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Everything posted by BRDof3...Rob

  1. One advantage to marrying into a farming family, we buy our beef right off the farm. We'll buy anywhere from 1/2 to 1 1/2 of a whole beef, and into the deep freeze it goes. We pay the farmer a bulk price based on the weight and that day's market price, then pay the locker to do the butchering and packaging. Usually comes out to a couple of dollars per pound overall, and that includes all the ground beef, steaks, roasts, and liver. Where else can I buy a t-bone for $2 per pound? The meat is usually so tender that steak knives aren't needed. I haven't ordered a steak in a restaraunt in years, be
  2. An intrapersonal bedroom activity director is a pervert with an education. :'(
  3. Another vote for good quality Rubbermaid-type containers. We tent camped for years, and I never lost anything from the tubs. We kept them clicked closed and stored under the end wings of the tent, so they were out of direct sun.
  4. I'd have to say that I prefer the marks to be on my buns, rather than my weiner. However, as long as it is hot, juicy, and sizzling I'm happy. (I'm talking about my hot dog, what were you thinking about?)
  5. Almost two whole pages, and no off-color humor yet? Get your minds into the gutter and act like real Fiends!
  6. I'm pretty sure we will. I could blow entire paychecks there.
  7. Just a suggestion: This is an open web forum, and anyone with an internet connection can read it. I would suggest that any specific information you have (such as specific information about where you live), that you want to give to the group, be sent by PM. The discussion is great, and one of the reasons that Jen and Chris started the site, but be careful about what information you give out on the web. Just my 2 cents.
  8. No they don't. Your sister goes along to make sure you don't spend too much money on overpriced Disney crap. They don't? and how come I have so much over priced Disney crap? One of these days, Al, I'm gonna find a way to be sitting in Germany or Mexico with you, drinking beer and buying overpriced Disney crap.
  9. I was gonna say eating and drinking my way around the World Showcase, but that sounds pretty lame after all this advice.
  10. Brown and crispy. To do it right it should never actually burn.
  11. Where are they? For some reason I think I should know, but I'm not picturing it right now.
  12. Hey Rob, we rented a house on or last trip too. It was awesome! Paid about the same as Amanda. Having the private pool was awesome. Ours was 4 bedroom and 3 bath. There are a ton of houses to choose from. I could get you a link if you are interested. Any links would be greatly appreciated. I don't see us down there this year, but I sure hope for 2012.
  13. Yeah, Lar the anti-hijacking police, took it off on a tangent. Go figure.
  14. I was cruising through rv.net thisevening and found this thread about camping at the Fort. http://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/24823011/srt/pa/pging/1/page/2.cfm I started to post about this site, then noticed that 2 other people already had. If you scroll down page 2, you'll see a senior rv.net member that listed several sites, probably from a search engine. Check out who is first on the list. Fort Friends All Ears WDW Magic Mice Age DisBoards Mouse Savers WDW official site They misspelled Fiend, but the link points right to us. We're getting noticed! :dropjaw:
  15. I'm curious as to the type of fisher-people we have here. I have never been fly fishing, but I would like to learn how. Our local lakes are usually bass, crappie, pearch, or catfish. I have the best luck with minnows or hot dog soaked in tuna oil, though the hot dog seems to be the easiest for them to steal. So, what do you fish for, and with?
  16. I'll second TJ on this. We got our little guy a starter set at Wally World, and he has done his best to wear it out. He does just fine, even fishing the bigger ponds and lakes. You can get basic tackle boxes there, too. Also second the part about the bait. Make sure you don't have sunscreen on your hands when you handle bait or artificial lures. The smell will keep the fish from hitting it.
  17. Talking loud, yelling at the kids, throwing trash at other campers' dogs, swearing, passing gas, peeing on the bushes at the edge of the campsite. Oh, I'm sorry. You were talking about what the other people do that is annoying. So sorry. Carry On. :D
  18. Hush! You want to have a line formed before we can get there for the opening?
  19. But, what would Larry do? The suspense may keep me awake tonight. :partythree:
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