were lucky that we got one for the three of us to share. The ranger was the absolute WORST.......he was beyond boring.......completely scientific, so much so he was way over everybodys heads. The people in the group lost interest in him and began talking to each other, which just made it worse. The guide yelled at the group three different times to get people to be quiet, but it didnt work. I kept hoping the guide would take his cue that he had bored people to death, but sadly he did not..............he continued to ramble. Hands down it was the least favorite thing we did on that entire vacation by far.

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The ranger may have stunk, but the pictures are BEEEEUATIFUL!!!!!

I think all caves are beautiful.

I remember traveling in Maine in early May a few years ago and having people ask us why our kids weren't in school. I really didnt think homeschooling was that unusual (at least it's not in TN) but some of those people were taken aback. I learned to laugh it off, but it sure is amazing how judgmental people can be.

I knew to expect comments and prejudice. I had done a lot of research and frankly five years ago I would have been one of those people with a bunch of questions. The interesting thing is that it's not the ones you think should make a comment (the older people), it's your own generation that has issus with it.

Loving this trip report! The pictures of Glacier were amazing!!!! Did you spend two days there? That is pretty much what I have planned as well. Did you find that was enough time to see the major sights. I'd like to stay longer, but we have many other places to visit too! Olympia National Park wasnt on our list, but after seeing you pics, it makes me want to add it on!


(we only travel on weekends, due to work and school schedules, so we always stay a week)

gonna be honest here. The week we spent there wasn't enough but I'm not sure a month would do it either. The Going to The Sun Road is a must and will take the better part of a day. After that choose what you REALLY, REALLY want to see or a hike you really want to do.

Another comment......I agree about the Redwoods, pictures just dont show how big they really are. Two summers ago we went to Sequoia National Park and were blown away by the sheer size of the giants. However, if we didnt have one of the kids in the pictures for comparison, you couldnt tell how immense they were.

We too had our worst ranger expeience at a cave. It was Crystal Cave at Sequoia. It was terrible from start to finish. First you had to make a fairly strenous hike to get down to the cave. Unfortunately, my husband twisted his ankle about halfway down and never made it to the cave. The boys and I continued on. All the lighting was being replaced that summer, so they handed out flashlights. We had been forewarned about the hike and flashlights, so I cant really complain about that. However, there were not many flashlights and were lucky that we got one for the three of us to share. The ranger was the absolute WORST.......he was beyond boring.......completely scientific, so much so he was way over everybodys heads. The people in the group lost interest in him and began talking to each other, which just made it worse. The guide yelled at the group three different times to get people to be quiet, but it didnt work. I kept hoping the guide would take his cue that he had bored people to death, but sadly he did not..............he continued to ramble. Hands down it was the least favorite thing we did on that entire vacation by far.

Even with the kids in the picture, because the coastal redwoods are taller than the Sequoias, it was hard to get a good picture. We both tried.

Maybe the cave guides start to go loco after awhile.....

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Nicki, just catching up after being gone over the weekend. My air card loads pics so slow, I don't even try to look at trip reports.

Love the redwoods. I can't believe they charged you to drive through it, but I probably would have done it too.

The caves reminded me of this guy:


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Nicki, just catching up after being gone over the weekend. My air card loads pics so slow, I don't even try to look at trip reports.

Love the redwoods. I can't believe they charged you to drive through it, but I probably would have done it too.

The caves reminded me of this guy:


Funny may mifi was so bad last night I couldn't even load the reply feature much less that pictures. And yes, the cave guys get that comment ALOT!

How did I miss this TR! I am so excited you are doing this - excellent motivation for the whipperwhirl family to get these house repairs done! Hopefully a few months and we will be joining you out there on the road!!!

Well you and TCD were my motivations to actually get started on this report. Speaking of which, Ithink it's about time I organized a new post.

However, if it does't show up today, it's my internets fault. Having more than a few issues with the mifi's and our current locations.

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You Want This Badge... You'd better bring trash bags, latex gloves, and Hand Sanitizer.

After our foray with the Coastal Redwoods we had intended on stopping in Redbluff, CA for some reason. I don't remember what it was BUT we arrived to 100 plus temps. After an overnight, we didn't even hookup the utilities, stop we quickly jumped ship and headed to Coarsegold, CA. At this point we were exhausted and in need of some non-traveling time. Once again Rule #3 - Flexibility is Key, was our friend. Coarsegold was so pretty and the Park Sierra (Escapee Club CoOp Member Only Park) was perfect. The people were perfectly friendly and inviting. The scenery was gorgeous and the walks were wonderfully hilly. We decided to spend two weeks here relaxing and visiting Yosemite.

