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Just Whipperwhirl

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Everything posted by Just Whipperwhirl

  1. I think if they are old enough to drive alone - they should be able to go to the pool alone. Other than that - Im going with them.
  2. I used to love to fish when I was a kid. Catch and release in a river near our house. I'm not sure why I ever stopped doing it. What do I need to get started doing it with my children? Is it as simple as I remember - A pole, some worms?
  3. I definately think 12 is too young. I think pairs is must for anyone younger than 17. This is strange times we live in.
  4. Give it up - I want the whole list! Thanks so much! This is a huge help!
  5. You just saved me a trip over to the LEGO store. I dont know how to thank you. Respect Bump!
  6. Does anyone have detailed dimensions on his carts? Its a golf cat parade relivant question.
  7. Wow - Camping in the Snow - I never even thought of that as an option.
  8. It was in a premium loop for a while - after our stay was over in loop 1500 - we were going to throw it in the trash but there was a very nice lady who wanted to keep it on her site for Thanksgiving so we moved it down there. I told her it probably wouldn't last but I think it made it a couple more weeks. It looked like this during our stay. Here is my husband moving it to the premium loop - kind of funny actually - kind of like it was sailing: We had to construct new sides for our trailer at the campsite because we left it behind but I was happy because more people would get to see it
  9. Should I be thinking about packing a care or emergency box that contains things like nail clippers, benedryl, doggie asprin, that kind of thing? Does anyone have something like this already packed that they would be willing to share the contents?
  10. My mother is shorter - she has a tricycle that would work well for you - we bought it for her off of amazon - I will post a link for you: http://www.amazon.com/Westport-42078-Adult-Folding-Tricycle/dp/B000Z89JFO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1296831943&sr=8-1
  11. wow - not a day huh. Healthy kid. My kids like going to school also - we don't live close to the Fort though - about 1200 miles away actually so weekends are kind of out of the question.
  12. @ Judy - thanks for the Pearl Harbor reminder - my daughter is the intellectual type - Ill add that to the list - we definately wont want to miss that. @ Campingdawgs I never thought of renting a Condo - thats a really good idea - thanks for that tip!
  13. When the Government first threw us all money in the initial stimulus package that was going to save us all from financial ruin ? I wanted to give that check right to a small business. So my husband and I own two 3 speed Workman tricycles. I can?t ride a regular bike for medical reasons and I wasn?t going to be seen on a tricycle alone so my husband has one also. They are challenging to ride ? they are heavier than a normal bike ? sturdy ? built to last ? FOREVER. I wouldn?t want to ride them around town but around level campgrounds they are perfect. I can put Ice, beach gear, small childre
  14. There are so many reasons why the 1500 loop is the best loop. I feel bad for those big RV's that cant fit into our beloved little loop.
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