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CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

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Posts posted by CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

  1. Tuesday, 10/4:

    A bittersweet day.  David closed all the awnings, packed away the outside chairs, etc.  Everything we didn't want to take home wet.  Went to MK for a few hours and came back to the Fort to do more packing.  We had 2:30 reservations for lunch at '50s Prime Time, so we headed over there.  And it started raining.  Not just raining, POURING!  It was so bad we couldn't get out of the car.  We sat there for awhile, and it didn't let up.  So I called and cancelled our lunch reservations.  I explained to the Disney person that we were sitting in the DHS parking lot, but I have to use an ECV and it was raining so hard we couldn't get out of the car and unload it.  She was really nice and said under the circumstances she would drop the cancellation fee.  Yea!

    We had found watches we really liked at MouseGears, but they were out of the ladies' version.  They told us a shop at the Grand Floridian had them in stock.  So we drove to GF, unloaded my ECV under the canopy (they have a fancy name for it, but I don't remember what it is), and had the valet park the car.  Deluge avoided.

    Had lunch at Gasparilla Island Grill, another first.  Then bought our watches (thank you, Disney, for the 20% AP discount!)  David returned the rental car to Alamo and met me at MK for one last ride and a tearful goodbye.

    What was our last ride, you ask ...


    Yes, I cheated.  I'm tired of trying to get a good shot of this scene.  I used my flash.

    We came back to the Fort, went looping for awhile, and returned to Dolly to start cleaning and preparing to leave in the morning.




  2. 2 hours ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    Enjoy your last night my friend.... crazy, that just a few days ago....

    Our last night ... cleaning the kitchen, washing/drying towels, cleaning the shower, etc.  In the morning I only have to clean the bathroom and pack the computer.  David thinks we may have time to eat at TE before we go!

  3. 3 hours ago, DinDavie said:

    fotofx steve:  I think your problems will be on the highway going up.  Traffic out of south Florida will be in full swing tomorrow with people fleeing the area.  Broward just got put into the Hurricane watch list so more of us will be leaving.  I need to get back to South Carolina but it looks like they are starting evacuations in South Carolina already so I-95 and I-26 will be jammed.  If you are leaving for the fort tomorrow I hope you closed up your home first.  Shutters, turn off the water, power down things, pick up loose items in the yard.  They are predicting rain measured in inches with some wind gusts in Orlando but things can change.  I just would hate to be sitting in a tent realizing I guessed wrong.

    That is not good news!  We're leaving in the morning, and we have to go up 95 to 26.  Our only alternative is to go 95 all the way to Myrtle Beach and cut across non-interstate roads from there.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    I am glad that you had a wonderful day!  I hope that you have another today.

    It sounds like you're just hitting your groove now.  Maybe next year, you need to stay just a bit longer.

    Enjoy the rest of your time at WDW, and try to remember the great time you had rather than think about the trip home.


    Unfortunately today will be a work day with a little park time squeezed in.  We won't be making another trip in the moho this year and will need to get it winterized.  Need to have everything dry, flushed, and clean before we leave here.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Travisma said:

    Great report.  Looks like you will be leaving just before the big storm really starts to affect that area.

    Will you be home before it gets to your area?

    Barring any complications, we should be home Thursday afternoon.  But we, like many others here, live in the potential path of the storm.  I pray we all stay safe.

  6. Monday, 10/3 -- the Best Day!

    Woke up, looked out, and were disappointed that we didn't see those two little smiling faces across the street waving at us!

    This morning we went to EPCOT early.  Had breakfast at Sunshine Seasons  One last fling on Test Track, then rode The Land.  Went out to the entrance of WS to look around one last time, shopped at MouseGears one last time.  Didn't buy anything  We went there to purchase Mickey watches for each of us, but they were out of the ladies' version, and the CM couldn't answer our questions about resizing the band for David.  

