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Everything posted by Donna

  1. well if i had to choose between you being on FB or writing TCD reports for the fiends, I am choosing the reports for the fiends! your reports are about as close as it gets to actually being there!
  2. I can chime in about the ebay listings. Do an 'advanced search' and then check off completed listings. you can sort by date or value , high to low or whatever. You must be signed in to ebay though. I am SO kicking myself for selling an old Fort musket mickey license plate WAY before I ever went to the fort and knew what a treasure I had. I always wondered if anyone on here ever got it.
  3. LOL, you DO remember me, WOW! wish i had that memory of yours! I know I do not post a whole lot(always on FB); i do try to check in. Donnie had filled me in when the flush went down and I had always wondered when you'd be showing up here! I was in serious TCD report withdrawal. As for our friend on 300 loop, it's like he fell off the face of the earth! Last I heard was he got sick; i even wonder if he moved on up to the big 300 loop in the sky! I was hoping maybe you'd run across him in another loop during one of your adventures. I remember him telling me they were going to put sites along B
  4. TCD, you probably do not remember me; i used the same ID over on the old boards as well. I had a weird feeling you were here now; last time I checked, you were not, so I thought i better check again. SO SO glad you are back! I have some catching up to do and don't get over here to post much; in fact, I only recently saw the site improvements and it is just great! Thanks for all you do with the reports and thanks to the webmasters for all they do. The old boards cannot hold a Fort Lantern to these new boards!!
  5. .....that we have a new name and we will send referrals using that name instead of DIS. Why should DIS get any more credit and advertising!
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