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Maybe a fluke, maybe Disney recognized they goofed, or maybe someone is fibbing...

Somebody on one of those "other" sites were saying how hard it was to get the days they wanted without having to add a lot of days they didn't want.  Same old story and something we all have encountered numerous times and have griped about.

One person that replied said "well just go into your reservation, and cancel the days you don't want".  They said back in October they had to call to get their extra days cancelled, but last week they just went on line (MDE?) and cancelled the extra days they didn't want.  They had a Wednesday thru Monday reservation and cancelled Wednesday/Thursday, leaving them with 4 days/3 nights. Neither time did they encounter any issues/resistance from Disney.

We have been trying different times of day/week to book some weekend visits with just a Saturday night or a Friday/Saturday night and have been coming up empty.

So has anyone been booking big again like the good old days, then shaving off unwanted days?

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It may have been a fluke, or luck that other reservations were open for those same days. From my understanding even when calling in to change a reservation the system just searches for a whole new reservation if something is available you it changes if not a "manager" has to be called to approve the change.

We had to change some days around on our Halloween and Christmas trips 2015. It wouldn't let me do it online but I had no problem calling in and changing them. Now both of those reservations were made long before the rules changed.

It could also be that they were only dropping 2 days of the reservation. Maybe there is a number of days that you can change before it becomes a problem. Example, you can drop up to 3 days, but try to do 4 and it won't work. (I don't know this just a theory).

I don't have anything booked right now or I would try playing around with it to see.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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