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Stefa70 Goes Commando For Christmas At The Fort

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I did do a bit of rocking out, and cooked dinner. Remember I had to actually work a little today! :banghead:

So what were you working on, your technique? :rofl2:

I didn't forward your texts but there was a similarity to Genia's post. Good thing I am fluent in drunk speak. :rofl3:

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I appreciate that Andrew. I've known Judy for several years and I used to see Lil B sitting on the steps and he'd kinda wave or say hey when I'd come by. VW Dano and I were hanging out one night (Dan

I guess you're right Rita. If people would worry about themselves as much as they worry about what others are doing, the world would be a better place. I think ya'll know that I am 100% pro-man, but I

Great TR. I only have one question ... .. Once Judy started dancing, did she start talking about Donnie's toes? :rofl2:

Having been to Celebration a time or two, I can answer that for you.

The "ice" isn't really ice.

It's just some kind of slippery plastic surface.

They sometimes set one of those up at Clearwater Beach.

That's how they have outdoor "ice" rinks in Florida.


Thanks for the info!

I've never heard of anything like that before.......do people actually wear real skates on it?

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You have lots of awesome pictures in this report!!!!

You made a comment a while back that you race through your report so you can read other reports and you think that yours isnt as exciting as everybody elses.......well that is NOT true......I LOVE your reports!

Also I have (I think) FINALLY figured something out after almost a whole year!!!!!!! I was a new lurker on the "other board" when the whole meltdown happened. I followed along as best I could, but so many threads and posts were deleted, some things I just couldnt figure out........the whole "cupcake" reference was one thing. Now though, after the reference here in this report............I GOT it......I finally know who the cupcake was!!!!! Whew!!!!

Looking forward to your next post!!


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Don't you love GH!

Holy smokes Rita!! I think I will need to attend Guitar Hero anonymous really soon! I'm still playing on easy, and some of them are sooo hard. I never thought it would be something I would like, but I do!

Work... work... WHY?

See below ::)

To be able to afford to go to DIsney and the Fort?

You got that right!

naw... that's what all her sugar daddies are for.

:banghead: So that's what I've been doing wrong all these years!


You have lots of awesome pictures in this report!!!!

You made a comment a while back that you race through your report so you can read other reports and you think that yours isnt as exciting as everybody elses.......well that is NOT true......I LOVE your reports!

Also I have (I think) FINALLY figured something out after almost a whole year!!!!!!! I was a new lurker on the "other board" when the whole meltdown happened. I followed along as best I could, but so many threads and posts were deleted, some things I just couldnt figure out........the whole "cupcake" reference was one thing. Now though, after the reference here in this report............I GOT it......I finally know who the cupcake was!!!!! Whew!!!!

Looking forward to your next post!!


:heartsmiley: Thanks Heidi! I guess because we live it, it never seems that exciting when your writing about it in a report. As long as someone enjoys it though, I'll keep writing them.

I'm glad that I could solve the cupcake mystery for you.

Great updates! And wow! Those burgers look really good for Disney burgers.

The boys enjoyed all their burgers....I only had the one at Cosmic Rays and it was delicious.

This TR is awesome! I can't wait to hear about that evening...

Thanks Brent!! I'm working on that next post right now!

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When I left you last, we had just returned from a very crowded DHS. On the way back from the front, I asked Trevor to swing by Castle Dave's site so I could see his display in action. Like Carol reported in her report, pictures do not do it justice. If you're ever there when he is, GO SEE IT!! It is beautiful. I introduced myself to Dave, and the first thing that came to mind was "gentle." He was so sweet and soft spoken, and he was handing out glow sticks to the kids that came by. :heart:

Another wonderful fiend!



After meeting Dave, we boogied back to our site so we could let Mason out. When we got back, my Mickey lamp and fiend tree was lit up!

Huh? ??? Someone had come into our site, chased down the extension cord and plugged them in. Weird, and somewhat creepy!

The only likely suspect was Judy, so we hopped on the cart and ran down to her site.


No one was at Judy's. Mason loves his cart rides, so since he had been home alone, we thought it'd be a good time to do some looping and check out all the decorations.













With Mason satisfied with our looping experience, we went back to the site for happy hour #2. While I was inside, I heard a beep, beep. Hmmmm....who could that be? Then I hear:

"We turned on your lights!", spoken in a thick New Orleans accent.

This is what I found when I went outside:


It was Judy, Tina and Jim (a friend of Judy's who was also staying in the 500's) Isn't everyone Judy's friend?

It was all downhill from here.... the punch was flowing, we were singing to the sleigh riders, dancing, laughing and there may have been some foul-mouths too. ;)

First, Tina trying out Jim's "cooler scooter" I'm not sure how she made it through the loop, and I feared for any trees that may be in her path. (sometimes, they just jump out at you) She did return though, both her and the scooter, unscathed.


Here was a "meeting of the minds." Scary, I know! :))


Here is the sleigh riders that we sang to....poor people got more than they bargained for when they decided to take a romantic sleigh ride.


