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Another Auld Lang Syne: The TCD Gang Rings in 2014 @ The Fort!

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They do have the extra dark utz pretzels here in Florida. Target sells them. Too bad the Massholes didn't know that.






I thought he said Dock.


If I see that guy, I'll be sure to let him know.


I really regret not telling them about ff.net.  Those guys would be great members here.  They would probably love counting bar stools and stuff.



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Yay another report!   War Eagle!!!    I have never seen the garland in person so bummer.  But it also irks me a little that it blocks the view of the castle.   I was in the night time parade when I wa

OOPS....My bad it's a case of fat fingers on an 8" screen... Didn't see it until you mentioned it. That is one thing that we need is a way to correct those.

The CM with Hullahoop is Barbara. She is a legend among anyone who has worked MS. She is Walt reincarnated as a woman. She is a blast to work with and always has a smile on her face and dances around.

Really, New England teams have won seven championships in the last decade?


I thought it was more, based on the amount of Chowd gear I see people wearing around down here every day of the year.


I apologize for the Masshole comment.  But, you have to admit that's a great nickname.


I also apologize to the old guys in the rocking chairs.  Here I am making fun of them for bitching about potato chips, but there have been lengthy diatribes on this very site about the unavailability of certain food items.  (Main Street Cinnamon Rolls and Steak Fries are the two that come to mind).  I should have told those guys about ff.net.  They would fit right in here.  We could have a whole thread about potato chips. 


I just remembered one other food item one of the old Chowds was complaining he couldn't get in Florida:  Utz Extra Dock Pretzels.  One of the other old codgers told him they had them here, but the complaining one said not the extra dock.  I think the old guy was right.  I've never heard of dock pretzels, let alone extra dock.


Those guys were great.




Haha, I was just giving you the business. For the record I don't even own a piece of clothing with a Boston sports logo.  I actually thought that group of guys looked a little grumpy but I felt I had to defend my fellow "chowds" (honestly, I have never heard that expression!)

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Haha, I was just giving you the business. For the record I don't even own a piece of clothing with a Boston sports logo.  I actually thought that group of guys looked a little grumpy but I felt I had to defend my fellow "chowds" (honestly, I have never heard that expression!)


Seriously, you've never heard the expression "chowd?"


They're everywhere around here.  They are happy to tell you how everything is better back in chowderland.  They show up in droves when the Red Sox play the Rays.  And, on a Sunday when the Patriots have a game, you're likely to see more Patriots gear being worn that Tampa Bay gear.



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Time to move on.


We left off looking at the collection of construction stuff piled around the pedestrian path behind the 300 loop.


This was serious business.  Look, they have a port-a-potty and cones and everything:




This is all really weird for me to see.


I come out this way every time I'm at the Fort.  Sometimes every day, just to stand here and look at this view:




You can barely see Space Mountain and the Castle in that photo because of the gray skies and the fog, but I could see them.  And there's a fishing excursion boat out there.  Very peaceful.


Here's the view from this spot looking over toward the dam- I noticed that there's a van parked there.  Maybe I will be running in to some workers.  But, as far as I'm concerned, it's OK for me to be here- there aren't any signs saying I can't be.  This was also my first view of the BABH through the trees:




That BABH doesn't look like much in that photo, but I was surprised to finally see it standing there.  The last time I was out this way, nothing vertical had been constructed yet.


I definitely needed some more BABH photos, so I headed that way.


Here's another look at the big pile of dirt and diesel tank:




Here's a serious piece of construction equipment:




And a better look at the BABH- it's much larger than I imagined:




Your basic picture of a bulldozer:




Again, it's strange to see so much activity going on back in this area.  There's the old shed and the old sea wall and post, which have stood here for years, and used to be all there was to look at:




I walked out onto that little area there next to the sea wall so I could look back toward the dam:




I looked around to see if there were any workers present:




I didn't see any people.  Just the yellow barriers floating in the canal, and behind them a solid metal wall going across the canal.  If you look at the roots on the cypress tree over to the far right, it looks like the water level here on the Bay Lake side of the dam is also low:




So, the last time I as out this way, I saw the permit for this project, which said the cost was $87K.  I wondered how a bat house could cost that much.  Looks like they rolled in a bunch more work under that permit.  Look at all the different pieces of equipment that are sitting on the bridge:




Now, I'm wondering if $87K is too low.


