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Just Whipperwhirl

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Everything posted by Just Whipperwhirl

  1. We do not currently homeschool so this is definately a change for us - all your advice and tips are so helpful - I really appreciate it.
  2. I dont see it as permanent - I was thinking a year - but if we really like living this way it could go on longer - The more I look at families who are doing this the more I want to give it a try - I don't see what we have to loose.
  3. Maybe it’s the fact that I am a gypsy descendant (I swear – you should see me in hoop earrings) or the fact that I am fed up living status quo but I hear the road calling my name. Not really interested in the whole European or Russian gypsy lifestyle – but more like modern American travelers – hit the road – live in the wind. For a number of reasons we had already decided to put our home in Connecticut on the market in the spring 2012 and relocate. The plan was to sell the house and move into a rental home while we decide where we want to permanently relocate to. Deciding where to go ha
  4. Most of it seems like common sense. I dont think enforcement will be a huge priority.
  5. We have been to LegoLand California - It was a good time (although alot of the sculptures suffered from exposure) - looking forward to visiting the Florida park one day.
  6. About how much is the discount if you follow this procedure?
  7. I think we should all just embrace the love bugs - love the love bugs - start a love bug fan club - then Disney will make them go away.
  8. My kids will be 12, 7 and 7 months for our next FORT trip (probably - still thinking about switching to Thanksgiving instead of April) - We are traveling from CT with 1 - 2 stops - Do you think that kind of journey is too much on a young baby? I told my husband I thought it would be better if I flew with the baby but if I fly - he says all the kids are comming with me - he doesnt want to be the sole caregiver for the kids while handling the camper. Three airline tickets adds up. I flew down with the kids for our last camping trip at the Fort - It worked out Ok - We all drove back though - w
  9. My favorite resturant at Disney - I am envious of those who get to enjoy this meal!
  10. Our one year old is chipped - we have never had any problems - It gives me a piece of mind.
  11. We want to put our house on the market next May. we are thinking the best way to keep it clean and presentable with three kids would be to move out. One likely possability would be to seasonal camp somewhere or to take up space in my parents yard (not something my DH would like to do). I would love for it to be the Fort but it is a bit too far for us to travel and show the house off - nevermind I think that would cost a fortune! So we are looking for sites in Connecticut and Western MA. Has anyone ever seasonal camped before? What kind of things are wonderful about it and what kind of th
  12. At the risk of a thread that goes horribly awry - Is there anyone else here that loves showering outdoors? There is something wonderful to me about it. The sky above your head - a light breeze - heaven. I also think it would be a great way to avoid filling up the gray water tank. I imagine some campgrounds may frown upon using soap (we are at a public campground and I think they could care less). Our new trailer has the outdoor shower head and I have been contemplating how best to get a shower curtain out there since the nozzel is poorly placed under one of pull out beds - I have to inves
  13. Unfortunately letting the cleaning go - just isn't me - I grew up on a farm and my father was a nut about keeping things clean - Its amazing how the experiences that happen in our childhood frame our thoughts and feelings as an adult. I really like the idea of a trash can that hooks outside the camper - we have to get rid of our garbage constantly because of critters - perhaps if it was off the ground it would not be as tempting? I definately have some more purchasing to do so the clean-up work is easier. #1 The broom I brought just isnt good for all the little corners and crevaces - I also
  14. We are currently in the middle of our longest trip so far with the new camper so far and while I expected there to be some cleanup while we vacation - I feel like I am doing a bit too much. I understand some of it may be due to my nesting nuttiness but am I expecting too much to have a clean floor, dust and sand free beds (we are at the beach), clean dishes, etc? Does anyone else feel like they take the cleaning a bit too far? Does anyone else have a cleaning strategy that may help cut down on the amount of time I spend in my Cinderella outfit?
  15. I was beginning to think there was! The good news is that so far we have not gone without anything we need. I was even able to pull out a glue gun yesterday and fix one of the kids toys - I felt like super packer.
  16. I actually kind of like this idea- wouldnt it make it easier to identify people taking up resources at the Fort (i.e. the pool) who arent actually guests?
  17. Im still packing - making little trips to the camper every day - still need to hit the dollar store (again) for items - the good news is all the "big" stuff is in and we still have two empty cabinets - that means I wont have to wear all my clothes for the week on our way down there. Now if the weather outlook would improve . . .
  18. They look good - but I am also not a fan of cake pops - too sweet.
  19. I'm really glad to see this TR - I was bummed all weekend we couldnt make it - I hope you had a terrific time despite the setback.
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