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If you want to bring in your own cart to the Fort, as of June 1, 2024, be prepared to prove you have insurance coverages of $100K/$300K and sign an agreement and waiver.  

The best thing I see out of this is having the Fort (bless their hearts) try to legislate the private cart owners to follow the same rules as their rental customers.  Hopefully now, but not holding my breath, folks in private carts and rental carts will pull over and yield to vehicles, and the underage driving will be cut down...  Now at least everyone will be "working" from the same set of rules...

New Golf Cart Rules, Page 1

New Golf Cart Rules, Page 2

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Ok I am late to the golf cart party. We have been taking our golf cart to the Fort for over 20 years. Our golf cart is only used at the fort. But I understand the Fort wanting to have the same rules across the board. But first they need to start in forcing the rules on their own carts. Can you say how many people can you fit on a golf cart?  Anyone know the cost to have insurance on a golf cart part time. 

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