We decided to go to the Mariposa Grove and do the requisite Ranger Lead Tour for the Jr Ranger Badges. When we arrived we walked over to the souvenir shop to get our Junior Ranger stuff. We found a yucky surprise. You had to pickup a bag of trash to get your badge. Thankfully the Ranger was compassionate and allowed them to pass with only a few bits of trash.

A baby Sequoia Tree-


A not so baby Sequoia tree-


One of the "big" ones. We couldn't get a decent shot of the more famous trees. There were way to many people milling about. One lady decided to ....hem... ride the fence for her shot.


A closer shot of the same tree shows you the fire damage. These trees have lots of air in their bark this makes the bark really soft and protects against too much fire damage.


Coarsgold was the perfect example of not doing everything. We went back once to Yosemite to get some souvenirs but we just didn't make it to the other tree groves or the waterfalls. This was the stop of just relaxing and being. Although this wandering life is wonderful sometimes you have to rest too.

This leads us to Rule #5 - Sometimes you just have to stop for more than a day or week to rest.

When our sojourn at Park Sierra was over, we headed to Sin City... at the request of my 9 year old son. We chose another Escapee CoOp 1 hour outside of Las Vegas but also 1 hour from Death Valley. What do the Yosemite and Death Valley Ranger Badges have in common.... Trash! Yeap, more picking up and this time recycling trash. Here is where I admit.. I'm a bit trash phobic....

Death Valley is truly like stepping onto an alternate planet where things just don't work the same way.


How did we get to the moon?


How are we breathing on the moon?


Can anyone tell me where you've seen this view before? (Hint - TCD can't answer this one!)


Even the stripes in the rock don't know they are suppose to go horizontal....


Next Up - Why Do I Smell Like Smoke? Sin City.. that's why!

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Crater lake... We didn't make it to Crater Lake! You could complement my TR. Do my work for me! :rofl2:

Seriously, I don't think you can go wrong just driving through Oregon.

Nicki- I have been away from my computer for the past week, so I am behind on my ff.net reading, but I am now caught up with your report.

Your photos are fantastic!


Ironically, I have not traveled much in the west, or been to many National Parks, but I have visited Crater Lake, and was lucky enough to spend a night in the lodge there.

I wish you had made it there- I would love to see your photos. I will never forget the color of the water in the lake.

Now that I'm caught up, I can't wait to see more of your photos!


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sorry about the same picture showing up multiple times.... I have removed it but for the one that's should be there. Was having issues with the pictures showing up at all and then didn't check it after I posted.... it's fixed now.


Death Valley, for all it's other worldliness is one of our favorite spots... except hurricane ridge.

Beautiful pictures. You seem to move alot - Do you ever take advantage of monthly rates?

We do move around alot. Saturday is moving day. We spend sundays getting the local Jr. Ranger Badges/site seeing. Monday - Thurs is School for me and kids. Friday is packing day. Then Saturday we are off again. About every 6 weeks we get travel weary and need an extra week to rest. That's how it rolls so far and to be honest we made a mistake. We promised both the kids and Memaw we'd be back in OK for Halloween... thus the reason we missed Crater Lake. Which leads me to the next rule

7. Don't make promises to be back for that special day. You will spend more time driving back and forth than actually seeing sights.

Nicki- I have been away from my computer for the past week, so I am behind on my ff.net reading, but I am now caught up with your report.

Your photos are fantastic!


Ironically, I have not traveled much in the west, or been to many National Parks, but I have visited Crater Lake, and was lucky enough to spend a night in the lodge there.

I wish you had made it there- I would love to see your photos. I will never forget the color of the water in the lake.

Now that I'm caught up, I can't wait to see more of your photos!


Well it's about time you got back and I can say that since I've had very little ff.net time myself. Just enough to post a time or two.

I wish I could claim credit for the pics. I have one of those snazzy camera's like one of the TCD twins. I simply put it on sport mode and snap pictures as we drive. DH goes through all the pics and picks out he good ones. Most of the pictures on hikes or from stopped view points are taken by him WITH a few exceptions. Hurricane Ridge, the rainbow airstream photo.

