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Stef Lazes for Labor Day

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No!!! It can't be over...I just got here! I know, late to the party. Story of my life. I am SO behind on trip reports, and I have thoroughly enjoyed this one. Can't believe it's over though. Bu

That's so awesome, fiends meeting up for the first time. That's one thing different about this place, the intent is to ACTUALLY meet new people, which is why I love it here. I have no life out side

A bit later Lisa & Bruce drove up and Lisa waved like a little schoolgirl, which we have now dubbed "the Lisa wave" ;D You will see it in pictures throughout this report. They were going to let the pups out and come back later. About the time I got out of the shower, they came back. We had a few drinks, then doodle texted and said they were coming over.

I wish I had taken pictures of Trevor, me, Mason, Lisa, Bruce, their 2 pups, Mike & Doodle, all camped out in my screen room, but we were having so much fun that I didn't even think of my camera. There were drinks, laughs and even farts (Bruce :D ) til 1:30 am. Good times! Thank God that we didn't have neighbors at that time or we may have been visited by the Disney po-po.

We had sooooooo much fun with you guys! I haven't been up that late in I don't know how long and we did it more than once! As far as the fart... All I can say is, "That's my sweetie pie!" :rofl2:

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We stopped by the fiend sites for our Good Mornings. First I caught Lisa with no make-up (She's still cute as a button)


OMG!!! You make me look like a giant!! And the heck with the makeup! I should have at least brushed my hair though! :rofl2:

Then I went to Doodle's. This is the picture she was so worried about :rolleyes:



I didn't take too many pictures at the GG because I don't think I ever stopped moving my mouth long enough to pick up the camera. But this is my favorite of the whole trip!

Donnie spilled the whole cup full of forks on the ground, so I went to get a picture. Just as I was about to snap it, Lisa walked in front of me. When I yelled "Lisa" (Meaning, watch out, I'm taking a picture) this is what I got:


See what happens when you give me booze??? :wine:

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Great report Stef!

You really "crack" me up. :rofl2:

:rofl2: Good One!! He wasn't even a good looking guy, that would have made it a little more tolerable.

We had sooooooo much fun with you guys! I haven't been up that late in I don't know how long and we did it more than once! As far as the fart... All I can say is, "That's my sweetie pie!" :rofl2:

LISA!!! I've been wondering where you've been. Are you on the road still?

We did have a lot of fun, and if I stay up until 9:00pm I feel like a big girl! I guess time just flies by when you're in good company.

Be sure to tell Bruce that he had Trevor at hellosmiley-fart.gif

I swear, he liked him so much, I think he has a man crush. :))

I hope there is a trip planned for next year. You just let us know when, and we'll be there! If you can't make it, I'm afraid a Minnesota trip will be in my future, and I hate the cold!

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Ok guys, we're going to backtrack a bit before I post departure day and final thoughts.

I took a few pics around the fort whenever the mood hit me, and I'm not sure what pics belong to what day. So here a few random shots.

Meadow Trading Post:


Bridge to pool:




Heading toward the 600 loop, this row of Blue Daze were all starting to bloom. The pictures don't really do them justice.


Entrance to 600:


This rv was in the 1400(?) What a great place to have your morning coffee, or watch a NASCAR race!



Dog walk area behind the 1800 loop:


The Backyard bbq pavilion:


I love this sign!


Monday 9/5 -

It's THAT day, the one we all start dreading the minute we step foot in the fort. It doesn't matter if I'm there for 3 days or 10 days, it never seems long enough.

I was the first one up, even though I had pulled a late night at MK. I was sad that I had to leave, sad that I had to pack all that stuff back up, but mostly sad that I had to say goodbye to some great people. I hate goodbyes...and I always get emotional. :(

I took the dog out to do his business, and I was faced with this:


If I wasn't feeling bad enough, now I had my official "get out" notice. As I walked around the loop, they were on almost every vehicle in there. That made me feel a little better, misery loves company right? ;)

Normally we get up and out of there by 9:00 or 10:00 because we're early risers. Donnie came over, even before he had gotten his breakfast this time. :heart: We chatted with him for a bit while we said our goodbyes (and I tried not to get all emotional) We finished packing up, until we had just a couple things left to do. We took the cart over to Lisa & Bruce's site to say goodbye. Trevor threatened Bruce with coming to Minnesota for a visit, while Lisa and I said goodbye. (and I tried not to get emotional) Our last stop was Doodle's site, where all emotional control flew out the window! As soon as I stepped out of the cart, her and I were both blubbering like idiots. We said our goodbyes knowing that we would see each other at Halloween.

It was right at 11:00 when we pulled out of the 500 loop. Just as we got over the bridge, we stopped.


Yep, that's the line of traffic trying to leave. :faceplant2:

They were directing traffic at the 4 way stop, and they did a pretty good job considering the amount of vehicles they were dealing with.



When we got to the hitch/unhitch area, a ranger stopped and asked us if we were exiting or meeting someone in front. When we told him we were exiting, he told us to take the next left. This is for maintenance only? Cool, this is an area I had never seen before. The pictures aren't that great since they were taken through the windshield and for obvious reasons, we couldn't stop.






