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Everything posted by BRDof3...Rob

  1. We mostly do the relax-and-enjoy routine. At least once, my oldest daughter and I will do a rope drop to hit a coaster or two and see how many times we can ride it before the line starts to form.
  2. The sad part is that, if they didn't put that language in, some schmuck would most certainly have done just that.
  3. We ate there in '08, and we all pretty much agreed with this review. It was OK, but it didn't measure up to the price. Being Disney it was expensive. In my opinion, Olive Garden would be half the price, and better food. We didn't even think about MM when we went back in '10.
  4. I hear you MO5, being a nurse means never having to call Custodial for a Code Brown, Mellow Yellow, or Heavenly Hurl. In the words of Welcome Back, Kotter, "We am the custodians."
  5. Ditto. I believe this is the one that my wife got me for Christmas, prompted by my brother who has been using it for a couple of years. It fits perfectly into the front pass-through compartment, and I also plan to get a hose for the main propane tanks. Then I have the option of cooking on the wood fire, using charcoal in the CG pit, or my gas grill. I'm looking forward to breaking it in.
  6. Pots and skillets that stay in there hoping the old crock pot, now that my wife has a new one plastic containers cups plates, cooking sheets flatware cutting board portable grill that I got for Christmas sheets and towels medicine cabinet supplies sun screen bug spray spray cleaner (for post-trip cleanups) napkins and kleenex That's all I can think of for now.
  7. And all that was before 7:00 Central, according to my clock. Way to go Fiends!
  8. Thus transforming it from a Dole Whip into a Dole Cat-O-Nine Tails. :parrot:
  9. Be sure to give us a review of the Pop. I haven't talked to anyone that stayed there, and we've considered it before. Having two bathrooms is quite an incentive if the resort is OK.
  10. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "potty mouth," huh? Or would that be "butt head." Does butt floss improve your hindsight? It's been a long week, can you tell?
  11. I'll put in a plug for the Toyota SUV's. We tow a 5,500# Jayco TT with our '08 Sequoia. Even with the smaller 4.7 engine, as opposed to the 5.7, it handles it just fine. I know we are near the top of our limit with the 4.7, but we've towed this through the Midwest wind and mountains and never had a problem. The Sequoia has a nice, wide footprint and does great. We'll get 7.5-9.5 mpg towing, depending on speed and the wind. In town without the TT, it does about 14 or so, nearing 20 highway. With the wide body it handles 5 people and 2 dogs without being cramped, even packed for a week's camping
  12. My kids will second both of those, as well as the Nemo stage production and the raging river ride (not sure of their exact names). Depending on the ages and their Disney character preferences, they might also enjoy the Hollywood Studios. Lots of things there for the younger kids.
  13. Welcome to the asylum Dawn. We'll have you sick and twisted in no time. :banana:
  14. OK Dave. No more 20" pizzas with extra jalapenos right before bed. They're starting to have an effect. :rofl2:
  15. You cook, you iron, you are the perfect man. And by the way what happened to your sexy avatar? :banana: A Tag Fairy that shall remain nameless replaced it with something more closely resembling my real physique. After the convulsions stopped and my eye bleeding slowed down I grabbed a quick replacement. I'll go back to the stud-boy image soon.
  16. I'm thinking of getting mean. For several days before the trip I'll stockpile the dog offerings that the kid spick up from the yard, then mark my territory at the campsite. Homemade land mines. :rofl2:
  17. That's a pretty reasonable definition, and I wish that more people would honor it. I was in a site last summer that some folks in the next row kept using as a pathway to their extra vehicles parked in the overflow, I mean walking between the TT and the picnic table. I was on the end of the row, and they only had to go a few feet to one side to get around me. I got tired of it and staked the lab right in the middle of the site, so they couldn't walk through it without being in her range. I actually heard them bitch about having to put up with the dog. It never occurred to them that they could w
  18. https://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=263037202669&topic=12637 This is another chicken recipie that I am going to try.
  19. https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=263037202669 This an excellent source of crock pot recipies, and it's where I found the breakfast recipie that I tried. I don't remember exactly which one we used, but they have several variations that look good.
  20. They are getting too old for this, but I still do it for the little guy. I have a bunch of clear plastic nametag holders from various seminars. I put one of those on a Disney lanyard and put my business card in it, and write both our cell numbers on it. So far they haven't wandered away from us (not at Disney, anyway), but when they were younger Iwasworried that they would get too scared to rememberwhat to tell the CM when they needed help. This way they could just hold the nametag out to the CM so they would know who to call.
  21. My kids like campfire pizzas. Put a premade pizza crust in the cast iron skillet, top with your choice, cook on a low heat. Also works on the grill or stove in the camper, just be carefull not to get it too hot. Trust me, the smoke alarm is very loud in such a small space. I'll second using the crock pot. The camper doesn't smell like cooking for days on end, and we can start it and leave it for the day. We like chicken/ pork chops and rice, mexican pork chops (chops covered with salsa and cooked), Italian chicken (cover it with spag sauce and cook it). Brown the meat first, and you can mix an
  22. The baby is all set up, mostly restocked, and ready to go. I didn't flush the antifreeze out yet. We can't go for a least a few weeks yet, might as well play it safe. I was tempting a blizzard hard enough just by getting it out again. :rofl2:
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