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Everything posted by nutters4wdw......Amy

  1. For pete's sake, if this really happened they would be on the ground all the time!
  2. Happy Anniversary!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!
  3. Well that is pretty cool. Dunno if I'm willing to fight the crowd to see him on our only day of Star Wars weekends but maybe.....
  4. We'll be there June 8-19 and we are going to use the Unofficial Guide touring plans this time. If you go in with a plan of attack and get in early Kelly is absolutely right, you can get a lot done and have a nice break in the afternoon when all the late sleepers swarm the parks. We weren't very good at sticking to the plan last trip (mid July) and there were lots of things we didn't get to do. It sounds counter-intuitive but sticking to a plan like Kelly's or a touring plan will make the day much less stressful.
  5. We liked the Greyhawks but we found a floor plan in the Coachman's that we really liked. Our goal is to end up in the Leprechaun 319ds. The Freelander version is a good option too if we can't get into the Leprechaun. Our travel trailer is a Jayco and for an "06 it has been a great starter, only minor age related issues so we have nothing bad to say about Jayco. Find what fits you best and go for it!
  6. I can't stop thinking that some Malibu rum to add to my Dole whip float would be fabulous. It will be my special "water" bottle. I blame TCD for this thought, and Dave, just because.
  7. She is taking care of our June trip. Site booked now she's getting our tickets. :)
  8. Yikes. I like the idea of doing a TE breakfast but I'd rather spend the $50 bucks on souvenirs or special snacks. Dole Whips and Mickey bars for the win!!!! And maybe one of those Mickey head pretzels....
  9. My son was 6 when he rode it the first time. He is fairly timid, wouldn't even try Test Track, but he made us ride Star Tours 4 times! It did make me queasy but so did Dumbo. Z would probably love it. Especially if it makes the grown ups queasy....
  10. Grats to Twin #1!!! Such an exciting time for you all, and such a great feeling to have the decision made. I'm a Texas girl, (the Aggie kind, not the Longhorn kind) but I still look forward to hearing where Twin #2 goes. Good times.....
  11. Me too, I'm in! I would love to do a Disney run, and it would be even better if I could do it with family. I'm totally jealous.
  12. CBH is good stuff. Does not SMB. Just went on my grocery list for our spring break camping trip. Thanks MD!
  13. Check out the one on the far right, scares the crap out of me. I like the one in your picture way better.
  14. From the Allears newsletter today: FastPass+ is being tested at Be Our Guest Restaurant in the Magic Kingdom now through February 28. During this test phase, randomly selected guests at Grand Floridian, Wilderness Lodge and Contemporary resorts will receive a FastPass+ card for a specified arrival window for lunch at Be Our Guest Restaurant. Guests who arrive at the restaurant during their FastPass+ time will be able to take advantage of an expedited order and payment process. This opportunity is available by invitation only and participants must have valid theme park admission.
  15. I am waaaaaay too excited about these maps. And hubbie is already cringing about the amount of quarters I'm gonna want for our June trip. :yay: Thanks Mo! Thanks Lou!
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