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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. I don't think anything can give you the warm fuzzies more than pictures of your beautiful family! Anna's expressions. Stella's eyes. Izzy's smile. Emma's photobombs. Gwen's videos. All good stuff! Can't wait for more. I also adored the photo of you and your parents. You can see how much you love your mom! It was so nice meeting you. Next time maybe I will catch that sweet little girl who reportedly gives those magical hugs!
  2. My guess is behind either 1500, 1600 or 1700 with the water retouched for the photo. Or maybe 1300? 2000 all the way in the back, looking over from behind 1000? In each guess I am assuming the water has been fixed in the photo. I thought the same thing when I first saw the new website a few weeks ago - how misleading that tent photo is!
  3. We were there until the 4th. TCD & MD left on the 3rd, then another fiend took MD's site in 2000, he may still be there. Don't forget Donnie either. If he's not there, one of his trailers is!
  4. I like the lights! Thank you for sharing your creativity!
  5. Great pictures. I love that one of the Hollywood Hotel. Sal sounds like a great guy. Way to go above and beyond for your job. I'll bet it made the too-crowded bus ride a lot better for everyone on board. Your Jiminy was quite good. Better than one of the twins', in fact. But I won't say which one. That wouldn't be very nice.
  6. Page one!! Yippee! Wow, you do a lot in a day! Quite impressive given all of the little legs that have to move around the parks. As for the challenge - well done!! I burped just from looking at all that beer!
  7. LOVE the parade photos! The soldiers are my favorite. We used to go to MVMCP a lot and I miss it. Those CM's on skates had a tough job, it's not easy to rollerblade for that long! They must have strong legs! I rollerblade a little bit, and went ice skating for the first time in many, many years this Dec. My calves were throbbing afterward! Those skate-skis look pretty cool though - I'd like to try that out. Sorry to do this again, but that shot you took of that cow is well, um, a bad angle. Or maybe it's just my bad mind.
  8. I am so sorry everyone was feeling so yucky! I guess I should be glad that I didn't get to spend more time with you, then I'd have it too. But honestly I do wish I could have hung out more. I was thrilled to finally meet so many people from FF!! I hope everyone is on the mend and feeling better soon.
  9. Lou you are living my retirement dream. I told my boys my plan is to get a job at WDW (so the grandkids can come get in free) and live in Celebration. I just love it there. My goal is for something in the MK or at the Fort, & my husband wants to be one of the boat drivers (captains? not sure what the official title is and am not up on my maritime-ese). I'd live at the Fort but doubt we can afford to, plus by then it will be much different with all of the development going on. Buddy is one lucky pup! That is some rich ice cream! Just imagining the aroma of Kilwin's makes my mouth wate
  10. All of the lists here seem to have covered everything we usually do. (OK well except maybe Genia's - I am too cheap and do all my drinking at our site) Our last 3 Fort trips have been "park-less", meaning pretty much all we did was hang out at the Fort. There really is SO much to do there. My boys love the Tetherball, Basketball and tennis courts. And of course the pool, year round! The whole family loves to go for really long bike rides, the boys love to hunt down the old train tracks and ride to the group camping area to play when there are no groups staying over there. Another suggest
  11. I think you gotta look under their Dee Dums………. bahahaha Sorry TCD I seem to cause your TR's to go south a little too often! That wee little Jimmy Johnson fan is rubbing off on me!
  12. Me either! I have seen Jiminy, long long ago when they had that insect thing at Animal Kingdom. Still one of my all time favorite character encounters! And, I had my picture taken by chance with the Tweedles once when passing by the teacups. Also I think Christopher Robin is a girl - wasn't there some discussion about a boy Belle? Maybe they should switch costumes.
  13. If you can figure out a way to transport it, I also recommend buying a cart. We just got our first one and it is so nice to have our own and not have to shell out rental fees or worry that there are any available. The Fort was sold out of them for most of this past week, as were the local rental co.'s. We camp a TON, and most of the places we go allow them. We also bring our bikes and mix it up, but I can tell you in the really hot weather here in FL, having that cart sure beats sweating your butt off walking or biking, even sitting waiting for that bus you get plenty warm sometimes. At
  14. BOP2 bragging rights!!! And you totally rocked that hat. Should have gotten it.
  15. Getting ready for our next Fort trip and putting my old crock pot in the camper, thanks to you! And some potatoes! My husband will be thrilled to eat something that wasn't cooked in the microwave or toaster oven! What a sweetie that boy of yours is. I like to think mine would do the same for me when they're old enough! They did most of our tree this year!
  16. Beautiful FL park with history, half naked coon huntin', 80's hair band pictures, VW's, a man in capris and family photos that would make the Grinch smile. A classic MD TR!
  17. geez……I take a couple of weeks off and you slap down a 5 pager!! Funny, I thought of you tonight while picking up beer at Publix, Magic Hat is on sale dude!! hopefully I will have time to read it this weekend…….life is nuts right now……. although I may just sacrifice some sleep to find out what all this talk about TCD in mom jeans is all about!!
  18. These pictures are wonderful! Such sweet little faces! Fun family memories that you will cherish always.
  19. Well, I wouldn't say it's wrong. Just regional dialect that is distinct to that area. Had a roommate in college who I used to tease about saying it! And that was before the Internet came along…..boy we would have fun with that now. I am all for being a twin stand-in and visiting princesses with Stef!
  20. These are my thoughts exactly! I am blown away by this TR!! But, I would add that I wish I could tag along with you and the girls some time. My boys wouldn't do all of that with me without a WHOLE lot of griping! I got so behind on this……just a couple of comments from many pages back…….. I caught that Flip Wilson reference and am still giggling! He or she is a dead ringer! Your fellow NJ born fiend (spell check wants to make fiend "dead"??) probably got clued in to your roots by your use of the phrase "on line". I've said it before, in no other place but NJ/NYC/LI will you hear people sa
  21. Great TR!! Congrats on 10 years! But sorry you are sick. I would rather watch a race from the comfort of my own bed with a blankie, sick or not! Bowyer needs to get a grip.
  22. I loved the Peanuts gang! They look young - bravo to them for not sporting trashy/risque costumes at Disney! At least tu tu lady had sensible shoes on……..
  23. We just went a few weeks ago. The waterpark is closed until spring. Depending on how big your boys' Lego fascination is, at 6 and 3 I think you would be fine with just one day. Check the park website to see what is happening and where to meet the Lego guys then plan around that. I checked the websites for both campgrounds and drove by one on our way in (we stayed at a hotel since it was a quick trip). Reviews for both were poor, but you never know and I can say that the one that is closest might be OK for 1 or 2 nights, but it's not the nicest and there is a train that runs along the back
  24. I do like Starbucks and am glad there will be a place to get some inside the MK. Although, I usually make my own in the camper and drink it on the boat ride over! As someone else said, Disney doesn't brew the best cuppa joe. But, I don't like that they are doing away with the bakery to bring SBucks in…….why couldn't they just say, "Main Street Bakery proudly serves Starbucks", and have it be both? Kind of like how SBucks is tucked into the Barnes and Nobles and Target stores?
  25. That is one of my favorites. We drive up 95 every summer, from FL to PA. The signs definitely provide entertainment for the kids. I still don't get why there are so many now, though. The place is pretty much a dump. Maybe if they spent half of what they do on billboard rentals, they could do some sprucing up! TCD I am cracking up at the thought of you and your siblings sticking your arms out the windows at a right angle trying to get truckers to honk. South of the Border.
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