    Came back to the Fort for a few hours.  David put the "hairnet" on DeeDee, removed our tire covers, dried out our rugs, rolled them up, and put them away.  I spent the time cleaning up inside.  So much to do before we leave Wednesday!  I can't believe we only have one more day here..  So much to do, so little time.

    Meanwhile our noisy neighbors all left this morning.   Ya'ay!  Life is now so much better in the 700 loop.

    We had an early dinner at Trail's End, then went to MK.  Got to see MSEP one last time.  We are both so sad to see this parade leave again.  

    After the parade, David went back to the Fort.  I stayed in MK for a few more hours.  Watched the fireworks from behind the castle.  It was weird.  Fireworks were going off in front of me and also behind me.  Not a great spot.

    I continued on and went all around MK.  Took over 300 pictures today.  It's after 1am, and I don't want to go to sleep.  Today was a wonderful day.  I don't want it to end.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Travisma said:

    Did you get rain tonight?  We left EPCOT about 4:30, dark skies and thunder.

    We hit a couple of quick showers on the way back to Tampa, then hit some rain a couple miles from home but it stopped.

    As we came down our street, it started again, and has been raining non stop (it's now 9:10). All the weekend stuff is still in the backseat of the truck.

    We had rain here this afternoon before we got home.  Nothing tonight.


  8. Today was supposed to be our last DHS day.  Then suddenly David decided he'd rather have lunch on Tuesday at '50s Prime Time instead of Liberty Tree Tavern.  So we'll do two parks the last day.

    This morning NaCole and her family left.  We were really sad to see them go.  Her family is so much fun!  And we share the same values, which makes our friendship so much sweeter.

    And today Cheryl, Jeff, Lynn, and George arrived.  They are just across the main road from us.  We look forward to visiting with them a few days before the Fort kicks us out.

    Last night's rain has turned the Fort into a swampland.  24 hours later some of the sidewalks are still under water.  


  9. 8 hours ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    Enjoy the rest of your stay!! So wonderful to have more time with you this trip ❤️

    We're in going-home mode now.  Trying to squeeze in a few last-minute things and also do everything we have to do to get ready to leave.  I'm really sad right now.  Would love to have another month!  But at the same time feeling incredibly blessed.

  10. 8 hours ago, Beckers said:

    Gwen I'd watermark this !! That's fantastic!!!!

    Thank you!  I just changed the ones I posted here and on FB.  Do me a favor, please.  Take the photo out of your quote above.  I forgot about the photo theft we've had here.

  11. 3 hours ago, fladogfan aka Gretchen said:

    Next time Florida is in a drought we should take a collection and have Gwen visit the fort.

    On second thought, Gretchen, maybe you should reconsider that.  We skirted a hurricane coming down last month, and it looks like another one might be chasing us home.

    10 minutes ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    Yeah...we are pretty irritated.  Bailey is still not feeling great and this is our last night, plus one of the only nights that we planned evening FPs and it starts to pour...?

    I am NOT a roll-with-it kind of person..,especially when my child is under the weather and Disney will close the outside rides it bad weather (makes sense of course).  Praying it clears up and turns into a nice evening.

    I hope so too, but it's not looking good.

  12. This morning we went to GC in Kissimmee.  I've come to the conclusion that GCs in Florida just aren't nearly as good as the ones at home.

    Today was our last AK day.  As we entered the park, we received these:


    David has never liked FOTLK, but today he actually enjoyed it!  We did the safari, walked both trails again, and just enjoyed the atmosphere.  We did get to see a baby gorilla and also a couple of tigers.  We even played some games in Dinoland!

    After we got back to the Fort we went looping.  Got caught in the storm (pictures above).  It's been two hours, and it's still storming.


  13. 3 hours ago, fladogfan aka Gretchen said:

    Next time Florida is in a drought we should take a collection and have Gwen visit the fort.

    You can say that again!  We were sitting at the Settlement a little while ago, and the sun was shining.  Suddenly:


    And the sun was still shining!  Then we found the end of the rainbow, but there wasn't any gold to be found.