At this point I texted Donnie and told him "I see Fort po-po in my future" :popo:

Here are two of my favorite pictures of the night. Judy did some pole dancing on my Mickey lamp, and then Trevor and Nathen joined her in what they named "the Eiffel Tower!"


And this one of us girls! Notice Judy's evil grin.


Also, please note Tina's shorts. It was about an hour later that I walked up behind her and pulled her waistband out to see if I could find the tag. NOPE! She had them on backward. :rofl2:

All three of us were calling and texting Donnie, and driving him crazy. Judy was giving him a really hard time, and loudly, I might add. I cannot repeat what she was saying, as KFK would probably have a stroke, and I won't embarrass Donnie.

We begged him to come and play with us, but he said he would come down on Saturday. I think the final message I got from him was: Go to bed you drunks!

I am happy to report that we did not have any po-po's stop by, so all was well.

Tina needed to get Tara (her daughter) home to bed, and Judy needed to check on Lil B (her son) so we moved the party to her site. It wasn't long after we got there, that I realized I was Drunk (yes, with a capital D) and starving!! I told Judy I was going home to cook hot dogs on the grill. Trevor, Nate and I made it back to 544 and I realized it was 1:17 am! Time does fly when you're having fun. I decided against lighting the grill and cooking, so I ate a ham sandwich, and went to bed.

Tomorrow is our last full day at WDW. Nate was leaving in the morning as they had a concert to attend on Saturday night.

I had a minor mishap that morning....and that's where we'll start my next installment. Don't worry though, Saturday was just as much fun (sober fun) and I have more pictures!

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I don't why I was so worried. This is what always happens when Fiends get together and the punch starts flowing. :rofl2: I'm glad you had so much fun, I just wish I had been there with you. :)

Great update, Stef, I love looking atg all the Christmas decorations.

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I am really not sure where to start with this one. Evil Judy grin, the punch effect, or all the great christmas decor... it's a cornucopia of comment options and well I can't seem to organize them.....

Where else can you get such an array of things? I believe only at FF.net.

Judy's accent isn't from New Orleams it's from Nahlins. That's how they say it there.

Thank you for the clarification, but I thought I would use proper english. If I just wrote Nahlins, people would think I was in the punch again.

what is up with you tag.....nevermind, i dont wanna know.

I'm not sure why his tag says that, but if you meet Donnie, you will soon learn that he is full if sh*t. That may explain it.

I don't why I was so worried. This is what always happens when Fiends get together and the punch starts flowing. :rofl2: I'm glad you had so much fun, I just wish I had been there with you. :)

Great update, Stef, I love looking atg all the Christmas decorations.

Hey, at least I kept my clothes on! I wish you had been there too...good times!

AWESOME Update!!!! I was beginning to get a little worried, your trip was too sober!!!

:raspberry: You should have known it wouldn't last!

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Thanks for the info!

I've never heard of anything like that before.......do people actually wear real skates on it?

Yep. I, like you, have spent many years in a rink as a hockey parent.

My son took skating skills training on that surface when he was 9-10. Other than additional friction, it acted like regular ice when skating. Hockey stops were much more difficult because edges always get caught in grooves. The only downside was all the "dust" from the plastic that came home in skates, pads and clothes.

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This installment will be a quickie, as I have a long Saturday post coming soon.

I woke up Saturday morning feeling less than perfect.....make that MUCH less. I didn't stay up too long before staggering back to bed. At around 9:00 I got a text from Donnie telling me that he was headed down for a visit. So I got out of bed and Nate said:

"Good morning Ralph!" <_< I guess you can't hide much when your in a 28 foot TT.

I way overdid the alcohol the night before, especially on an empty stomach. I learned my lesson.

I said goodbye to Nate, and took a nice, hot, long shower.

Earlier I told you that I bought something at DHS. I saw a sweatshirt at a kiosk outside of Star Tours that was screaming for me to buy it. I didn't buy it, as it was pricey, and we only get to use sweatshirts a couple of months a year in Florida. We went into the Star Tours store, thinking maybe I could find the same thing in a t-shirt that I would get more use out of.

Here was the breakdown:

Kids sweatshirt: $34.95

(No kids T-shirt)

Adults T-shirt: $27.95

Adults sweatshirt: $54.95

Kids sweatshirt it is!! Sometimes it's good to be Tiny S70! ;)

Note these pictures were taken after I had showered and was starting to feel human again.



Now that I was clean and dressed, I sat back and waited for Donnie. Trevor and I planned on Epcot that evening for the Candlelight Processional as Neil Patrick Harris was narrating. I didn't have plans for during the day, but I ended up having a great day with 3 handsome men! I bet your wondering who the third one was?

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I'm sorry you got sick, I hope it doesn't affect future punch parties. I guess that was a little rude, I really was concerned about you. :))

Love the sweatshirt and the price!! You look pretty healthy in that picture so maybe the Punch punch wasn't too bad.

Looking forward to your next update. Hmmm, who is the mystery man? :unsure:

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