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Everything posted by StephanieMS

  1. Thanks! We'll probably arrive on Friday before LD. I'm hoping to stretch it out until the next weekend so we can enjoy some uncrowded days! We have been to WDW many, many times, but this will be the first time at the Fort and the first time in September. We usually go in May, but it has become more and more crowded the last few years, so we want to try a relatively "uncrowded" time period.
  2. Thanks! We will probably spend a lot of our time at the Fort as well. It will just be me and hubby. This will be a "trial run" for our trip with the kids and grandkids next year. We like to relax and only spend a few hours a day in the parks.
  3. We are currently considering which week to take a trip to the Fort. We are small business owners and our time is limited. We cannot go at all during the first 5 months of the year. September is historically our "slowest" month, so it would be the best time to go. Since we give our employees 2 days (a 4 day weekend) for Labor Day, it makes sense for us to go then. We could have a nice long 7-10 day trip while being away from work for only a minimal amount of time. I know it will be hot. We live in MS so no big deal for us. It's also the height of Hurricane Season, but we have to deal w
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