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Everything posted by BRDof3...Rob

  1. Did you have to plow the driveway first, if not you can blame the snow for the lousy park job. The trailer is straight, it's the driveway that's crooked. The Earth rotated as I was parking it, and I didn't feel like adjusting for it again. Yeah, that's it.
  2. The camper is in the driveway, bring on Spring!! Of course, it's really crooked and a totally crappy parking job, but it's here so who cares?
  3. Just an informal poll for some friends of mine who own a private campground.
  4. I was saying this morning that I wanted to bring the TT home and get it set up for the season, and my daughter is already making plans to camp in the driveway. I love my kids. :rofl2:
  5. Sorry Snowy, I've found a new drug. Got me abig net, and I'm ready to roll.
  6. Oh, do tell! :rofl2: Nothing too entertaining. Just tore off the back right scissor jack, and mangled the lower telescoping bars for the awning. Could be a whole lot worse (and probably will be one day).
  7. She's actually looking at me, and telling the rest of the men in the world that their cause is lost.
  8. Our 2007 26 JTX is going strong. I need to get it over here and inspect for the Spring, but it looks like it handled the winter just fine. To be honest (and I'm probably jynxing myself here), we haven't had the first problem with it, other than a few boneheaded mistakes by yours truly.
  9. Assuming you're not one of those disreputable types that don't have to winterize. :rofl2: I may get the TT out next this weekend or next and wake it up for the year. I'd like to use it for a Spring Break trip, but the little woman may have other ideas.
  10. Nice shot. Your train station pic looks good on my laptop, too. Mucho appreciado. :popcorn:
  11. She wants you, Dave. Don't be put off by a little thing like legal action. She's calling your name in the night. Honestly...I think I am in the need to know basis about this whole Snow White story,...I have seen it for a couple of years---and always knew of your "feelings" or lack thereof,...and was wondering where does this stem from? :popcorn: Rumor has it his mother ate jalapenos every night during pregnancy, just before going to bed, but that hasn't been confirmed. What can we say, the male ego is a fragile thing. Some of us just can't handle rejection well. (I hear Goofy was waiting jus
  12. Anybody that takes our help is gonna find out that they were a lot better off before. :popcorn:
  13. She wants you, Dave. Don't be put off by a little thing like legal action. She's calling your name in the night.
  14. I used to love chasing characters. Colons, pound signs, asterisks, you name it. Then one day I was chasing a semicolon. When I caught it I discovered it was only a period. The comma was just a paste-on. Boy, you can't even trust characters any more. Turned me off for good, I tell you. :banana: Now I just hang around on web forums and mess up other people's discussions.
  15. Gee Debbie, it's too bad you don't know anything about your subject matter. :rofl2:
  16. Way cool. I'd like to copy that one to make a new wallpaper shot for my laptop.
  17. I find it easier to balance if I sit on the middle of the dog, rather than the end. :D Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  18. :argh: If you're gonna play games, at play Strip Parcheesi.
  19. Small World? Mr. Toad's Wild Ride? The Jungle Cruise? Am I close? :rofl2:
  20. There is a good crokpot exchange group on Facebook that I belong to. They have some good recipies there. I never took it when we tent camped, though I don't know why. I always pack one in the trailer. It is a Godsend on days when we are busy, and I don't have time to tend a fire for most of the afternoon to cook on it.
  21. There you go, an Up arrow for both of you.
  22. Well, I went camping with Jimmy one weekend. He cracked his corn, but I didn't care.
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