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CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

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Posts posted by CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

  1. Thursday, 9/29:

    Had breakfast at Roaring Fork.  Then did another first -- visited the Carrollwood Room.  Was disappointed in it.  I'd heard such great things about it, but it didn't measure up to my expectations.  But I'm glad we saw it.

    Then we went to EPCOT.  Walked around WS.  I tried the black pepper shrimp in China, and it was not good.  The shrimp was very overcooked, and the entire dish was cold.

    Next I had the shrimp at Australia.  Delicious!

    Last I ordered the beet salad at Farm Fresh.  But when I got to the window to pick it up, I was told they had run out of goat cheese.  So I got a refund and will try it later.

    Got back to the Fort and went looping.  It's still early so maybe more excitement!

    Like Kristie said, it's hard to believe our trip is almost over.  Next week this time we'll be home and unpacking, wishing we could turn around and do it all over again.


  2. 4 hours ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    Hi Melissa,

    Isn't it wonderful that we have the Disney complimentary resort transportation to take us to and from the theme parks? Guaranteed complimentary transportation is the best kind of transportation! 

    When it comes to arriving at your early Advanced Dining Reservation on time, you don't have to worry about that either. When you check into your Resort hotel, visit guest services and mention to them that you have an early Advanced Dining Reservation during one of the days of your stay. Each resort offers bus transportation for guests that may have Advanced Dining Reservations that are very early in the morning within the theme parks. The Cast Member will be able to tell you what time to arrive at your bus stop to take advantage of the early transportation.

    I hope this answer helps with your vacation planning, Melissa. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask us at any time. We're always here to help.


    This definitely doesn't include the Fort.  We had an early ADR at Crystal Palace.  We went to the Concierge repeatedly and were finally told we would have to ride the bus to WL to catch a bus there to MK.

    BTW, I'm also on an ECV.  If I weren't, we could have taken the small boat to the Contemporary and walked over.

  3. After breakfast at TE we went to DHS.  Had a great time.  Snacked this afternoon at the Brown Derby Lounge.  Came home and went looping for a long while.

    We had thought about going to MK tonight to see MSEP and Wishes, but we're in the middle of a thunderstorm yet again.

    Next week this time we'll be overnighting in SC and on our way home.  

  4. Tuesday, 9/27:

    I have given up on posting pictures while we're here.  The last few days, I can only get Photobucket to cooperate around 5am.  Too early while I'm on vacation!

    Today we went to EPCOT to have lunch at Biergarten.  I really like it there, David not as much.  He thinks it's too expensive for what they serve.  What can I say?  It's Disney.

    We watched a performance by Voices of Liberty.  They have quite a few new people in their group but were as good as always.  Then when we left a thunderstorm started.  We waited for quite awhile for the rain to slack up.

    Then we did something we haven't done in 30+ years.  We watched Impressions de France.  It was really good.  Don't know if it's the original film or whether it's been updated.

    Got back to the Fort in time for David to blow off the top of the motorhome before dark.  He has to do it about once a week because of all the droppings from the trees.

    Am getting sad.  One week from now we'll be packing to go home.  It seems like we just got here.  I know we are incredibly blessed to spend a month at the Fort.   But it's never enough time.  In the next week we'll be trying to cram in everything on our to do list that we haven't had time for yet.  I big wish is that one day we can stay at the Fort long enough to get tired of it.  Maybe winter here.   

    Good evening, all.

  5. Today ended up being a fort day.  We went out to breakfast this morning, visited the Disney outlet again, made our yearly trip to Camping World, bought groceries, etc.  We planned to go over to Animal Kingdom when we got back.

    And then it started thundering.  I suggested that we hold off on leaving for awhile to see what the weather would do.  Soon it started pouring rain.  And the thunder and lightning intensified.  So we stayed in and decided to go to the Magic Kingdom later.