This is a shot taken over the construction fence.  This InterfaceH2O equipment was here the last time we were here:




If you're just walking by, all of the stuff in the next few shots is shielded from view by this construction fence:




But, I'm just tall enough that I can take photos over the fence.  Like this one, which shows that machine with the burlap fabric on rollers, and also gives us another look at the BABH:




This over the fence shot shows us the barriers in the water, and a mess of pipes that they're using to clean the water:




Over here to the side, outside the fence, is a stack of some very dead looking sod, and a big pile of rocks:




That's a lot of rocks:




Here's another over the fence shot.  Here we see that they put up a metal wall all the way across the canal.  There is new sod on the bank of the canal, and what looks like an air mattress floating there near the wall.  Interesting:




Do you remember how there was a folding chair on the canal bank the last time we were out this way?  I didn't see the chair this time.  Maybe the chair guy floats around on that air mattress now instead?


Here's another look at the BABH.  There's another port-a-potty over there.  I know that my counting skills have been called in to question, but I believe that makes a total of two port-a-potties that are here on the site.  You can also see here that on the other side of the metal wall, they have pumped almost all the water out of the canal.  It looks like there was no concrete poured under the bridge:




Here's a closer look at the new concrete there under the bridge:




There are pipes and hoses all over the place:




Remember that there were orange life rings hanging on the fence the last time we were here?  There's one of the rings over there leaning against the black fence on the right.  I also caught that egret in flight:




Here's a look at the bridge- look at all the dirt- what a mess:




There are two locks on the gate in the construction fence:




The gap in the gate is big enough to let me put my arm and camera through.  The new black gate isn't locked or even closed:




This is a shot taken through the gate, looking to the left- there's that orange life ring.  I guess if someone wanted to toss it, he'd have to clear the fence:




You can see that they dug a trench for a hose and covered it with plywood in this photo.  I'm just guessing, but this may be the handiwork of the orange fence guy:




Inside the fence, there's a big pile of gravel:




Here's a look a the new pump.  Look at all the hand tools. Do they have that many workers working out here? :




You know, that's a lot of construction photos.


Sorry if it's too many.


I thought I would have BABH bragging rights.


But, Grumpy/Dave posted the first photo of the BABH.  And of the new spillway. 


I guess I got carried away.


And you know what?


I have a few more BABH photos.


And a photo of the inside of the dumpster.  What do you think might be in there?


We will be looking at those in the next update.


Then we will move on around the 300 loop.


So, one thing seems clear now.


I don't think they are removing that dam or bridge.  Which means it's not likely that the Four Seasons guests will have boat access to the Magic Kingdom.


Ha.  Ha.



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Wait - does BABH seriously stand for Big A$$ Bat House?  Really - that thing is a bat house?

Forgive me if this has been addressed, probably a bunch, elsewhere.  I'm just catching up to stuff I've missed.  But holy moly - why in the world?




Okay, now that I'm thinking about it, surely I'm just having a blond moment and that isn't really a bat house.  But if not for bats, then who or what is that for?


Finally, yes, I have been known to warm a bar stool or two in my life.  :)

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Wait - does BABH seriously stand for Big A$$ Bat House?  Really - that thing is a bat house?

Forgive me if this has been addressed, probably a bunch, elsewhere.  I'm just catching up to stuff I've missed.  But holy moly - why in the world?




Okay, now that I'm thinking about it, surely I'm just having a blond moment and that isn't really a bat house.  But if not for bats, then who or what is that for?


Finally, yes, I have been known to warm a bar stool or two in my life.  :)



Yes, it's a bat house. 


Yes, I made the mistake of telling INC. 


Yes, we are no longer allowed to camp at the Fort. 

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Yes, that is a bat house.  A BABH.


