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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. You are so lucky, always getting chosen for the cool acting gigs. My boys would love to be in the IJ show. I apologize in advance, but cannot resist saying that when I saw this photo I thought you all looked like a group of people who had been let out of the looney bin for the day. Did your girls die, or just pretend not to know you? hahaha
  2. I have a lot of Disney movies that I never watched in VHS format, BATB is one of them. My mom used to buy them for me when they would get released. We do still have a player that plays both DVD and VHS, but it won't communicate with the new fancy schmancy receiver my husband installed. Funny thing is, that receiver was to help make movie watching more like a theater. Now all it helps with is watching the Gators and Jaguars play. I take that back, nothing helps watching the Jaguars play. HA! Men and their gadgets. I do catch a lot of the ones I missed at the outdoor movie when we're at t
  3. I've never seen Pete's movie either, or Beauty and the Beast for that matter. I'm in the camp of moms-with-boys-who-refused-to-watch-any-princess-movies. But I might need to do something about that before I go to the new area of MK. Gaston appears to be kind of a tool, though. It is remarkable how you photograph things we all just walk by while staying at the Fort, then present them like this and make us realize how much we will miss them when they're gone. I also love that area back there. We almost always include it in our bike hikes at the Fort. It's so peaceful. Too bad. What is a g
  4. I would like to know that as well. Also, how those large groups mentioned in TCD's current report managed to get sites all together. I have unsuccessfully tried to do both of those things, yet it appears it is in fact possible to do it. If anyone knows, I'd love to hear your secret!
  5. Great pictures! Sorry about your pup. Is she feeling better? You were 10 min. from my house when you crossed the Buckman! And then again when you were at Flying J! Hope you get some better sleep while you are down there and thanks for sharing!
  6. I am so far behind! But, I needed to chime back in on your NYY bashing. You think I didn't notice your little "spelling error" back there? You're a sly one, Mr. TCD. You really saw quite a few unique golf carts. And it wasn't even parade week! I call everyone dude, male/female, young, old. But only people who I know and won't take offense. We don't sort the candy, but do a big "dump" and assess the haul. The boys have a big trading thing they do with things they don't like or things they really like. The raisins made me remember a funny story. When I was in high school, I used to go o
  7. Man I love me a MD TR. And I love FL state parks! Great to get insight on one we've never been to. You have the. cutest. kids. We never had the chance to unzip the pop-up when we had it, but I always wanted to do that to see what it was like. My favorite picture so far: Carry on!! (aw geez now I have a Kansas song in my head)…….
  8. Blind Yankee love? You just keep getting those jabs in, don't you? Yes it was a clever headline. Yesterday I saw another NYY slur on FB. It was a picture of hurricane Sandy and had A-rod's mug in the middle of the storm. I don't think making a joke out of a hurricane is appropriate at all, but it said "rename the hurricane A-rod and it won't hit anything". Again I didn't see the humor but I am sure those who don't like him or the Yankees did.
  9. I am not sure why that posted like that, it's not how I copied it. But, it is the same one. Also, I forgot to mention something in my last post. Your comment about the headlines and the NYY - not nice!
  10. I found one at Camping World. It is a lot more expensive than ours was, but looks to be the same one. Ours still has the price tag on the carrying bag and says $59.99. This one is selling for a hundred bucks! Need Help with Products or Orders? 1-888-626-7576 Clearance | Internet Specials | Current Ads | Stores | SALE Search Shop Our Departments RV Sales RV Services Savings YOU ARE HERE:> Home Page > Chairs, Tables & Mats > Tables > Folding Tables Hover over image to zoom Deluxe Grill Table Catalog Item # 35172 This Item is In-Stock and Ready to Ship In
  11. Well those 2 large groups you reported on in the full h/u loops explain why I wasn't able to book mine. BTW we ended up at Jekyll Island Campground in late Nov. instead. Should be fun even though it's not the Fort. My second favorite campground close to home. I told the pack they really need to book their 2013 Fort trip now. My son crosses over into Boy Scouts in Jan. and I will no longer be around to help them. So far no one has heeded my advice so I think their days of Disney camping may be numbered. FWG's comments are cracking me up! I love tots also, and used to buy crowns all the ti
  12. Hey! Oh right. I do have a dirty mind sometimes. But at least I don't blurt out things like our little friend talking about being "on top" of Andrew…... Wait until you see the ones I took at the pool from our trip. Fair warning, there is a speedo involved.
