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Disney/ABC Avengers Spinoff Trailer "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

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I'm pretty excited about this show. I just recently started watching the Marvel movies, and to my surprise enjoyed them....wasn't expecting that. I hope this show is a good as the movie was but I guess time will tell.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Your right. I never thought of it because I never liked the original movie and the TV show to me ranked with the low of Zena warrior princess


Didn't Battlestar Gallactica start as a movie before the TV series?  I loved that show.


The cylons made the back and forth red light thingy cool way before Knight Rider.

Your half right. The original battlestar was intended to be a theatrical movie which it did in Europe and Canada but for the US it was a two hour pilot for the series which was interupted half way through by the signing of the camp David accords. Supposedly the theatrical version was released in the us months later but I could never recall that.

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