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Everything posted by Discamper

  1. Rudy and Shelby taking a bark from Fort Fiends Pixar is in there also
  2. I forgot back then FREE Hot cider, Hot chocolate and Cookies over the holidays
  3. Trail End 80’s into the 90’s was the cheapest buffet on Disney property. It offered a large selection of food and was $5 to $15 cheaper than other resorts. In the evening there was free night entertainment. The entertainers would play songs and play Disney trivia. Friday nights was make your own pizza night they used the buffet line for the pizza toppings. Guest walked down the line picking and adding to their pizza that the end if the line they paid and were giving a number. You could sit there and listen to the entertainment or go have a beer or drink at Crocket Tavern. They didn’t call you
  4. Shelby was a rescue from a friend. Her name came from the car.
  5. I took Shelby today with me to check on the TT as soon as I open the door Shelby started freaking out. So I unhooked her and she took off into the TT within about a second I saw what was freaking her out. She had a rat in her mouth then she killed it. So Shelby now has extra kibble
  6. I like Big River and drink there everytime I go to EPCOT or HS
  7. It is Cool looking and I have seen those cars on the race track somewhere.
  8. Lets get back to my point. I want Car's Land. I could care less about Fantasyland expansion. I want Car's Land
  9. Disney could get rid of that little canyon ride and biuld a new Cars land there. I want a car's land it looks cool
  10. I just watch the new Cars Land at Disney Land on youtube it looks great. Why is Disney World last to get the new cool stuff?
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