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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. Party pooper. Phil Dunphy wouldn't stop the sausage talk. Maybe the door is for a troll? Again, never watched BATB so probably a dumb answer….. I remember Edith Ann! (insert raspberry)
  2. So far behind! I really did stop reading after the first photo! I enjoy a nice cold beer, and have partaken in one at the other parks that serve them, if I happen to walk by. I don't seek them out, or get one when it is extremely hot out because it gets warms fast and they're too expensive to dump out! But, I doubt I will ever have one in the MK because we never eat when we are there, especially not in sit down restaurants. I don't really think it's that big of a deal and hope it doesn't cause any problems. I love the HS picture with the rows of palm trees and star decorations! Did you rea
  3. Guessing you hate him as much as I dislike Kyle. But that is part of what makes racing fun! Although, I thought I remembered seeing you in a homemade JJ shirt long ago……….
  4. Me too! Let's do that some time! Gwen, I agree with the others, your photos are wonderful!! It looks like you got to Chef Mickey's really early! Like the first ones there even! It looks like it's still dark out. I also love to go to the Poly and just linger to enjoy the landscaping and the ambience.
  5. Hang on to your eyeballs. You are very funny! Enjoying your report!
  6. Oh I thought the prank was pulled later on, not when you went to DTD earlier in the day! I did not think you had driven. Listen, I am not one to talk! When I am allowed out, all bets are off……"some" doesn't even cross my mind! And I am 110% with you on the driving. I have zero patience for people who drink and drive. I post a lot of cocktails on FB and in my TR's here but it is b/c I am camping and never set foot in a vehicle!! Ditto. Go RH racing team!!
  7. Yes, my condolences to you and your family as well, Donnie. Let me know if there is anything I can do……...
  8. Well, you gotta give them credit for trying. It's not so easy to be clever when you've been downing PBR's…... I am confused as to how your son can wear KB pj's then cover up with a JG blanket??? Which one is it? If it's the latter, give him an "atta boy" from me! (sorry Genia) How is it that Donnie is showing up in everyone's TR's from the last couple of weeks? Dude, you get around!! Did you crash in Fiesty's driveway?
  9. You had better double check YouTube to be sure no one posted a video of a half drunk Dad on a scooter being dragged through a state park by a puppy! Come to think of it, if someone did catch it on video, you could probably make a tidy little profit! I laughed at the canoe comment. That would be some swim! Creepy though. Those flooded subways in NYC came to mind. In college, we called it "ta kill ya". And boy did it!
  10. Beautiful pictures! The tigers are my favorites, too. Don't you wish you could just go in there and pet one of them? I didn't know they ate grass, either. But, I do remember the cat I had growing up would sometimes eat grass, then she would come inside and throw it up on the carpet!
  11. I don't even need to read the rest! That picture is enough - Gator shirt, cold beer….love it! But I'll probably still keep reading……carry on!
  12. I am in on that action!! As long as you are willing to be both DJ and bartender……...
  13. I can't wait to see what kind of trouble fun you guys stir up! We've been to visit TP but never camped there. I want to try it sometime. We like that area over on 192 for shopping, putt putt, fast food. It was busy the weekend we visited, and the sites are pretty tight. It was Easter week, and I checked to see what the rates were (we were staying at the Fort the same week). The price was within 30 bucks of what I was paying at the Fort. So, it is less but rates do go up during peak times. Thanks for the bonus shot of the hottie getting out of the pool! (Hope that isn't your son again, y
  14. Loved your report! Boy your girls really have it made! I make my kids "help", even though they always end up fighting! I am happy to be a twin fill-in after they have gone off to college!
  15. Yes, I know. Funny when my pre-teen sometimes starts to be a smart mouth, I long for the simplicity of the toddler days. Which seemed so hard back then! Actually the experiment has been on-going for over a month, and it did turn out well. We did all of the finishing touches to his reports and research folder and put the display together for the fair next week. And, my son earned his black belt on Saturday. So it was a pretty big weekend for us! Plus the Gators won!
  16. Your travel pictures are so pretty! I miss seeing fall colors. And, I have never been to AL so it is cool to see these. I am also a race fan and hope to get to Talladega one day! We went to Six Flags Atlanta in 2006. I honestly thought it was kind of a dump. We had a hotel near the park and ended up canceling when we saw the area - it's not the best part of town! Ended up staying further North. I noticed a Garden Ridge sign - do you still have them in your area? We had one but it closed. I loved that place! Looking forward to more!
  17. Not for long. She consigned it to a dealer a couple of weeks ago. Kinda sad, but it's too much for just her. It's really beautiful, I got to stay in it last summer. I sure hope there are no DEA agents on this board. Perhaps in the future you might want to precede "hash" with "roast beef" or "corned beef". Just to be safe.
  18. Eye of the Tiger?!?!? Did Rocky Balboa run out onto the stage? Those are some serious crowds. How on earth did you navigate through all of those people? You have often talked about how you "don't do" lines……did you wait in those food lines? I hope all of you fun-loving folks with grown children had fun on your carefree weekend. I spent mine doing the mom taxi thing and helping with a 7th grade science experiment! Good times. I hope to see summaries of your adventures, along with all of the lucky ducks who got to go to the Fort last week!
  19. We're going to the Olustee Battlefield next year for the reenactment. I love that stuff!
  20. MD, I love your son's shirt! Again, your kids are adorable. Those dimples! The nerve of some people, talking about lodge poles in front of young 'uns!! The muskets didn't freak the dog out?
  21. I have tried numerous times to get her to come down with us. Sadly, she is selling her 5th wheel. Maybe one day she'll join us, but so far no luck! Besides, she got rid of that meat grinder long ago. However I do believe she still possesses the 70's-era burnt orange Crock Pot that she used to cook roasts in, and I'll bet a modern day food processor would make quick work of that meat grinding! Hmmm, Winn Dixie has roast on sale right now…..it's tempting! As long as you are wearing something and nothing is out in the open, right?
  22. I love it too, and am also the only one in my family who does. If you don't mind the canned version (which is what I mostly ate growing up so I don't know any better), you can get small individual portion sized cans of it made by Mary Kitchen. It's just enough and good for the occasional craving! We always ate it with fried eggs when I was a kid. My mom used to make hash with leftover roast, too. She had this big metal meat grinder that connected to the counter like a vice grip. I remember helping turn the handle. Then she would add the potatoes and fry them in patties. Soooo yummy!
  23. Thank you! I need to check all ears too, forgot about that site……..
  24. Every year when we come to the Fort during the Christmas season, we go to the GF lobby to see the giant tree and gingerbread house. One year while we were there taking pictures, they had Mickey and Minnie dressed in their Christmas duds doing photo ops in front of the big tree. We didn't want to wait in the line (read: my kids wouldn't wait that long to have their picture taken with M&M), so didn't take advantage. I would like to see if there is a way to actually plan this and be there when they are, nicely dressed with something to occupy the boys while in line, and get a nice holiday
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