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Momof6....aka Marty

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Everything posted by Momof6....aka Marty

  1. Just bumping this up to help anyone planning vacys in the near future. :)
  2. Exactly what is the positive message this movie has? Not sure i need my children learning that one.
  3. I am a big Chumly fan myself. Can't wait to see what he does next. Almost a exciting as a TCD trip report! :suspense:
  4. Hey! Are you goofyseven on disboards?

  5. No, I think I got away with sendingg it to you, so I tried to send it to another poster who asked. that was when they took away my pm priviledges.
  6. I got in trouble there a few weeks ago for posting a cryptic message in a private message that told someone where to find us. Apparently, they were an undercover spy. The funny thing is, I lost my private message priveledges, so they can't tell me because I can't received private messages! Every time I go there these days, my computer takes waaay too long to download the site so i give up. I think God is trying to tell me to just stay where I am. :heart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7ZT5sajkys
  7. Are you hand embroidering? I can't afford a machine but would love to figure out how to do that type of thing. Do any of you worry about putting your child's name on their shirt? I thought that was one of the big no-no's due to stranger's using that to convince kids they already know them. You know, "Come this way, Jimmy. Your mother is over here. I'm her friend and she told me to come get you. Don't remember meeting me last year, Jimmy? Your mother introduced us! Well, I remember you!" I don't mean to be a buzz kill. I am just surprised. But then again, I am defintely the over prot
  8. If you pay me enough, I can be your outdoor speaker at campgrounds or whereever you choose. Just give me a topic and I can expound on it for hours. I might not be right, or relevant, but I will keep talking as long as you. Again, you would have to pay me enough. :rofl2:
  9. I still have a church key on a magnet on my fridge. My children even call it that! LOL
  10. Not only do i remember pop tops, I stepped on one at the beach once. Owww!! :argh: Thanks for the Sunday (early Monday) update. It made a great start to my Monday morning. :popcorn:
  11. Just crack the whip, my friend! Amazing what you can accomplish through fear and intmidation! :rofl2:
  12. I am having a very tiring day watching the children clean the house. I need me some more TCD reporting to take my mind off my troubles. :popcorn:
  13. You, sir, are a gentleman. Just another reason I am glad to find the great TCD at our new internet home. ;D
  14. I am so glad to have begun to read a TCD trip report again. Almost as good as being there myself. Definitely better than bacon. BUT, my family wants bacon with dinner and kids are begging for time on the laptop, so off I go. I look forward to finishing my reading later!!
  15. I know most people would consider me over-protective. Our family does not generally participate in activities we cannot do as a family.
  16. If you join recyclebaank.com you can earn points there that earn you coupons for $ off Coke (as well as other rewards). Use the coupons when there is a sale and get your Coke for free!
  17. My children have been looking forward to today, known to them as Intergalactic Star Wars Day" for months. They all dressed in Star Wars costumes. They certainly got strange looks at the grocery store!
  18. I don't set up an alarm,, but I have my dh with me. He is huge, so i never worry wwhen i am with him. We do sleep 8 in an 8 person tent, but it is very tight. Oh, and if you have that many in the tent, it isn't really posssible to move everything away from the tent walls is it is raining at night.
  19. Liv, That was my original plan, but we can't afford it yet. I decided to stop waiting and just come up with my own. Thanks for reminding me, I do want to add a missionary for each area as well.
  20. I am cobbling together various unit studies to make a unit study that is two weeks on each of the countries in the World Showcase. I have found a lady who blogged about her unit studies who did two weeks on most of the countries, so i am going to follow much of what she did. I haven't found much about Norway, but we did do a Viking Unit study last year (since my husband's heritage is Norwegian and Scottish). Anyway, just wanted to share our excitement. If all goes as planned, we will finish this study in October and then start packing for our trip. :banana:
  21. What makes my kitchen "perfect"? Cheerful children cooking and cleaning up while I sit and chat with fiends.
  22. Oh! This thread is about the truck? OOOHhhh! Now I get it! :rofl2:
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