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CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

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Posts posted by CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

  1. We always stayed in the 700 loop to avoid cypress tree droppings.  We had a Miniature Schnauzer who passed away on Father's Day this year.  The cypress droppings would stick to her hair like glue, and we spent 20-30 minutes each time she went out cleaning her up.  700 has a dog walk that is clear of cypress.

  2. 3 hours ago, fladogfan aka Gretchen said:

    Favorite cat of all my life, Shenandoah, can still bring tears.  He died in 1979.

    What a friend he was.  Danielle is a close very second.

    One of my favorite pets was Carlou Dana Excelsia, my Great Dane.  She died in the early '80s from cancer..  I still remember how I put her in puppy obedience training and she pulled me across an entire football field.  Pets have such a way of touching our hearts for all eternity.    

  3. 8 hours ago, CJHokie said:

    Let's see, today I have already 1) waited for her to run up to me during a thunderstorm 2) looked behind my rolling chair to make sure I didn't roll onto her tail 3) almost left some dropped chicken pieces on the floor for her to get. 

    Thanks again, everyone. With so much crap on the internet, it's nice to have a good community with people who care. 

    I so understand.  Kassie passed away on Father's Day, and I still see her running through the house ... still go to check on her ... still come home and expect her to run to the door to welcome us. The list goes on and on.  But my episodes are gradually getting farther apart.  Hugs to you! 

  4. 43 minutes ago, CJHokie said:

    Had to make a tough call on Ellie yesterday. Her tumors started getting infected and the vet said antibiotics would be an uphill battle. Plus she wasn't eating and could barely get up off the floor. We know it was the best for her but very sad. Random things make me cry, like seeing a potato chip piece on the floor under the kitchen table. She got to spend her last days doing her favorite things - swimming and hanging out with us. 

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.  The Rainbow Bridge has received too many Fiend pets recently.  Hopefully Kassie, Lacey, and Ellie are happily running and playing together.

    But like TCD said, you did the right thing for Ellie.  Just take life one hour at a time.  Soon you will be able to take life one day at a time.  Sending hugs to you.  

  5. 16 hours ago, fladogfan aka Gretchen said:

    Lacey came into my life when she was  6-8 weeks old.  I worked for the lady who bought her as a groomer to her many pets.  The very first time Lacey was groomed was when I fell in love with her.  Such a good little puppy, even for the toenails.  Every time I went to the house Lacey would be jumping and barking behind the puppy fence.  I asked if she did that all the time and was told  "No, only when you come."  so I think the love was mutual.  When the owner had to go to a nursing home I said I'd take Lacey, and was told you have to take Lucky too.  Lacey was 9 years by that time and Lucky almost 11. 

    What a great memory!  I really believe pets choose us as much as we choose them.  

  6. 1 hour ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    I'm sure it will be tough... might be easier to ask for a different loop.  Tough to say I guess :(   I really like the 1400 loop and it is not "suppose" to be a pet loop.  That might be helpful.

    David and I agree that we still want the 700 loop.  400 would be our second choice.  We both really like being close to the Settlement.  Of course if we were smaller we'd be requesting the 100 loop like you!  We stayed in 100 many times when we had our TT and really enjoyed it.

  7. 3 hours ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    Hugs my friend... I know the first 24 hours at The Fort will be especially tough for you and David.  That and the drive down.  I'll be thinking of you both.

    Thank you, NaCole!  We've discovered that even packing without her around is depressing.  Brings back so many memories and so many things to dread.  David was saying this morning he thought he wouldn't even visit the dog walk, even though it's a pleasant place to go.  He thinks it would bring back too many bad memories.

  8. Oh, Gretchen, I'm so sorry for your loss.  Lacey sounds like she was such a wonderful dog and had a lot in common with Kassie.  Kassie would get excited when we started packing the motorhome, but when she heard that diesel engine come to life she would start shaking with excitement.  It's gonna be hard to come to the Fort without her.  We'll arrive on Labor Day and would love to see you and Bill.  

    Please give Lucky a hug for me.  It sounds like he is mourning too.  Would love to see a picture of the two of them.

    Sending you hugs.

  9. Jessica is getting better and better!

    Meanwhile, 16 year old grandson Austin started college courses two weeks ago.  He has a few high school courses to finish up due to graduation requirements, then it will be all college for the next two years.  This summer he completed an internship at our local airport and then volunteered at the huge air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  

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