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Stefa70 Goes Commando For Christmas At The Fort

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I think we've discussed this before, but for the life of me, I can't remember why this is spelled like this.


Does anyone remember why Public is spelled Publick?

That spelling of public was common in the 17th and 18th centuries. So I guess the Imagineers used it to give the American pavilion a colonial feel.

I love the Donnie and B pic. That's good stuff!

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I appreciate that Andrew. I've known Judy for several years and I used to see Lil B sitting on the steps and he'd kinda wave or say hey when I'd come by. VW Dano and I were hanging out one night (Dan

I guess you're right Rita. If people would worry about themselves as much as they worry about what others are doing, the world would be a better place. I think ya'll know that I am 100% pro-man, but I

Great TR. I only have one question ... .. Once Judy started dancing, did she start talking about Donnie's toes? :rofl2:

"I do declare" :))

I swear I just pictured you dressed as Scarlett O'Hara sitting at your computer, responding to me about RC cars!

I think I may have typed that in character... but without the hoop skirt. :rofl2:

I meant to click another quote but got the wrong one. But I will say that YOU BETTA BELIEVE IT! I love having coffee under my awning. The only thing that improves on that activity is having a fiend join me. :heart:

All three of us were calling and texting Donnie, and driving him crazy. Judy was giving him a really hard time, and loudly, I might add. I cannot repeat what she was saying, as KFK would probably have a stroke, and I won't embarrass Donnie.

Nooo!! Remember... I just need a "LOOKOUT KFK.. COVER YOUR EYES!" so I can read through my fingers avert my eyes. ;D Besides, I don't think Donnie gets embarassed.

Great updates! I am very pro-MSEP! It makes me almost as emotional as Wishes and I am tickled pink they brought it back. :jumpforjoy: (I am anti-Spectro Magic)

Loved your AK photos! I've always wondered about the Flame Tree ... and it looks pretty darn to to me.

We have never seen the Osborne Lights... maybe one day...

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Great update! That walk is a killer. I walked from DHS to Epcot the other week. And walked. And walked. As soon as I got to Epcot work called and I had to go back to my car. At DHS. I must have taken the same "short cut" around the ponds. Over grass. Through fields. So I feel your pain! I did discover there's a direct route, but it's not marked. At all.

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That spelling of public was common in the 17th and 18th centuries. So I guess the Imagineers used it to give the American pavilion a colonial feel.

I love the Donnie and B pic. That's good stuff!

Thanks Dave. I knew we had discussed that before. It's funny how your brain will look at something and scream "that ain't right!" It drove me crazy.

I think I may have typed that in character... but without the hoop skirt. :rofl2:

Besides, I don't think Donnie gets embarassed.

Loved your AK photos! I've always wondered about the Flame Tree ... and it looks pretty darn to to me.

We have never seen the Osborne Lights... maybe one day...

1. No hoop skirt? Don't ruin my image of you.

2. If anyone can embarrass Donnie, it's Judy! Most of the words she was using that night would probably be filtered out by FF (or should be :)))

3. Flame Tree is actually pretty good!! It doesn't help that that's one of the first smells you smell when you walk into AK. Kind of lures you in.

4. Since you seem to be as sappy as I am, you would LOVE the Osborne lights. Not only are they beautiful, but the story behind them makes them even better. You'll get there one day!

Great update! That walk is a killer. I walked from DHS to Epcot the other week. And walked. And walked. As soon as I got to Epcot work called and I had to go back to my car. At DHS. I must have taken the same "short cut" around the ponds. Over grass. Through fields. So I feel your pain! I did discover there's a direct route, but it's not marked. At all.

:rofl2: "Short cut" my ass!

We did discuss how strange it was that there isn't any signs marking the way. WDW has signs for everything! Maybe you could draw a detailed map for Donnie. :hah:

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Time to wrap this up. A couple more posts and we'll be done (until next month ;) )

The mini golf challenge begins!




Let me start by saying, Donnie is no Tiger Woods. :hah: Lil B had us all in stitches when he started giving golf tips to Donnie:

"Leeper...move those hips!"

"Leeper...move those hips and suck in that gut!"


Then B had some troubles of his own. His first shot up this hole didn't make it up the ramp. (Neither did Donnie's :hah: ) so we told B that he needed to really hit it...and he did! This time it flew over the hole and got lost in the bushes. If you look behind Donnie teeing off, you will see Trevor and B searching through "the rough" for his ball.




The Tower of Terror from afar.


I love this shot of B, crouching in the middle of this hole.



While the boys battled it out, I stopped to smell take a picture of the roses.