This brought us out on the back side of the stables:



The overflow lot was pretty full at this time:


An hour and a half later, we were home. Another great trip and more great memories made.

One more "final thoughts" post, and I will hand the trip report baton to someone else...Doodle? Lisa? all you cruisers? :)

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Great random shots!

That is wild seeing all of those folks checking out at the same time.

And it's cool that you got a free backstage tour. Good job on getting photos!

As for this comment:

One more "final thoughts" post, and I will hand the trip report baton to someone else...Doodle? Lisa? all you cruisers? :)

I agree!

Doodle is getting a report going.

I know Lisa can write a mean trip report. I am looking forward to hers.

And, I am really looking forward to hearing about the cruise.


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As much as I love reading TRs, I swear I get just as bummed when they end as I would if it were ME actually leaving the Fort!

Thanks for the great TR, and all the fantastic photos. Even though we haven't been able to make it down for our scheduled visit this year (BOO!), seeing all the pictures makes me feel a little better. Looking forward to your October report!

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Nice job Stef.

It is sad saying goodbye to everyone, before you know it, I'm the only one left.

But I did have a nice unexpected Fiend encounter.

I pulled into the Fort, picking up for Epcot, and there they were, Lisa & Bruce. I got to see them on there last full day at WDW.

As they had the bus all to themselves, we got to chat a little bit too.

I hope Lisa gets over the whip lash and I know the bruises will heal.

In over three years, they are the only Fiends I've picked up that I actually knew and only the second time I've picked up anyone that I knew.

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Thanks again for the great trip report the only thing that I disliked was the line that you were home in only an hour and a half, actually I'm just JEALOUS thanks for all the great pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Awesome report Stef!!

LISA!!! I've been wondering where you've been. Are you on the road still?

We did have a lot of fun, and if I stay up until 9:00pm I feel like a big girl! I guess time just flies by when you're in good company.

Be sure to tell Bruce that he had Trevor at hellosmiley-fart.gif

I swear, he liked him so much, I think he has a man crush. :))

I hope there is a trip planned for next year. You just let us know when, and we'll be there! If you can't make it, I'm afraid a Minnesota trip will be in my future, and I hate the cold!

Yep, we're still on the road.

I think the man crush is mutual. :heart: :heart:

Next year is almost a certainty. We can't stay away. We need to get our act together and move there!

Normally we get up and out of there by 9:00 or 10:00 because we're early risers. Donnie came over, even before he had gotten his breakfast this time. :heart: We chatted with him for a bit while we said our goodbyes (and I tried not to get all emotional) We finished packing up, until we had just a couple things left to do. We took the cart over to Lisa & Bruce's site to say goodbye. Trevor threatened Bruce with coming to Minnesota for a visit, while Lisa and I said goodbye. (and I tried not to get emotional) Our last stop was Doodle's site, where all emotional control flew out the window! As soon as I stepped out of the cart, her and I were both blubbering like idiots. We said our goodbyes knowing that we would see each other at Halloween.

I think Bruce and Trevor were just as emotional in a "manly kind of way". ;)

One more "final thoughts" post, and I will hand the trip report baton to someone else...Doodle? Lisa? all you cruisers? :)

I'm working on mine. I need to get some pics off of Bruce's computer tonight that he took off the camera and didn't give me a chance to get before he deleted them.

Nice job Stef.

It is sad saying goodbye to everyone, before you know it, I'm the only one left.

But I did have a nice unexpected Fiend encounter.

I pulled into the Fort, picking up for Epcot, and there they were, Lisa & Bruce. I got to see them on there last full day at WDW.

As they had the bus all to themselves, we got to chat a little bit too.

I hope Lisa gets over the whip lash and I know the bruises will heal.

In over three years, they are the only Fiends I've picked up that I actually knew and only the second time I've picked up anyone that I knew.

I would have had a lot more bruises if you hadn't caught me! It was nice to see your smiling face on the bus! You are hands down our favorite bus driver!


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Thank you for your trip report.

I really enjoyed reading it. Everyone on this site seems so nice.

I can't wait until my husband & I can make a trip to the fort. :)


Wow, I almost missed you! Glad that you enjoyed it. Make sure to come back for my final thoughts, as they are fiend related.

Start planning that trip!! ;D

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Great trip report, glad I got to spend some time @ the fort with the fiends (thanks to Doddle and Mike). See Donnie muched off of you last weeked !!!!! Wish I could have spend more time, but did have a great cruise. Rich missed seeing everyone, won't miss it again.

Can't wait for Halloween when we are all together.

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Good job Stef. I saw that line of RV's leaving and my only thought was I'm glad I'm not there. After you left we finally ventured out of the Fort. I really need to started on my TR. It won't take much cause you covered just about everything in yours. And for that I thank you. :banana:

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And it's cool that you got a free backstage tour. Good job on getting photos!


As soon as I realized where we were going I knew that you'd be proud! I didn't even have to pull out my TCD Jr. Deputy Badge.

As much as I love reading TRs, I swear I get just as bummed when they end as I would if it were ME actually leaving the Fort!