Read the permit:




I guess they got the idea from the University of Florida, where they have two BABH's.  If you are interested, you can read more about them here:  http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/bats/


The Fort Wilderness BABH kind of resembles one of the UF ones- but it looks even bigger:




The UF bat houses are an attraction- people go to watch the bats fly out at dusk.


They have rules, though:


  1. Please do not throw any objects at the bats or the Bat House or Bat Barn.
  2. Please avoid making loud or high-pitched noises, as the bats are easily disturbed. Parents, please encourage children to comply.
  3. Maintain a safe distance from the structures by remaining behind the wooden fence of the observation area.
  4. Beware of falling urine and guano as bats fly overhead.
  5. Never pick up a bat on the ground.

Rule #4 seems like one you should remember.


If you would prefer to see thousands of bats emerge from the UF bat house and bat barn from the comfort of your home, there's a video here for you:




That's a lot of bats.


Thousands they say.


How many do you think will live in the Fort's BABH?


I'll guess a lot.


So they all fly out at sunset.


And where do they go?  AT UF, the bat houses are on the corner of the campus, surrounded by fields and some of the agriculture work areas.


At the Fort, the 300 loop is right there.


If you're on the 300 loop, make sure to wear some garlic around your neck and cover your hair.


I guess the bats are supposed to eat mosquitoes.  What I want to know is what happens when the mosquitoes are gone.  According to my extensive bat knowledge, I believe that they will look for human blood if there are no more mosquitoes.




A very good use of the excess funds they rake in by jacking up the rates and not wasting money on things like Wi-Fi and working locks on the Comfort Stations.



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True story.  My brother was honerably discharged from the US Naval Academy because he was bitten by a bat in his sleep one night and contracted rabies.  He missed so much instruction from the hospitalization that he had to drop out.  So, I will be avoiding the 300 loop.  If I am ever allowed to return to the Fort at all. 


BTW, it worked out fine for my brother.  The experience inspired him to become a Doctor, and he's a Colonel in the Army.  But I don't think he likes bats. 

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True story.  My brother was honerably discharged from the US Naval Academy because he was bitten by a bat in his sleep one night and contracted rabies.  He missed so much instruction from the hospitalization that he had to drop out.  So, I will be avoiding the 300 loop.  If I am ever allowed to return to the Fort at all. 


BTW, it worked out fine for my brother.  The experience inspired him to become a Doctor, and he's a Colonel in the Army.  But I don't think he likes bats. 




That's the least of my worries.


Did you read about the history of the UF bat colony? :  http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/bats/facts.htm


An excerpt (I provided the bolding):


The Bat House was built in March 1991 with support from the University Athletic Association. Bats permanently occupied the house in January 1995 and have raised nursery colonies in late Spring each year. The Bat Barn was built in March 2010 and became permanently occupied in August 2011.


When fire destroyed UF’s Johnson Hall in 1987, a colony of bats occupying the attic of the historic building was left homeless and soon inhabited the concrete bleachers of James G. Pressly Stadium at the track and Scott Linder Tennis Stadium on the north side of campus. The odor and stains from urine and guano and the bats’ close proximity to spectators were a nuisance, so the UAA decided to exclude the bats from those facilities and build a structure for them to live undisturbed and at a safe distance from humans. In September 1991, several thousand bats were captured from the stadiums, transported and released in the Bat House. The following evening, the bats emerged and found other places to live, while the Bat House sat vacant for more than three years, leaving UF officials and many citizens in doubt about the success of the relocation project.


But in 1995 the bats moved in permanently, and the colony continued to grow. In 2009, the internal structure of the house collapsed from the weight of the bats and the urine-soaked wood. The internal structure of the house was rebuilt and the Bat Barn added in 2010.


So UF built its bat house to move bats to a safe distance from humans.  The UF bat houses are much farther away from any buildings than the new Fort BABH is from the 300 loop campsites.


And do not.  I repeat do not.  Under any circumstances ever stand under the Fort's BABH.  Urine soaked wood, you know.


Also, don't miss the tidbit about how the thousands of bats they initially tried to move into the bat house left and established residence elsewhere.  Wouldn't that be a hoot at the Fort to have thousands of bats looking for a place to crash?  Maybe under your awning?



