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PezheadVal's October - November Trip Report

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On October 29th, we heard there was going to be a special guest at the campfire that night. Awesome!

Sooo....Dinner was Pizza at the Fort. We ordered one, but they accidentally made two. They ended up giving us the second on for free. Nice! We'll take it!


We headed down to the campfire and started roasting our marshmallows and making s'mores. It was packed. I guess it wasn't exactly a secret that there would be a special guest. lol


We sang along...


then Chip and Dale came out to join us and they were dressed in their Halloween costumes! Chip was a pirate and Dale was a vampire.


Then the special guest arrived...the Headless Horseman! So cool!


Hmmm...wonder if I know how to link videos? I'll try and see how it goes. Ok. I guess I don't know how to embed a video from photobucket...but the link should work.


The kids all lined up by Chip or Dale and they were giving out bags of candy.



I love getting to see the Headless Horseman. I remember seeing him at the campfire when I was a kid...its so fun sharing the same experience with my kids.

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Yay! I'm so glad you're doing a trip report! I am also a band geek!

Yay! I"m glad they liked the special suckers we got for Fiend kids!

Aww, poor Mater! I hear ya about the pool! But I do remember being like your kids and swimming no matter how blue my lips turned. Ahhh, to be young again. I like the bathroom pic! It's definitely not

...and on to Halloween!

Is there a better place to celebrate Halloween then The Fort? Ummm...I don't think so. It is just a blast and the reason is because of all of the awesome campers who get so into celebrating and decorating. You feed off of the energy!

We started the day finding this awesome surprise on our step! So very cool! Thanks again, TCD!


We ran into Animal Kingdom for a few hours, but came back to get dressed for Trick or Treating and to see the golf cart parade. Here are my kids, Tressie and Sam, waiting for the parade. Tress was dressed as Draculaura from Monster High and Sam was Captain America.


On comes that golf carts! I'm sure you have seen a bunch of pics of the golf carts, but I'll share some of mine, too.


My daughter got really excited seeing another Draculaura! Fun!




How cool is this Alice in Wonderland one!


My kids loved to see Perry!


Our favorite...Mater. The little boy yelled "Get er Done for Halloween" as they drove by. OMG Adorable! I never thought of putting "get er done" with Halloween, but it so made me smile and use it all the time now. Time to put up the Christmas tree...thats right...get er done for Christmas...lol


Time to Trick or Treat! What a blast! We got to say HI to more Fiends, got to see all of the decorations, loved the other kids in costumes and the kids got lots and lots of goodies.

Sam loved the Angry Birds jack o lantern


Happy Halloween!


My kids, especially my train obsessed son, loved this train setup by fellow Fiend, FWRR3.


Ok, I still am not sure about embedding a video, but wanted to include this one of my kids getting their candy from the awesome train. It is so fitting that when it first dumped, Sam didn't get his bag up in time and it dumped on the ground. The entire time he trick or treated, he would pick a piece of candy, get all excited, go to throw it in his bag and walk away and I'd hear the candy hit the ground...a million times. hahaha


Ummmm....yeah. They got a ton of candy and had so much fun!!!


PS - Sorry about Sam's lack of clothing. After a full night of Trick or Treating, he ripped his costume off and went running to the bathroom as soon as we got back. I guess I took this before he put the rest of his clothes on. LOL

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Great job!

As you may have read in my TR, my sister and nephew stayed with us a couple of nights before Halloween. They went to the campfire the night the Headless Horseman showed up. I had not heard about this, or we probably would have been there too.

Thanks for posting the photos and video.

I think it's cool that the Fort has the Headless Horseman visit the campfire.

And that they gave out bags of candy too.

Man, your kids got quite the candy haul on Halloween!

BTW, I've been meaning to ask you where you live in South Jersey? I grew up in South Jersey. I was born at Fort Dix, while my dad was in the Army, and we pretty much spent my childhood in that area- we lived on base for a while, and then we lived in Willingboro. I graduated from Willingboro High and then moved to Florida, where I have lived since. So, where are you from in South Jersey?


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BTW, I've been meaning to ask you where you live in South Jersey? I grew up in South Jersey. I was born at Fort Dix, while my dad was in the Army, and we pretty much spent my childhood in that area- we lived on base for a while, and then we lived in Willingboro. I graduated from Willingboro High and then moved to Florida, where I have lived since. So, where are you from in South Jersey?


Very cool! I'm in Vineland...about an hour south of Willingboro.

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The day after Halloween we were wore out from all of that fun the nigh before and decided to do a campground day. The kids were begging to go to the pool, so that is what we did first.

Before heading to the pool we decided to drive through our 200 loop and the 100 loop. People were already working on taking down their Halloween decorations.

We saw this sad site...what used to be Mater from the golf cart parade. They said the people who had Mater gave them the parts and that they were going to go home and put it on their golf cart at home. Mater even had a little hidden Mickey on him. awwww!


OK...on to the pool!


My 5 year old LOVES the kiddie play area. He has so much fun running around in there, dumping water on people and sliding down the slides. It's great!


Then he decided to join his big sister in the big pool. This was his first time going down the big slide and he loved it as much as his sister does.


I was able to snap a few pool pictures because I was not swimming. I went down in my suit thinking I would get in, but it was too chilly for my. I'm a wimp and I like it warmer then the 82 degrees or whatever it is that its heated too.

Apparently I'm not the only wimpy one because after a while the pool emptied out...except for my crazy kids. They would chip through ice to swim. So they had the pool to themselves for the rest of the time we hung out there.