Thanks for the great TR, and all the fantastic photos. Even though we haven't been able to make it down for our scheduled visit this year (BOO!), seeing all the pictures makes me feel a little better. Looking forward to your October report!

I think we all know "that feeling" :(

So when is your next visit planned? I will take tons of pictures in October so that you can feel like you're there with us.

Nice job Stef.

It is sad saying goodbye to everyone, before you know it, I'm the only one left.

But I did have a nice unexpected Fiend encounter.

I pulled into the Fort, picking up for Epcot, and there they were, Lisa & Bruce. I got to see them on there last full day at WDW.

As they had the bus all to themselves, we got to chat a little bit too.

I hope Lisa gets over the whip lash and I know the bruises will heal.

In over three years, they are the only Fiends I've picked up that I actually knew and only the second time I've picked up anyone that I knew.

What a coincidence. You've always told us that the chances of having you as a bus driver are slim to none. I guess it was just meant to be.

Lisa is a tough girl, I'm sure her injuries will heal nicely and she'll be as good as new!

It was great seeing you again. :heartsmiley:

Thanks again for the great trip report the only thing that I disliked was the line that you were home in only an hour and a half, actually I'm just JEALOUS thanks for all the great pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're very welcome!! Hey, it WAS a long hour & 1/2 :laugh:

Next year is almost a certainty. We can't stay away. We need to get our act together and move there!

I agree, you need to just move! Tell Bruce he can fish ALL YEAR in Florida and you can go to the fort. Problem solved. Let us know when to head up there with the trailer to get your belongings. :jumpforjoy

Great trip report, glad I got to spend some time @ the fort with the fiends (thanks to Doddle and Mike). See Donnie muched off of you last weeked !!!!! Wish I could have spend more time, but did have a great cruise. Rich missed seeing everyone, won't miss it again.

Can't wait for Halloween when we are all together.

Thanks Lorna. It was good seeing you again.

No Donnie didn't much off of me, and he didn't munch off of me, did you mean mooch? :raspberry: Actually he didn't do that either. I had to force him to have a few drinks with me, and he missed dinner on Sunday because his phone was dead. We just enjoyed his company.

Gosh that went fast! I can't wait for Halloween!

Yeah, it went fast for me too! I'm excited to have you joining us for Halloween. I just hope things work out and Doodle can still make it. :(

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Good job Stef. I saw that line of RV's leaving and my only thought was I'm glad I'm not there. After you left we finally ventured out of the Fort. I really need to started on my TR. It won't take much cause you covered just about everything in yours. And for that I thank you. :banana:

You're welcome!! I've tried three times to reply to the above comments, and I thought I had...I don't know wth happened?!?!

Your trip report could be summed up by:

Talked, laughed, drank, slept very little, talked, laughed, drank.....repeat!

There, trip report finished. :rofl2:

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You're welcome!! I've tried three times to reply to the above comments, and I thought I had...I don't know wth happened?!?!

Your trip report could be summed up by:

Talked, laughed, drank, slept very little, talked, laughed, drank.....repeat!

There, trip report finished. :rofl2:

What she said. There I'm done :rofl2:

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You're welcome!! I've tried three times to reply to the above comments, and I thought I had...I don't know wth happened?!?!

Your trip report could be summed up by:

Talked, laughed, drank, slept very little, talked, laughed, drank.....repeat!

There, trip report finished. :rofl2:

I don't think you had enough drinking in there :rofl2:

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Great TR Stef!

I am having a hard time with my comments. My posts keep doubling then disappearing!

Let me try this again!

Love all the fiends, photos and photos of fiends. It looks like you had a great trip!

I wish we only lived 1 1/2 hours away. Lucky you. ;)

Yeah, something strange was going on today. If you see where I responded to michelle j, it was right after I had already responded to the first few.Then I saw that mj had posted, I went back and quoted her. When Trevor read it later, my replies weren't there! Weird... :unsure:

It was a super duper great time, thanks.

I don't think you had enough drinking in there :rofl2:

Oh Ed, we drank plenty enough!

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Love the report!

Just jealous as hell that I couldn't be there to "partake". But then again, my liveer thanks me.

I really wish I could join everyone for Halloween but then again, my liver thanks me (unitl Savannah in November).

Glad you made it back safely and glad it is only a short time for the next As the Fort turns episode.


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It's great to see pics of the fiends. I can't wait to meet all of you at Halloween. Doesn't it just suck that no matter how often you go you're still sad leaving. At least you had that line of traffic & a backlot tour to extend it a bit.

You have to be kidding though. You're only 1.5 hours away from the fort. I'm so jealous.

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We even tried a Scotch Egg. I had heard of them, but never really knew what they were. That is an interesting item. I think I'll try one at Epcot the next time we're there.


Ooh - a fan favorite! I mean, it's a hard boiled egg wrapped in sausage and fried.

Can you say THE PERFECT FOOD?!?

I hope Lisa gets over the whip lash and I know the bruises will heal.

That's some fine drivin' Lou! :rofl2:

Another awesome TR Stef - thanks for taking us all along for the ride!

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