    26 minutes ago, PureTcrazy...rita said:

    I'm sitting out here now watching and hearing a storm brewing. I feel bad I haven't gotten over to see y'all. :(

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

    It's still storming here.  Wish we could have seen you too!

  14. 20 minutes ago, Travisma said:

    I think the flag is 1/2 staff for Shimon Peres, former Israeli President. At least that was the directive we received for the flags at the Post Office.

    Really?  David checked the internet a day or so ago, and he said it was for Palmer.

  15. Friday, 9/30:

    The last day we can say we don't have to go home until next month.  Vacation is winding down, and neither of us is ready to go home.  Starting tomorrow, we have one day left in each park.  :(

    Today was an MK day.  We missed our first FP+ because we had an in-training boat driver who couldn't dock the boat very well.  It took multiple tries.  Frustrating.

    So I went upstairs in the train station and took several pictures.


    That darn crane!  This afternoon as we were leaving the park I didn't see it.  If it's down, I'll go back and retake my pictures.

    The flag is at half mast in honor of Arnold Palmer.  What a great tribute to him.

    We had a great time in the park.  For lunch we split a platter of fried shrimp at Columbia Harbor House (not my favorite CS) and then went to the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor.

    Came back to the fort mid-afternoon and enjoyed looping.  I had a good dinner thawing in the fridge, but we were both too full to eat it.  Will enjoy it tomorrow.

    Just checked the weather at home, and it's gonna be 54 tonight.  Brrr!


  16. 11 hours ago, Travisma said:

    We lost our dog about 8 years ago. He got out of the yard and never came back.  We searched for weeks to no avail.  In fact, while driving thru the neighborhood I still look in yards ( he would've passed by now of old age) for him.

    We said the same thing, no more pets.  It's too hard missing them, and a lot easier to get away.  

    Of course my grandkids do not like this decision since we have the perfect big yard and need ducks, rabbits, dogs, and micro pigs wandering around.

    We also have a great yard for pets.  Do squirrels and birds count? We're overrun with squirrels, and David feeds the birds.

    9 hours ago, caveat lector said:

    I know exactly how you feel. I have Zues's collar hanging in a place of prominence within my man cave.  It's rough because it makes me happy and sad to see it and think of him.  When I pass on, it goes with me.

    David is keeping Kassie's collar too.  It makes me sad, but it brings him comfort.

  17. This evening we went looping, and I had to use the restroom.  So David pulled over and let me out.  I left my big camera on the golf cart.  When I came out of the restroom, I looked at the cart and saw Kassie laying on it.  It took me awhile to realize it was my camera.  

    We are slowly healing.  This trip has done more for both of us toward healing than we could have imagined.

    And it has also solidified our feelings that we never want another pet, even though we loved her so much.  Life on vacation has been so much easier without worrying about her. We can stay away from the moho as long as we want  David doesn't have to spend so much time walking her.  We can drive wherever we want on the cart.  We didn't have to budget $1,000 toward vacation for vet bills.  

    We dogsat Simon for NaCole and her family several days ago.  I loved having him in the moho.  He was such a  gentleman.  After checking everything out, he decided to lay down on the couch.  He was no trouble at all.  David had a different reaction.  He felt that Simon was invading Kassie's space. Maybe so, but I feel that Kassie is here with us and she would approve.  She wouldn't want us to mourn her as much as we are.  

  18. 10 hours ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    Well that stinks.

    For the prices that they charge at the Fort and for the meals and tours at the parks, they ought to provide a direct bus, and if they don't want to do that for whatever reason, they should start the big boat running earlier.

    Did you end up riding the bus to the Lodge?  Did you make it to the MK on time?


    Yes, we made it on time.  But it wasn't fun getting to the bus stop at 6:45 am.

    9 hours ago, mouseketab.....Carol said:

    If you had an early ADR at AK, HS, or EPCOT, there IS an early bus to those parks direct from the Outpost.

    Thanks!  I didn't know that.

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