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I thought he said Dock.


If I see that guy, I'll be sure to let him know.


I really regret not telling them about ff.net.  Those guys would be great members here.  They would probably love counting bar stools and stuff.




Good stuff right there. But for the record, Cape Cod chips are pretty good (and widely available EVERYWHERE.)


Oh my gosh. I may never sleep again.


Me either. Really.

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When fire destroyed UF’s Johnson Hall in 1987, a colony of bats occupying the attic of the historic building was left homeless and soon inhabited the concrete bleachers of James G. Pressly Stadium at the track and Scott Linder Tennis Stadium on the north side of campus.


You just brought back some other memories for me.  I was there when Johnson Hall burned down.  We all gathered to watch the old building burn.  And some idiots set up a speaker system blaring Burning Down The House and everyone danced.  College kids can be pretty obnoxious.  Although it was pretty funny....and thankfully no one was seriously hurt that day AFAIK. 


Although, I doubt anyone would have been dancing had we known there were thousands of bats flying overhead looking for a place to crash. 

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9 out of 10 daughters will tell you, there ain't much better than a Daddy's wallet.  

The 10th daughter being mine, who usually has more money in her wallet than her Daddy does.  :lol:  Not having to support a family or even herself is mighty nice on the wallet.  Time for her to start paying room and board!

:jumpforjoy:  Yay A bonus feature after the Friday Fizzle!!!


1.  I agree that you miss a lot if you only tour the Fort by golf cart.


2.  The bridge is awesome.  Marty and I made a point to walk across it at WWW...both ways...on purpose.  That area is beautiful and shouldn't be missed.


3.  You are doing something right if your college age daughters drag you along on their day trip.  Even if it is just so you will show up with a big wad of cash.  

I love Kimmie. I love the Fort. I love that bridge.  That is all.

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Sorry if I missed this but do they have any permits to modify\remove the dam? I see the one posted to build the BABH but I would think they would need something else if they were going to alter the dam.

It makes me wonder if they might be doing something to allow water traffic up to the new 4 seasons? But, if they were doing that I would think they would have to do some sort of modification to the bridge going over the canal closer to the 1800 loop as well.

On second thought I guess I should ask... Is that canal wide\deep enough to support boat traffic?

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Also, don't miss the tidbit about how the thousands of bats they initially tried to move into the bat house left and established residence elsewhere. Wouldn't that be a hoot at the Fort to have thousands of bats looking for a place to crash? Maybe under your awning?


My brother in law last spring opened up his patio umbrella for the first time since fall and promptly have a family of bats come flying out at his face. Every time after that he smacks it a few times while it's closed to alert visitors to leave before he opens it.

Bat houses have their place, but it's on the perimeters of populated areas where they aren't disturbed and don't freak out the populace.

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We have talked about building a bat house to help control the insect population - we back up on a swampy area, so it can get annoying.


When you showed the picture of the BABh, I figured you were about to report what the real function of that structure would be.  No way could that be a bat house.  Then you showed the pictures of the others.  That's just creepy.  Really, really creepy.  


Hmmm... I wonder how my Home Owners Association would react to a BABH? >:D

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I'm thinking the open shelter near the pool will make a perfect alternate BABH... you know, the one with picnic tables under it where folks eat lunch... on bat urine soaked wood! But speaking of stench, I think the idea of boat service on the canal can be retired once and for all. There is no way they are going to shuttle all those rich folks within a few dozen feet of a festering open latrine.

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I'm thinking the open shelter near the pool will make a perfect alternate BABH... you know, the one with picnic tables under it where folks eat lunch... on bat urine soaked wood! But speaking of stench, I think the idea of boat service on the canal can be retired once and for all. There is no way they are going to shuttle all those rich folks within a few dozen feet of a festering open latrine.


Right....can you imagine the boat ride down that canal for poor Alastair, Contessa, Buffy and Chauncy?  "Pay no attention to the filthy campers on the left side of your boat.....and don't worry about the right side.  Those are animatronic bats.  Really, they are!  Close your eyes, the Magic Kingdom is coming right up.  Chop chop!"


Not gonna happen.  

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