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Some fun from the Disney Parks Blog in honor of Donald Duck's "birthday" this week...



Today is Donald Duck’s anniversary and to celebrate, Disney Character Artist Brian James Fitchner is back with a tutorial on how draw our favorite fine, feathered friend.


Grab a pencil, paper, and get ready for some fun below.




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Brian is our favorite CM at the Animation class at DHS.


He taught me how to draw Donald Duck, and we have an original drawing signed by him, as told in this TR from two years ago:

OK, time for me to come clean.

I was joking around about the Donald Duck drawings.

What really happened is that we ended up in the front row of the animation studio.

The instructor was the same guy that we had two weeks before when I drew a Bolt that ended up looking like a demented Llama.

He is a very funny guy.

Since we were early in the day, he didn't ask the audience what they would like to draw. He just told us it would be Donald Duck.

He also let slip that the class before us had drawn Merida, the star of the soon to be released new Pixar movie, Brave.

The TCD twins groaned out loud at this news.

The artist, whose name is Brian by the way, heard the girls, and kind of joked around with them as we drew.

When you sit in the front row, you don't get a desk. You just get a lap board to hold your paper. I had a hard time with it. That's my excuse for how bad my drawing came out.

When we finished drawing, Brian said he would give away his Donald drawing to the person who could answer his Trivia question.

I don't recall the exact way he asked the question, but it was something along the lines of asking us to name one of the oldest Disney cartoon characters who had appeared with Mickey in some of his earliest cartoons. He said that this character was a cat, and that he had appeared in more movies than almost all other Disney characters other than Mickey, Donald and Goofy. The cat part threw people off. Several people raised their hands, and it was the third or fourth person that Brian called on who correctly guessed that the character was Pete. I remember Pete. I didn't know he was a cat.

So, we didn't win Brian's drawing. But, since we were up front, I got a photo of it. This is the unedited photo:


And, now, to give you all a good laugh at my expense, here are the three drawings done by the TCD gang:

First, twin #1:


Second, twin #2:


And last, and certainly least, mine:


Whoa, did I do a bad job!

I blame it on not having a desk.

After the class, we chatted with Brian a bit. The girls wanted to know if there was a chance that they might draw Merida again later in the day. Brian said probably not. I think they try to not repeat drawings. The girls said how bummed they were to have missed that chance. Brian said hang on. He dug under his desk, and handed this over:


Notice that it's dated June 1. Which was the day before. According to Brian, that was when they first offered Merida as one of the possible drawings. And, this was Brian's drawing from the first day. The girls said thanks for showing it to them. He said I'm giving it to you. That was awful nice of him.

So what needs to happen now is this guy needs to become famous.





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Thanks for the post, Mo.


I know what I'm doing with the kids later...


I will post pics, unlike Dave....


I don't have any to post yet.  She hasn't looked at the email.  But she did just come down and show us a picture of Maleficent she drew.  I was blown away.  But she wouldn't let me take a pic....she's quite private.  I'll try to get one at some point.

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I'm so proud of Adam! He just did this with only a tiny bit of help!




Way to go Adam!!!  That's great!


I don't have any to post yet.  She hasn't looked at the email.  But she did just come down and show us a picture of Maleficent she drew.  I was blown away.  But she wouldn't let me take a pic....she's quite private.  I'll try to get one at some point.


If she doesn't want a pic taken, I'm OK with that (unlike Lou).



I, unfortunately, never got to my drawing session with the kids.  K Bear is in the 11th hour of a book report due and Harry didn't give me the time of day when I suggested it.  Their loss for today, but I am determined to make it happen.

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