Final score:

Trevor - 44

Lil B - 51

Donnie - 52

By this point it was 9:00pm. We decided at hole 13 that we would call Judy to rescue us from having to walk 10 miles back to the Boardwalk, catch a bus to Downtown, then another bus to the Fort. We went out front to wait. At this point B is standing about 15 foot away from us, watching a pretty girl walk to her vehicle, but we have learned that no matter where he is, or what he's doing, he's always listening!

I took a cool picture of the palm trees lining the sidewalk.


B comes strolling over to the bench we were sitting on and says to Donnie:

"I hope you're happy!"

Now, we don't know if he's responding to something we've talked about in the last 5 minutes or hours ago. He repeats himself, directly to Donnie:

"I hope your happy!"

"How do you sleep at night?"

We're all starting to giggle, as there is a glint in his eye that tells us he is being a wise guy.

Donnie asks him what he means by that?

To which B replies, with a heavy (sarcastic) heart:

"Calling my Mama out here, this late at night, in the freezing cold, to come and pick us up!"

We were all laughing now. The look on B's face was priceless!! He knew he had made a funny, and was quite proud of himself.

It was a really good time, and we enjoyed B's company so much. :heart:

Judy finally made it to pick us up and drive our sorry butts back to the Fort. Trevor and I went back to start packing up some small stuff that would save us some time in the morning. A little later, we heard a beep, beep again. Judy was bringing Donnie to pick up his truck, and B had to come along to say goodbye to Mason. I hugged all three of them to death, and told Judy we would see her again at the end of January before she went back to Louisiana.

Donnie was heading back to Jax that night. We again offered him a bed, but he declined.

Just when I thought our fun day was over, and the going home blues was setting in, we had more visitors!! :jumpforjoy

TJ, Missy, Lorna, Richie and Queen Snarky Jen were here. :heart:

As typical of most get togethers, the guys went inside and talked manly things, while us girls stayed outside and fought to get a word in edgewise. It never ceases to amaze me that the fiends can meet up, no matter who it is, or how long it's been and chat away like we've been friends forever.

It was 1:00 am when they went back to Lake Louise where they were staying. Trevor and I finished cleaning up and called it a night.

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First of all. I LOVE mini golf. Those are some of the best pictures I've seen of Fantasia Gardens. Good job. I love that Little B busted Donnies chops, way to go :rofl3:

I love meeting up with Fiends at the Fort, and can't wait until January to spend a night jacking my jaw.

Knowing I will be a part of your next TR is the only thing getting me through this stinking cold weather :wave1: :heart:

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S70- You did a fantastic job on this report!

I missed some of the comments over the weekend, so let me catch up:

I appreciate that Andrew. I've known Judy for several years and I used to see Lil B sitting on the steps and he'd kinda wave or say hey when I'd come by. VW Dano and I were hanging out one night (Dan has known Judy and B longer than me) and B was with him. I wasn't sure to be honest, due to me never being around a special needs person much of his capabilities. Anyway, Dan was telling somebody he was heading home that weekend and Lil B asked if he was going to give him a hug before he left. Now let me explain, Dan is at the fort way more than me and he looks at B and says well you know I'm probably gonna be back after I drop the camper off (30 minutes away) so I got to see he has emotions. Like I said, I've never been around anyone with Downs before so I knew nothing.

Over the past couple years I've spent time with him playing bean bag toss and taking him to lunch or a park. I'll tell you 2 things about him. He WILL beat your ass at bean bags and if you say something you don't want him to hear you'd better be far away because he has bionic ears. He loves people and once he gets to know you and you him there is no more special a friend can you have. I've learned a lot from B and seeing things through his eyes is amazing. For those of you who know Tina who is next to Judy her daughter is also special needs and she's a little doll. There's no words to describe what these people will give back to you.

Sorry to ramble but until you've been around someone with special needs you haven't lived right yet.

Well there you go.

As I said, Donnie is a heck of a guy!

Out of respect for people's privacy, I won't name names, but it is very interesting to me that there are several folks who spend long stays at the Fort who have family members with special needs. And, every one of these campers is an awesome person!

The Fort is a magical place, and it attracts magical people.

How is it that I've never met Judy or Lil B?

Lou- All you have to do is stop and say hello, and you will have a couple of new life-long friends.

And, as a bonus, Judy may feed you.

I know that's your kind of friend!

I think we've discussed this before, but for the life of me, I can't remember why this is spelled like this.


Does anyone remember why Public is spelled Publick?

Dave already gave you an answer to this, but I thought I would add a bit to it.