  13. Nice bass? Now that is creepy! As is that monstrosity. Ugh. I forgot that I took a picture just for you the night we were there a couple of weeks ago. Here it is: I know I probably don't need to tell you where it is because you know the Fort better than most, but we were waiting for the bus and my son said, "look Mom, you can see those cranes over there". Then I noticed that we were looking at them up over the TCD ranch, and knew I had to get a picture just for you! You're welcome. As for site 18xx: more has been added since we were there earlier in the month. And I have no doubt that
  14. Congratulations! What a beautiful day you had! Fantastic theme. It looks like a lot of fun. I just saw that very teapot in my local Tuesday Morning store this evening. Love it!
  15. I am so looking forward to this one! Not sure why everyone keeps referring to that woman's garment as shorts, because all I see is what might be part of a bathing suit? Shorts generally come down past the butt cheeks a little further. But agree with all that they're not exactly MK appropriate. Where are Clinton and Stacey when these people are out roaming the theme parks? I agree with the overalls on grown men sentiment! The one on the end looks like he has a load in his pants! You are a better parent than I, there is no way I would fork over ten bucks for a pretend plastic beer mug full
  16. Oh, I put some in the cart. But nothing worth writing about!
  17. The man upstairs knew what he was doing when he blessed me with boys. We have a lot of laughs! Consider it promised! I was in Publix tonight and noticed Magic Hat was on sale, which made me think of MD, then turned around and walked past the craft display and told myself I need to take a picture w/ my phone so you can pick your choices for Daytona! One day when I am not in a rush I will!
  18. Sure is! You should have heard them tonight when we went through the Wendy's drive-thru which had a sign outside proclaiming that all of their meat is now served on buttered toasted buns! Oh boyyyy!!!! Seriously what is up with the Capt. America stuff? Are you sporting your underoos?
  19. You are worse than my boys, they're in a major Beevis and Butt-head phase right now. They would jump all over that TP remark! Cornholio! What is with the new name?
  20. Saw this in the Settlement TP this past weekend and thought of you Genia!!
  21. We saw your decorations Friday night! My boys liked your grave stones and the skeleton. We have similar ones in our yard. I stopped to visit Fiesty and she asked me if I'd seen the one on 1800, which she referred to as "the garage sale"! She and Donnie told me that lady is a CM, a bus driver. And no, that was not a segue to make comments about bus drivers! That really was what they told me. We were on 1600 in August and that lady was in 1800 then, too. Both TCD and I posted pictures of her array of stuff in our TR's. I too am surprised to see she has added to her displays. There is a t
  22. I wish it wasn't 3 might min. on the cottages. We are going to be there in Jan. but only for a weekend. That campground doesn't come up on my usual search sites. Thanks for posting it! I will remember it for future trips!
  23. I looked at the FL dot site and it said 2 miles - not sure how they measure, if it's end to end or just the arch - but yes it is steep. This area is very close to the coast and there is nothing to break the offshore winds up there. Notice the school bus on the left side of the photo coming off the bridge. That gives a good perspective. Gwen, when are you traveling? I would be happy to give you my # if you'd like to call a few hours ahead to check on weather and traffic down here, or can tell you which TV stations have live traffic cams on their sites.
  24. It is 2 miles long, 175 feet above the river. In doing this search, I discovered the FL dot site that states there is a huge construction project happening this year, and it's not finished yet. They are replacing the middle wall, which likely means lane closures and/or no shoulders. I don't know about you, but I don't even like crossing these large bridges under normal circumstances, and having to do it with an RV and construction would frazzle me even worse. I will attempt to post a photo of it that I found online - I couldn't figure out how to make it smaller. If you notice the size of
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