    Meanwhile we had lunch about 5:00 and as we were finishing Gretchen and Bill came by for a visit.  The rain had stopped.   So after they left we packed up and started out the door to leave for MK, and it started raining again.  It's been raining off and on for an hour, and David wants to be back in time to watch the presidential debate, so we're staying in.  :(

  6. Sunday, 9/25:

    Another MK day.  Finally I was able to get a photo of the castle with the crane in position so that I could Photoshop it out:


    We visited a few attractions.






    The park was really crowded.  We spent most of our time just walking around and soaking in the atmosphere.

    We got hot dogs and fries at Casey's.  I had their version of the Southern Smothered Hot Dog -- not quite as good as the one at the Meadow pool.


    We came back to the Fort right after lunch.  It was another really hot day.  Too hot to stay in the park in the afternoon sun.  

    Went looping with NaCole, Simon, and her children again to cool off.


    I cooked dinner, and we called it an evening.

  7. Saturday, 9/24:

    This morning we went out to breakfast offsite and then went to EPCOT.  Touringplans.com said EPCOT would be a 3.  We knew that wouldn't be true.

    We visited the Seas



    and then Journey into Imagination.  At 11:00 Journey had a 20 minute standby!  Yep, the park is a 3 ... right ...


    We decided to venture out into WS but only got as far as McDonald's.  The crowd was so heavy that I could barely maneuver my ECV through it.  We turned around and left.

    Then we decided to resort hop.  We went to All Stars because neither of us had ever seen them.  Next up was Art of Animation, then Pop Century.  We have now seen all the resorts.

    We got back to the Fort and went to TE to refill our mugs.  When we got back NaCole's daughter had noticed we went out on the golf cart without her, and she wasn't happy ... she is so sweet.  Seriously, her kids are so smart, so well-mannered, so lovable.  We took them out later for a brief cart ride.

    After cooking dinner I collapsed.  I've done too much walking and standing the past few days, and I can't get my pain levels under control.


  8. 11 hours ago, BigTom said:

    They wear hats with beads hanging on them to keep biting flies off in back country in Australia, might work for yellow flies and mosquitoes.

    Maybe the yellow flies and mosquitoes don't like the metal in the keychains.

  9. 2 minutes ago, fladogfan aka Gretchen said:

    Splitting a D-Luxe burger sounds like a good idea.  How did you like Sweet Tomatoes?

    I hope tonight is cool for you and the rest of the fort.

    We both had plenty to eat at D-Luxe Burger!  I really like Sweet Tomatoes -- have been there before.  David liked it too.  Before we went there, he was complaining about the lack of meat.  I told him if he wasn't full he could stop at McDonald's on the corner on the way out.  He didn't stop.

    I just hope the power stays on tonight.

  10. Friday, 9/23:

    Today after I cooked breakfast we went to DHS.  Had a FP+ for TSMM and used it.  Then the park was so crowded that we left.  We drove over to Old Key West because we'd never seen it before.  We were both underwhelmed.  Just didn't like anything about it.

    David had wanted to go to World of Disney, so we drove over there.  Had lunch at D-Luxe Burger, where we split a burger and fries.

    Then came home and went looping with NaCole, Simon, and her children.

    I hope tonight is quiet!

  11. Thursday, 9/22:

    RealFeel today was 103.  Again, it was hot, hot, hot!  Again we went to the Magic Kingdom.  Rode Buzz (I beat David for a change!), PeopleMover, PoTC, and saw Philharmagic. We also saw the Festival of Fantasy parade, but I wasn't in a good spot for great pictures.

    I did get some decent shots in PoTC that I'd like to share with you.








    While waiting for the FoF parade I saw this guy.  That must be one heavy hat!


    Like I said, I wasn't in a good spot for parade photos.  I was too close to the floats.





    We came home, went looping for awhile, and then went to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner.

    Around 9pm the power went out all over the fort.  It came home about midnight.  It was hot.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Mikeypro said:

    For those of us without a generator, it is miserable right now...

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    We have a generator, but we have to go out in the dark to unplug our power cord in order to run it.  May have to do it soon.  It's getting stuffy in here!

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