Don't you worry about crater lake... I have two kids that need that JR Ranger Badge and sanity that needs to be lost. We will be back!

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Why Do I Smell Like Smoke? Sin City.. that's why!

I have a confession to make. I worked in a casino in my youth and I am not a fan of gambling other than the occasional lottery ticket. Obviously, we are headed to Vegas in the next post because my nine year old son wanted to see it. So Viva Las Vegas.....

Let me just say that if you are allergic to smoke either take something or don't go to the strip. You can smoke in the casinos and there are casinos in EVERYTHING!

I should note we did this on the same day we did Death Valley... What were we thinking?

We walked up with only a minute or two to spare before this happened-


Oooooo la la. Guess I don't have to go to Paris now. -


We walked and walked and walked down the strip. They have an M&M store and a Coke a Cola store. After visting these we took a ride in the Coke Bottle shaped elevator up to Outback for dinner. When we emerged, we found the world had changed.

Pretty Lights?-


Castle -


New York, New York ... but NOT.


Vegas was interesting. I can say it isn't the easiest place to get around in. I swear the buildings are built to make it difficult for you to leave the casino. Some of the walkways lead directly into a casino only to make you exit out of another one. Of course the kids were in awe of all the lighting and we can all say we've been there.....

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4 to 6 Inches of Snow... not 46 and the Grand Canyon-

From Las Vegas we headed to the Grand Canyon, but not the Grand Canyon most of us see. Oh no, we had to go to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. For those of you who have never heard of such a place here are some statistics.

According to our Ranger Lead Tour, the North Rim gets a mere 500,000 visitors a year compared to the South Rim which gets about 3.5 million. Why such a huge difference? Well the North Rim is in The Kaibab National Forest and it's season ends in mid-October while the south is open year round. The North Rim is also higher than the South Rim (I think he said almost a mile but don't quote me).

The North Rim can get around 25 feet of snow...this is important.

By the time we made it to Arizona, I was craving sites that included the colors of red and brown. I honestly had a need to see something other than green and blue.

The Drive Up/Down to the North Rim-



Now for that spectacular sight, the South Rim from the North Rim


What do mean it doesn't look right? What not the view you were expecting? We are standing on the view most people see.

Did you know that many of the canyons located in the Grand Canyon have Buddhist names? One of the explorers was studying Buddhism at the time of the exploration.


One more for the road.. we had the fastest walking Ranger in history. He trucked through this tour while giving us some very interesting information.


As per our normal, we traveled on Saturday and went to see the Grand Canyon on Sunday. It was a very good thing because just a day or so later this happened.


Does anyone know what happens inside a travel trailer when it gets down to 18 degrees and people stay inside? If you dont' I'll explain later.

These were taken the first day it snowed. By the time it was done we had 4 to 6 inches on our stuff. We fled a day early to Flagstaff just to get back into the 30s.....

In case your curious, we stayed at Jacob's Lake Campground. It was the closest campground with full hookups. Now if you can boondock, then there are closer campgrounds but honestly the drive was spectacular.

Next Up - The Three Monuments (one sans pictures) and How to Stop the Rain

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I love Vegas, for about 3 days! That's all I can handle. I stayed at the castle! (Excalibur)

Pretty things and strange things, complete sensory overload!

We walked out of the Aladdin one night and passed a preacher handing out "You're a sinner and I can save you" cards, and a pimp handing out hooker cards, all within about 10 feet! Only in Vegas! :rofl2:

Grand Canyon is beautiful! Would love to see that one day.

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I love Vegas, for about 3 days! That's all I can handle. I stayed at the castle! (Excalibur)

Pretty things and strange things, complete sensory overload!

We walked out of the Aladdin one night and passed a preacher handing out "You're a sinner and I can save you" cards, and a pimp handing out hooker cards, all within about 10 feet! Only in Vegas! :rofl2:

Grand Canyon is beautiful! Would love to see that one day.

Imagine going from the solitary and quiet beauty of Death Valley into Las Vegas.... overwhelming sensory overload!

We had the experience with the preacher and the pimp cards... really strange place!

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I'm not a Vegas fan - been there many times for work. Everyone has to go once though - just so they know its not that big of a deal. I brought DH out there last spring for his first time - we are not gamblers - so he was underwhelmed as well. We did do one cool thing that trip though - that I think families would enjoy: The Neon museum. http://www.neonmuseum.org/

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