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CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

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Posts posted by CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

  1. 2 hours ago, swimmarz said:

    you wont believe this... we left on Friday, the Wednesday prior we were dropping T(4) off at VBS and is lil bro S(2) said he wanted to go with his brother, VBS will not allow kids not potty trained, Thursday morning rolls around and S did't have an accident overnight, and use the potty on his own all day long, now were back to Friday, I wanted to put him in a Diaper for the ride, he refused, not 1 accident in the car both ways.... CRAZY! I tell you CRAZY!!

    I believe it!  Motivation works miracles.  Our youngest was 3 and refused to be potty trained until he decided he wanted to go to the same school his siblings attended.  He had accidents the day before he started, but once that first day of school arrived he never had another one. 

  2. On 8/6/2016 at 10:02 PM, Duane said:

    Ok Gwen, you need to do what the Miller "Queen" and "Princess" does on occasion...  You need to travel like the rockstar that you are!  Get David to drop you off at your kid's in Wake Forest... Send him on his way to the Fort with the dog.  Get your kids to drop you off at RDU and catch a Southwest flight to Orlando.

    Let him get to the Fort and get everything set up and in place. You take the 1.5 flight down to Orlando and catch the DME over and get dropped off at the Fort.

    Like all rockstars, you let the "roadies" travel ahead and get everything set up, the you swoop in and enjoy the fruits of his labor!

    LOL, I wish!

  3. 27 minutes ago, momof3kids-Yvonne said:

    Maybe approach it another way. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. Are there any places along the way that might interest David. Perhaps suggest stopping near one of those places and getting there early enough to visit the place.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Great idea, Yvonne.  But once he leaves home he zeroes in on the Fort and nothing else matters to him except getting there.  He's on a mission.

    I'd have a better chance of getting him to stop on the way home.  In years past we've stopped (on the way home) and spent time at Daytona, St. Augustine, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, etc.

  4. 12 minutes ago, ftwildernessguy said:

    And now, a story.  For those who have blocked my valuable posts, you lose.  Anyway, back a hundred years ago as a young and extremely handsome dental student in Buffalo, NY, I had an instructor whose son was in the Army, stationed at Fort Benning, GA. The son got leave and was anxious to get home and not waste any more leave days than necessary, so he drove straight thru.  Imagine the scene of him driving into his parents driveway while mom and dad were there ready to greet him, he gets out of the car and drops dead immediately.  The blood clot formed in his leg broke loose, travelled to his lung and killed him.  This tragedy is true and impacted a family I knew and cared deeply about.   If you are in the habit of driving long distances without stopping, at the very least you should be moving your legs about.  Lift your heals and exercise those calf muscles.  Better yet, stop every couple hours and walk around a little.

    This is a story that should be a reminder to all of us.  It can happen to anyone at any age, and it's so preventable!

  5. 7 minutes ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    Does David know what your out of pocket expense will be if you have to get medical attention for a DVT?

    If he's in such a hurry, let him drive by himself, and hop a plane.  Magical Express can drop you off around the time he's got everything set up.  Maybe give him instructions on what to have on the table for your dinner when you arrive.


    Thankfully my out-of-pocket expense wasn't too bad.  I have great insurance.

    David shouldn't be in such a hurry.  The same thing could happen to him.  He would be happy to drive 500 miles with only one bathroom/fuel break.  He's putting himself in danger too.

  6. 13 hours ago, DinDavie said:

    I have also had a DVT due to extended times behind the wheel of my Motor Home.  I first felt it in Arizona and drove all the way back to south FLA before going to the Dr.  He put me in the hospital and kept me there for 5 days.  I'm sure your Dr. also explained to you that DVT's are OFTEN fatal.  So when I follow Dr's orders I drive for no more that 2 hours at a time and stop to stretch and do some exercises.  I will often drive as much as 400 miles a day but will always stop by 4-5 PM.  If you go on line you will find there are exercises you can do while sitting in a car or airplane that are recommended for DVT people.  This is not something that is negotiable. You must pay attention to these simple preventive measures or the next time may be worse.  Drink lots of water and keep the driver drinking lots of water as well so you are both forced to stop to use the rest rooms.

    I checked out the exercises online.  Thanks for the tip.  The internet was more informative than my doctor!

    Can't believe you drove from Arizona to Florida before going to the doctor.  I was in so much pain that I could barely walk.

  7. 33 minutes ago, 2beagle said:

    This will be our first big road trip! Leaving Wisconsin on Saturday,  arriving to the Fort Monday morning. I have hotel rooms reserved for our drive there and back, since finding a room that sleeps 6 may be a real hassle without ressies. Planning a little over 600 miles Saturday,  about  430 miles Sunday,  and just over 200 miles Monday morning. We have 4 kids, ranging from 17 down to 5, so we're stopping where there is a pool and free breakfast at each hotel.

    You're making me feel like a wimp!

  8. Thank you all for your suggestions and comments!  

    My doctor told me to stop and walk around every 1-2 hours.  And even with that, I have to keep moving my calf muscles often.  She also ordered blood tests to see if I have a predisposition toward clotting.  Will have them run this week.  If they show positive, I'll go back on Xarelto for the duration of the trip.

    Can't wear compression socks because one of the clots was above my knee.

    Biggest problem right now is David.  He doesn't want to take an extra day.  Last trip I begged him to stop for hours and he wouldn't.  I think that's why I ended up with the clots. This trip that attitude won't work for me.  I'm determined not to land in the hospital again having shots in my stomach.

    Jason, I can't believe your grandmother was able to make the trip in two days!

    Mo, if you're having that much swelling, please be careful!

  9. While I'm a fan of corporal punishment in younger children, these kids are too old.

    After years of abuse, I finally stood up to my mother at the age of 16.  She raised her arm to slap me yet again, and I raised my arm to slap her back.  She stopped and never hit me again.  I think she was afraid of what I would do.

  10. I know this has been discussed on various threads through the years ... wanted to start a thread for this topic specifically.

    David and I have always traveled 500 miles toward the Fort the first day.  That left a couple of hours of travel the next morning, and we arrived at the Fort around 630 or 730 am the second day.

    But last year I developed two DVTs in my left leg during our trip.  It was very painful.  I was on Xarelto for 7 months.  Just went off it a couple of weeks ago.  My doctor attributed it to sitting in the moho too long.  Like flying for hours without exercise.

    I'm trying to convince David to break up our trip into segments of 250 miles per day or so.  That means 2 days and about 2 hours the third day to get to the Fort.  We would still go home in 2 days, a little over 300 miles each day.

    Am I being unreasonable?

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