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Everything posted by TnBob

  1. The worse stupid thing we did was in NJ, no big surprise there. We had to go visit my mother who is bed ridden and found a "campground" about 30 miles away, campgrounds in NJ are few and far between and from what I have experienced have sucked. We pulled in late afternoon when the temp was hovering around 100 degrees, the lady said we got there just in time as they were closing down the store and check in to save electric because of the heat wave. We got our site and went out in the woods and backed in, the hook ups seemed to be in strange places but usable, it's too hot to over think it. Well
  2. The worse thing we had was when we were in 605 at the fort and the people in 603 had a TT about 26ft. It was a guy with 2 women and 3 huge dogs that barked constantly when they were out. One morning they were out walking the dogs and then put them in the TT and left. For the next half hour all we heard was barking dogs and breaking up of the TT. They were gone for about an hour, when they got back I am sure they got the surprise of their life, the noises coming from that TT said to me they had broken everything that was and wasn't nailed down.
  3. The fuel price almost killed the industry a few yrs ago I can see it taking out even more this time. It seemed it was making a good comeback till now. I don't know if it will kill towing but it will sure put a crimp in it. Its hard to justify paying $4.00 a gal to go somewhere for a weekend, longer duration trips with less overall trips seems to be the ticket. Hell, I may have to use the WDW busses to save some fuel. :banana:
  4. Personally I love the 600 loop even though some people don't appreciate the lengthening of it. I have stayed in the 600 I think 5 times now. The road side doesn't bother me even with a bedroom facing the road it never bothers me. I don't know who numbered the sites but the first 2 when you enter are 601 and 602 these both back up to the Meadow Trading post. Then 603 is on the left as are the odd numbered sites down to somewhere like 620 then the odds change sides. On the right backing up to the pond are 604 thru 614 all even numbers down to 620 and 621 is on the right up to 635 which all back
  5. Considering that warm air rises, if a man builds up gas and the ambient temperature is less than his body temperature, does he weigh less than when he does not have gas? If he ate a pound of beans, would he weigh more or less? Going further, if one ate enough gaseous food, would they ultimately float off into space? :doublebeer:
  6. They could be relitives of mine, my grandmother came from Hungry, thanks for posting
  7. they will have you park in the overflow lot. Some of us (not me) checked in before 5 am and waited for the phone message that their site was ready while they looped in their cart. And called us at 7am to get there, I don't do 7am
  8. I have stayed there over night and a friend of mine has been there for the last 6 weeks, he leaves for home tomorrow. It's a decent campground, easy in and out all pull thru. It's a corporate type thing, if you arrive late you have to find a security guard to take care of you (after 5) and sometimes the reservation system doesn't communicate with the campground very well. There is no Mom/Pop feel. They have a couple sections, one in a sparsely treed area and another is out in the wide open. They have a 9 hole golf course and driving/putting area. Once you stay there they will call you once i
  9. DaveInTn just bought one at the Nashville show, he should be along in a little while. I remember him saying that at the shows there are reps from the manufacturers that can give some additional price breaks if you seem serious about buying. On a side note, how stupid are we as people to PAY to go look at RV's someone is trying to sell us. They should be paying us to come see their stuff. Would you pay to go to a car lot and look at new Fords or into the RV dealers lot? Just a side rant.
  10. Tell him, never give up, sometimes you sit there a bit but from my experience when they are biting it's bang bang bang and a load of fun!
  11. and we have to say :jumpforjoy and I like that name
  12. you can fish in all the canals around the fort, where there's water there's fish. I lot of people like to fish in Bay Lake but in Jan a guy Frank ran into was told he wasn't aloud to fish in the lake and they kept him moving to the canal.
  13. I have cought some huge Catfish and Bass off the dock behind the Meadow Trading Post. I have also cought a lot of what we call brim although I don't think its spelled that way, you can just call them sunfish. If you hook into one of those big catfish you had better hold on and don't try getting them up on the dock, pull them (slowly) over to the side and ease then up on the shore. I and Frank cought ones that were 27 and 30 inches long at the first of the year. We didn't have anything to weigh them but they were heavy and break your line quick if you try to pull them too hard, you need to let
  14. I have eaten there twice, the food is great, the place is cool but it is way over priced, no they are not huge :)
  15. Management never gets it. We may be dumb but we're not stupid. :-[
  16. Thank you Doug for the recognition....ohhhhhh you ment the busman :banana:.....my bad he is a good guy :dance:
  17. You've never had me on your bus have you :argh: actually bus drivers do have a lot of stress. Although they may not work "hard", being responsible for people you don't even know is stressful. I have noticed in the last few years that more and more drivers don't interact as much as a few yrs ago. I always chalk it up to the fact that they have so much going on with routes, radios and monitors etc. All and all the bus drivers are great although I don't like busses for my own reasons but my GKs love em, Kathy has to take them for a bus ride in the fort when we get there. They always know we have
  18. Comfort station, give me a break. It's a rest room, a bathroom, a toilet, it has urinals . Who the heck came up with that name? Well it makes me more comfortable to know I don't need to find a tree like those bears in the Charmin commercial
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