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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. I thought maybe you might be hanging with the mouse again…….can't wait to hear about it.
  2. You aren't the only one who noticed that. I saw it in the overflow lot the day I left and noticed Farmall right away, then how nice it had been restored. I'm sure I don't know nearly as much as you do but my rural roots definitely made me pay attention! G - I saw that beer again in the Winn Dixie near my house - I had bought yours at a liquor store near the Fort - but tonight I noticed it says "Crack open a skull". Geesh! I was in a rush that afternoon, I swear I am not some psycho!!
  3. Loving your pictures!! You really do have the loveliest ladies. Whose sweatshirt is Anna wearing? She looks like she has a snuggie on, all bundled up and cozy! And that pink hat. Totes adorbs!! (you have teenage girls, I assume you've heard this terminology?) Agree w/ FWG…..careful about the clandestine photography. Or at least, don't post any of it on Youtube like that Adam fellow did.
  4. Are we jacking this TR because TCD didn't post an update today and now is leaving us all hanging??? I am in on that!! Well for this one post anyway. It's way past my bedtime.
  5. I bragged to my kids that Jordan and Nate said the music on my iPod was "legit" (well, they actually put another word in front of that one that I didn't share with the boys)…….they made my day! I agree with Jason. They are great kids, very kind and respectful. And funny!
  6. Cute kiddos! How lucky to have a birthday celebration on a beautiful cruise! I will be curious to see where your ports of call are and if you run into any crazy cruisers. I worked for a travel agent p/t a few years back and most of what I did were book "groove cruises" out of Miami on a RCCL ship. Let's just say, the clientele for those particular cruises don't have a lot of luggage. Somewhere else someone asked about reasons for writing TR's…..and mine would have to be so I can get great tips like putting booze into a mouthwash bottle, or bringing a 12 pack and a pair of flip flops that
  7. Your son has great taste in music. Mine do too! They'd rather listen to classic rock than any of the pop crap. I like Mr. ofBears better too. No offense MD, but if Brandy had been there the night the hubs and I dropped by, he probably would've hung out longer!!!!
  8. I kept eyeballing that giant box of chocolates and now I wish I had opened it up! Holy guacamole!! How is it I missed the jello shots? Maybe you only give those to VIP's. Next time I will have to sneak one. It's OK though, the punch more than made up for it! Seriously though, thank you again for your hospitality.
  9. We camp with a bunch of Catholics, too……and beer is a requirement. You know you go to a good Catholic Church when every event has plenty of beer. Gotta love those Knights! Sorry to hear MW fell again. I have hurt both knees pretty badly a couple of times (believe it or not, one time from genuflecting and hitting the edge of a marble platform!) - both times it took forever to heal and I had occasional pain long after the incidents. It took a long time but they seem fine now, so hopefully hers will eventually. Enjoyed this TR, but I always love your commentary. You could make a trip to Wal
  10. Since when does a Buffalo boy say "fixing to"? Guess you've been in the South for as long as you lived up North and now you're a little bit of both like I am!
  11. I knew the chain was there to prevent theft. Just kidding around there. You will either be impressed or think I am a total nerd, but I actually referenced my field guide that I keep on our lanai to see about the bird. Although we are in the 'burbs, our house backs up to a preserve, so get a good variety of birds. My husband took ornithology in college and it caught on with him. I still make fun of him but secretly like to bird-watch, too. I look forward to the crayon and dumbing down of this TR for me. I do not come on here to learn new words!
  12. Facetious. Ornithologist. Man, you are just full of big words this morning. I had to break out the dictionary! My guess on the bird is warbler. I am with MD on the VH bashing. I'd rather hear so-so Van Halen than some of the pop junk they like to have performers play at DHS. I like those NYE decorations too, I didn't notice she had changed them for that. That photo of Dick Clark is a nice touch. But Chip and Dale partying it up with the Miller Lite? Funny, but odd. Also I would think C&D would be more into a Sam Adams type of brew. Also what is with the chain on Mickey's ankle?
  13. Just saw on FB that Space Mountain opened on this day in 1975. Pretty cool!
  14. I wonder if that is something I have, too? I like wine, but have to be careful. Even just one glass can give me the WORST hangover the next day. It seems to happen more with whites, and I can't drink champagne at all except for a tiny sip to toast. Cabs and merlots don't seem to bother me as much but every so often I will get a terrible headache and my sinuses get all blocked - sometimes just a couple of hours later. So, I have always stuck to beer or fruity cocktails and only have wine occasionally. It stinks because I do like it, and if it's true what has been reported about the health
  15. Enjoying reading along! Your son is so cute. Thanks for posting pictures of AofA - was your room a "regular" one, or one of the family suites?
  16. Dude, if you figure out how to get people to stop sucking you'll be my hero forever. Some people's lack of common sense is baffling. At least that lady had a white thong on. I have had the great pleasure of seeing hot pink or black ones beneath (or sticking out of) white pants and shorts. Between undergarment exposure, ladies my age wearing stuff from the juniors' dept., and larger ladies wearing stuff designed for much smaller people, I wonder if anyone owns a full-length mirror anymore. Now to do a complete 180 with the subject matter here, your "little reds" are too cute for words! Howe
  17. First of all, you are WELCOME!! Glad I could make it down after all, even if it was only for one night. And I am happy to hear you made it back safe and it didn't rain on you in the tent. Some random comments: Love the bathroom picture at POP where you are showing off your guns in the mirror! I hadn't caught on to the key finder story……now it makes sense! However, I did make a mental note when you were in a panic about your money & cards then Stef magically produced them……. Saw that tractor too. I wondered if someone was gonna try and drive it around the fort! How did they get in wit
  18. Both Lou and IDWD make good points. It all comes down to how you "do Disney". For some, it really is best to be on property and use the transportation, etc. For others it makes more sense to have a bigger place and/or a much less expensive one. Monique is absolutely right about Bonnet Creek, too…..we stayed at the Hilton BC in Oct. and I felt like we were on property. There was even a Disney store in the hotel. The only difference was there wasn't a constant stream of busses or songs from the princess movies being played in the hallways, and the TV had a regular line up, not 1,000 Disney
  19. Wait. Did you just call me (and 5 others) a knucklehead? Well, this is all I have to say about that: :raspberry2: And I will be reconsidering my pie offerings in the future!
  20. While you're at it, ask MD to finish his Ft. Desoto TR!!! Not that I am one to talk. I've been to the Fort 3x since my last TR, and promised another mom on here I would at least post photos of our Legoland trip and haven't done any of it! And probably won't. I just don't have time. But I am enjoying everyone else's, slowly but surely getting caught up!
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