I grew up just across the Delaware River from Filth-A-Delphia (that's what us Joisey folks called Philly) (as if we had room to talk!).

If you ever visit the Colonial Philadelphia area, you will find an amazing array of spelling for common words.

Back in the day, most people were illiterate. And those who could read and write kind of made things up as they went along.

There were many words for which there were a variety of spellings.

If you ever travel around Boston, you will see much of the same.

2. If anyone can embarrass Donnie, it's Judy! Most of the words she was using that night would probably be filtered out by FF (or should be :)))

I just thought I would confirm this. I have been around the block before, but the things that Judy says about Donnie often leave me speechless! But, that woman is hilarious!


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Just a side note. The mystery of Lou not meeting Judy is over. His curiosity got the best of him and he came over and spent some time with Judy and Tina yesterday. Lou I didn't mean to ditch you. Little B and I were playing bean bag toss and I didn't know you left however I'm glad the meeting has been done.

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Knowing I will be a part of your next TR is the only thing getting me through this stinking cold weather :wave1: :heart:

Be careful what you're looking forward to. You know that if I have anything to say about it, there will be drunken "I can't feel my nose" pictures, early morning "my dogs are barking" pictures and any other opportunity I have to make fun of you!

All in love, my friend. :heartsmiley:

I don't recall another trip report with mini golf....I'm sure there have been some but this sure was memorable!

"Leeper, move those hips and suck in that gut!". :rofl2:

Dave, I couldn't help but laugh just typing that, and I'm laughing again now. Spending the day with B was more than memorable.

Oh I see, pick on the fat guy.

Donnie, we don't pick on you just because of that, you give us so many things to laugh at. :hah: But you know I love you, regardless of all your quirks.

S70- You did a fantastic job on this report!

Thanks Master Trip Report Writer.

The Fort is a magical place, and it attracts magical people.

Truer words have never been spoken! Nicely put.

And those who could read and write kind of made things up as they went along.

Hmmm, interesting. Makes perfect sense though. I tend to do the same thing.

I figure as long as the point comes across as intended, who cares about the spelling.

I just thought I would confirm this. I have been around the block before, but the things that Judy says about Donnie often leave me speechless! But, that woman is hilarious!

Whoa...What??? You've been around the block? I don't believe it.

Most of the times I've been with Judy when she was in rare form, there was drinking involved. Otherwise, she might be able to make me blush, and that ain't easy. ;)


Just a side note. The mystery of Lou not meeting Judy is over. His curiosity got the best of him and he came over and spent some time with Judy and Tina yesterday.

Glad to hear that!

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Be careful what you're looking forward to. You know that if I have anything to say about it, there will be drunken "I can't feel my nose" pictures, early morning "my dogs are barking" pictures and any other opportunity I have to make fun of you!

All in love, my friend. :heartsmiley:

I've already lived through it once or twice, it can't get much worse. :rofl2:

I love you too. :heartsmiley:

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This is it, it's finally over! Thanks for following along, thanks for the great comments, and most importantly, thanks for the laughs.

Sunday ~ 12/11

I woke up early as usual on Sunday morning and enjoyed my last cup of coffee in my favorite place. We started packing up to make that looong drive home ( :user2552: ) and get into the Holiday mode.

The sad "we're almost packed up" picture:


And the even more sad "look at our empty site" picture I took, as we pulled out.


But worst of all, the outpost building, as we exited:


We made it home by 11:00 ish, unpacked and started planning the do's and don'ts for our trip in January.



Yep, that about covers it. :))

I will leave you with a couple random pics that didn't fit in the commentary.








Ducks at MK looking for a handout:


And a final monkey love shot. :heart:


As an added testament to Judy's character:

Nathen called me at 5:30 that Sunday night to find out what time DHS closed, as he wanted to take Amanda to see the Osborne lights. Back to Orlando they went! They then drove into the Fort. Yes, you read that right. He told the guard he was there to visit a friend, and of course, they welcomed him right in. ::)

He drove to Judy's site and she gave him the golf cart to take Amanda around to see the Fort's decorations. Though Nathen had just met her 3 days prior and Amanda just that evening, you can add 2 more people to Judy's fan club.

See ya real soon..............

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Great job, Stef.

So when is the next trip?


Jan. 30th - Feb 5th, to spend time with my doodlebug. (but there's always room for one more! ;) )

Great report. I loved every minute of it!!! See you in January :wave1:

You sure will and I can't wait.

Great TR. Looking forward to your next one.

Thanks for reading! I'm officially done with mine, so it's time to get cranking on yours...from 2 years ago!!! :))

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