After pool time, we hung out at the camper, hit up the Disney Outlet and grocery store. After grabbing some dinner, the kids were begging to go looping in the golf cart. They grabbed these special lollipops they got Fort Fiend trick or treating and we were off.


I didn't take any pics of campsites that night...just soaked it in I guess. We did end up for a break at the Meadow Trading Post for some pin trading and a game of checkers.



We looped around some more and Sam needed a potty break and to wash up because he was all sticky from his lollipop. lol Not sure why I took a picture in the bathroom...but hey...why not! hahaha


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Aww, poor Mater! :(

I hear ya about the pool! But I do remember being like your kids and swimming no matter how blue my lips turned. Ahhh, to be young again.

I like the bathroom pic! It's definitely not your average shot. :rofl2:

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I was thrilled to catch the band playing. Being a trumpet player myself, I just love hearing the band...especially those trumpets. Man, they can play!


I've decided that when I retire from this band directing thing I want to move down there and play in the Main Street Philharmonic. My question is if they play anywhere else in the parks, or just there. Seems like a fun gig, and they do sound great.

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I've decided that when I retire from this band directing thing I want to move down there and play in the Main Street Philharmonic. My question is if they play anywhere else in the parks, or just there. Seems like a fun gig, and they do sound great.

Not one to pour cold water on anyone's goals, but I would have a plan B just in case.

The musician positions at WDW are plum jobs and are few in number when compared to other positions. They are very much sought after.

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Very cool! I'm in Vineland...about an hour south of Willingboro.

I am 11 miles up RT 206 from Hammonton in Shamong.

TCD, what year did you graduate from Willingboro? My assistant at work Jeff McCabe and his sister Jody went to Willingboro, I have to find out what years though.

BTW, great report!

Best Regards,


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Not one to pour cold water on anyone's goals, but I would have a plan B just in case.

The musician positions at WDW are plum jobs and are few in number when compared to other positions. They are very much sought after.

I figured as much. Seems like a pretty sweet gig. But maybe I'm just that good!

Yet I do have a plan B...it's called the lottery!

Enjoying the TR. Can't wait to read more, Val!

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I am 11 miles up RT 206 from Hammonton in Shamong.

TCD, what year did you graduate from Willingboro? My assistant at work Jeff McCabe and his sister Jody went to Willingboro, I have to find out what years though.

Best Regards,


I graduated in 1979.

Besides me, there was another celebrity in our graduating class. . .

a kid who lived about four houses down from me on our street.

he could run and jump pretty fast, and ended up winning a few medals at the Olympics.

His name was Carl something or other.

Like I tell my DD's when we were growing up, Carl and I used to race up and down the street. Most of the time, he could beat me. In other words, he was a pretty fast runner.

He started out as a terrible jumper. Then I told him to kick his legs as he was flying through the air. That seemed to work pretty good for him.


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Yay! I"m glad they liked the special suckers we got for Fiend kids!

Yes! They loved them! :)

I've decided that when I retire from this band directing thing I want to move down there and play in the Main Street Philharmonic. My question is if they play anywhere else in the parks, or just there. Seems like a fun gig, and they do sound great.

Man, that would be fun, wouldn't it! I don't know if they play anywhere other then Magic Kingdom. That's the only place I've ever seen them.

I am 11 miles up RT 206 from Hammonton in Shamong.

BTW, great report!

Best Regards,


Thanks! Oh, it is a small world! ;) I've done some genealogy research in the area. My g-g-g-grandmother was born in Indian Mills.

great tr, val. it was nice meeting you. i know you have more pics, so i'm waiting.. :)

Thanks! It was so nice meeting you, too!

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Well, I still haven't been motivated enough to put up Christmas decorations...but here goes another installment of my trip report. lol

This was a Studios day, but before heading to the park my kids did some school work and wrote in the journals. I think both of them did journal entries about their Halloween candy. hahaha


The tree looked beautiful!


As soon as we walked through the gates, they went right to work pin trading. We found a pin board right away...their favorite!


We were completely obsessed with the Block Party Bash Parade and this was one of our favorite spots to watch. So the kids had to go stand there with there sad faces because there is no more Block Party.


After walking all the way from the parking lot and just into the park we decided that we needed a snack. lol We stopped at Starring Rolls Cafe to check out what goodies they had.



Me and my daughter decided to share a chocolate peanut butter cupcake. It was delicious but really rich. My 5 year old wanted sushi and was disappointed that they didn't have any california rolls. They cast member thought it was funny to see a little boy begging for sushi when surrounded by all kinds of goodies. She felt bad that they didn't have what he wanted and gave him a Mickey shortbread cookie. So nice!



I love Prep and Landing and was excited to see signs for the new movie out. My 5 year old took this pic of us.


Then we went into the Animation Studio and did the drawling class. This is one of my kids favorite things to do. This time we did Daisy Duck.



When we came out of the drawling class, the parade was going on. We can't watch the "new" parade without thinking of Block Party, of course. The kids started screaming when they could still see Block Party Bash balls loaded in the cannons.





Then we decided it was time for everyone's favorite...Toy Story Midway Mania.



Our Scores. Not bad! I'm on the left and Sam is on the right.


I did get Best This Hour.


I love these soldiers.


The beautiful tree all light up at the end of the night. Ooops! Looks like they have a section out of lights. I hate when that happens!


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Well, I still haven't been motivated enough to put up Christmas decorations...but here goes another installment of my trip report. lol

Double posting your update doesn't count for 2 updates. But thank you for the update. Some great pictures and lots of smiles. :waycool:

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