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Some Cast Members need a Boot in the Arse.

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Just rode EE they height checked the youngest, good to go. Rode the ride, got off and right back on. Guess what, magically he is now to small. I get manager and point out that a piece of 4 x 4 post stuck in rock varies i showed him how my son when placed at a different set measures up and they won't budge. Magic my ass, he couldn't walk away fast enough who I showed him the discrepancy in the measurement. Incompetence over shadows magic everytime .....I seem to be meeting alot of the bad cast members this trip....

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Can you get measurements taken at 1 central location, then get a colored armband based on height?


Not at WDW.  The line I've always heard is that people can (and sometimes do) play shenanigans with the wristbands - taking them off tall enough kids, and putting them on too-short ones.

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Without a tape measure it hard to know which of the CM's screwed up.  The one that let your son ride and risk his safety or the one that said no.  I feel you frustration but I would rather they error on the safe side.  But they should get it fixed.  They should have also had a portable measuring stick that they sometimes carry around and check to use as a double check.   No matter how you look at it the way they handled it was bad show.  

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The issue is the post is set in irregular stone so the height measurements will be different depending on where or which side of the line they are measured. I demonstrated to the manager that on one side it is no, on the other side he measures fine. It was the managers refusal to acknowledge that there is an issue. I know what my son measures and he is good he fully meets the design of the ride. It is not a question of safety it is an inconsistent and inaccurate method they are using on EE. I have never been one to stuff socks in the kids shoes etc. So dont think or bring safety into it. He meets the requirements. DISNEY did not have the ability to accurately measure. As I stated he was allowed to ride prior to that. And still measured ok on the original side he was measured, it was the other side that showed short and even after demonstrating the issue the Manger went silent and simply walked away.

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