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How MyMagic+ will work when it goes live later this year

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Think of the MB as a KTTW card on steroids. It will do at least what it did, then some.

They've said all along that there would be a cost to non WDW resort guests or if it was lost.

I'm suspicious of the $50 figure. Who's going to pay that if you can just get a replacement card instead.

I've searched the internal website for all Advisories and notices regarding the MyMagic+ program, which is a ton of stuff, and can't find a replacement cost number mentioned anywhere yet.

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There is more to the MB than just the close range passive RFID tag embedded in it. Right now, that's all that's being utilized. It also has a longer range HF RFID active tag radio and that's what requires the battery. This feature hasn't been discussed much as it's not in the works yet and won't be for a while as it will require substantial infrastructure for it to work.

The radio will send out a signal that can be detected from further distances. I don't believe that it can distinguish who the person is, just that there is a MB there. This longer range radio is not  in the RFID cards, so I'm not sure how much use it will be for monitoring numbers of guests at the attractions and exiting the park. They've already tested it for that use about six months ago when they a large frame type structure at the MK exit turnstiles.




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