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CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

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Posts posted by CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

  1. 15 hours ago, bhall said:

    He kind of reminds me of one of my favorite players from back in the day, Kevin McHale.

    McHale played for the Boston Celtics.  Gabe's travel team is the Atlanta Celtics.

    In college McHale averaged 15.2 points and 8.5 rebounds per game.  This past year Gabe averaged 12 points, 9 rebounds, and 4 blocks per game.

    By the way, the video was produced by Ethan, Gabe's younger brother, who is 15, 6'4", and good ball player himself.  The youngest brother is just 9 but shows a lot of potential.


  2. 1 hour ago, bhall said:

    Wow, as a sophomore and played at that caliber? Dunking, Layups, fade away jumpers, and an impenetrable defense under the net....wow. I can't imagine how good he will play this year and next year as he matures.

    We are excited about his future too.  The high school team he played with this year used him mainly on defense.  Which I think was a mistake on their coach's part.  And also not good for Gabe because he was denied a lot of offensive play time, which I think is his strong point.  

    But that coach has resigned, so hopefully next year will be different.  

  3. We went out of town again today ... and again a relief to get away from the house and our memories.

    David told me today he never wants another pet ... it's just too hard to let them go.  And I agree.  Plus, my arthritis is so bad that I can't get down the stairs to take one out.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Ivy said:

    Gwen I am so sorry for your loss. She brought so much joy to your lives and I know you will miss her. Thinking of you and David today.

    Thank you, Ivy.  Right now we're just wondering how we can bear to go the Fort without her.  75 days until we leave.  Hopefully we can get past this enough to enjoy our trip.

  5. Thanks, Gretchen.  Today has been a little easier.  David didn't have to work today, so we went out of town this morning to get out of the house for awhile.  It helped both of us to concentrate on something else for awhile.

  6. Thank you, everyone.  This is so hard.  I kept hearing her walking around in the house today.  I was constantly looking into her sleeping spot to check on her.  And then I cried every time realizing she's never going to be here again.

  7. One last picture of Kassie.  She died yesterday morning.  Through the years we've had lots of dogs   But she was absolutely the best -- so loving, so perceptive, so much personality.  She loved to go camping and riding around in the golf cart.  We miss her so much but have many wonderful memories.  Going to WDW this fall just won't be the same without her.

    Here she is on our way to WDW last fall.  She was mad at me because I wouldn't let her sit in my lap.  


  8. According to the CDC, the percentage of adults who smoke in the US in 2014 was 16.8%.  I couldn't find any final numbers from the CDC for 2015.

    Many, many households have just one smoker -- like me and David.  He quit, and I didn't.  I know very few couples that both smoke.  So I'm guessing that the percentage of households that include a smoker is at a bare minimum 20% and more likely much higher.

    That's an awfully large percentage of the US for Disney to alienate.

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