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This article from Theme Park Tourist was supposedly written with information provided by a former CM...

8 Things That Happen Behind the Scenes When a Disney Ride Breaks Down


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I'm surprised they didn't mention lock outs or E stops. From my years at six flags you never wanted to have to hit an E stop because it caused a whole slew of issues and then resetting took even longer. And when work was being done on a ride or someone was in the ride area a master lock was put over the control for start so it couldn't be accidentally started.

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I'm surprised they didn't mention lock outs or E stops. From my years at six flags you never wanted to have to hit an E stop because it caused a whole slew of issues and then resetting took even longer. And when work was being done on a ride or someone was in the ride area a master lock was put over the control for start so it couldn't be accidentally started.

I don't know all of the details, but Disney definitely has an e-stop protocol that has to be followed.  When we visited Disneyland back in December, we witnessed an e-stop in progress on the Mr. Toad ride.  Twin #1 pointed out what the CM's were doing, and there were keys involved that locked things on the control console.  When she saw what the CM's were doing, she advised that we should get out of line, as the next step would be for the CM's to walk the tracks of the ride and evacuate the guests from the ride vehicles before the ride could be re-started. 


I have also heard second-hand accounts of how CM's at Tower of Terror in DHS intentionally create e-stops when they want to have a break and goof off.  Apparently, their e-stop procedures are very long and elaborate.  That is a risky move, as a fake e-stop is grounds for immediate termination of employment. 



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