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Momof6....aka Marty

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Everything posted by Momof6....aka Marty

  1. probably. But my mom is 90. And it took her 2 months to accept my 5th pregnancy. Honestly. For two months, she did not talk to me because I was pg. That woman can really hold a grudge!
  2. Looking forward to reading about your marathon day. I really want to try In and Out Burgers. I keep hoping they will expland to the east Coast. They use no preservatives in the fry oil. :)
  3. Mrs. TCD looks like a wonderful K teacher. Very sweet, and we know she must have infinite patience. I had never really considered spendning Thanksgiving at the fort, but seeing how great your dinner worked out, I am now tempted. But while I have a parent or parent in-law living, I feel like I have to spend Turkey Day with them, and none of them were well brought up enough to want to go to WDW.
  4. Thank you for the button picture! Bummer about Roger Rabbit Ride. To my mind, the HM fits in a New Orleans area. All that mumbo jumbo stuff. I am figuring on a late lunch tomorrow, because everyone was up late tonight. Maybe, just maybe, if I sleep with my toes crossed just right, there will be another update for me to read by then. :)
  5. For those interested in more info on The Big Easy, I found this PDF which is the owner's manual and has lots of interesting info: http://assets.academy.com/mgen/24/10080724.pdf
  6. My 19yo isn't in college, so at this point is ineligible for DCP. But she definitely could be a CM, if only she could afford to live in the Orlando area. Oh, and if her mom would let her move that far away. LOL
  7. I have started planting seeds that 19yo dd needs to go to DL and who better to go with her than her dear old mom? Well, a girl can hope.
  8. Am I crazy? I would love to do it with them. Sounds like they will have a blast!!
  9. Looks like the UK will get its own theme park in a few years: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/11284388/BBC-to-open-theme-park-to-exploit-Doctor-Who-and-Top-Gear-brands.html My favorite line from the article: "I wonder if there'll be a #LastoftheSummerWine ride where you go down a hill in a tin bath"
  10. Thank you for the well-timed update. I enjoyed reading while munching. :)
  11. Hoping to read an update while I eat my lunch in a few hours. (Hint, hint!)
  12. I had a fun time, and even spent time with the non-park Wild Womenz after we got back. That time may or may not have included a toasted almond from Carol and a song from a very Wild Womanz. Unfortunately, I did wake up the next morning feeling not quite right which developed into flu. Hard to say when I caught it, but running myself down probably helped it to really develop nicely. I recommend being sure to take ample quantities of Airborne and using lots of hand sanitzer.
  13. BTW. is there a picture of the Citizen of Main Street button? I would really love to see that.
  14. Loving everything I read so far and can not wait for more!!
  15. Here is a blog post about when I did 4 parks in one day with some Wild Women. http://memoirable.blogspot.com/2014/01/four-parks-in-one-day.html
  16. So glad you will be able to go! Don't forget to take lots of pictures for those of us stuck at home!
  17. I am happy to help! I hope you will post more, now that you know we are here! :welcome:
  18. Just re-loaded the photos. Not sure if the trouble was mine or not, but I figured better safe than sorry.
  19. CAN. NOT. WAIT!!! To read that report! Have an amazing time!!! :yay: :bravo: :worship:
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