Terri, I tried finding you on Pete's page, but it would never come up like he spelled it. He kept saying you were AMANDA PHILLIPS. Now, I understand I can be slow, but Amanda and Terri are just not the same.... :D
Here is the advertising rates for our board.
Banner ads are a flat rate of $35 a month.
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also pm tiggerinbama she enters the Christmas contest and is in site 801 every year she goes ALL OUT... and would be able to help you probably more than any CM
Hmmmm, let's see.....NTSammy5 (still lives in NT), DaveinTN and wife (I think it was Orchard Park), FtWildernessGuy & his wife (Olean & W. Seneca), anyone else?:tool: I stayed at a Holiday Inn once. :banana: