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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. Dude! you were an hour from my house. Next time ya better be textin me your 10-20. Not that I would have made it, my weekend was so busy I don't even remember what I did, but still………if I can make it, I will, with ice cold beverages! I am also a runner, in that I do it to get the heart rate up and because I find walking boring. No 26.2's on my resume, but I could handle a 5K. Also being a NASCAR fan, I gotta check this thing out next time! just standing on that track is somehow a holy experience for a race fan. I've been fortunate to do it there, but running around it….way cooler! Nate i
  2. Is it awfully hot to go during the summer? I mean I live in FL and am used to the heat but honestly wouldn't want to pay that much to go on vacation in it, know what I mean? That's why I don't go to the parks during the summer months. I'd rather go and be free to enjoy everything without melting. I would also prefer for my kids not to miss any school, and my husband has limited time off as well, so it would be better. But if we're going to make that big of an investment, I also want to enjoy it to the fullest.
  3. Great FL resident rate on the dream departing 2/24 TCD……..be a nice Valentine's gift for your ladies…….except it is the same week as FCAT writes. Not sure if your girls are past that or not.
  4. Glad I'm not the only one who caught that! I figured it had to be bait. No one can type that with a straight face!
  5. Great TR as always TCD. I finally got to finish your Thanksgiving one, too. Took me a couple of beers but I got through both of them finally! ​Now get going on a new one so I have an excuse to drink more……. The person that ordered the Dumbo apples missed out on a great comeback for the snotty CM. He/She could have said, now who is the Dumbo?
  6. That is freaky. Now I can't wait for the next update! Love me some Linda Richman!!
  7. Dave you reminded me of one of my favorite old SNL skits…….Mike Myers as a Long Island housewife with a talk show. "Welcome to cawfee tawlk. I'm your host Linda Richman." (gets distracted by something) "Now I'm veclempt. Give me a minute. I'll give you a tawpic." "Favorite Disney snacks. Discuss……."
  8. Ditto. Except I will add the frustration of not being able to keep track of them while inside that trap and the inevitable meltdown when you tell them we have to go. Despite the fact that they are drenched in sweat which is covered in sand, with beet red faces from the heat. This overheating catches up with them about 5 feet out and you drag them kicking and screaming to the nearest water source and hope to make it to the exit before they crash and you end up carrying them. Good times. As Jim Carey said in Pet Detective, "Do NOT go in there!"
  9. Indeed. That would be way worse than the 3 hour one we have to make.
  10. Outstanding job!!! That is quite a clip for walking. Bravo. I haven't done a 5K in years, and haven't been up before 5 am in over a year. My hat is off to you just for that!
  11. Loved the porch photos…..and was imagining the sounds and trying to pretend I was there. Stupid squirrels! Worthless creatures. I once saw one crawl into a bag of Lay's chips that our neighbors had left out on a table at a campground. I had to warn them when they returned not to eat them. Never heard of sponge candy, but I have heard of Wegman's!! Loved that store when I lived in NY. Good bakery. My parents lived in The Villages for a few years. My boys were very small then and we all loved cruising around in Grandpa's golf cart. My husband and I liked hitting the square each evening fo
  12. Yes, and that it's odd. One little typo could make that a very "non-Disney" movie. I see this combination nearly every visit now. I don't get it, and wonder if they have issues with the electricity? Do the MH's tow the pop-ups in? Also next time you post pictures of one of your walking tours, you may want to crop the rear view mirror out of your shots. wink wink
  13. What, no comment on the Trevor butt shot? I am disappointed.
  14. Bravo! I loved your report! But I'm sad it's over. Nothing is worse than that last drive out of the Fort, looking back longingly, sighing at the thought of having to go back to real life. I love your Boo. Will she stay in the camper, or does she have a prominent place at home? She is my favorite from that movie, too. Kitty!
  15. Those little faces are too cute for words. Felix better be prepared to get in line in a few years. Loudmouth line guy is a d-bag. That is when I would have employed what my husband and I call the "hey kids, look a deer!" tactic, said or gestured something that I didn't want my boys to see or hear, hoping in the process to call the moron out. (think Chevy Chase in "Christmas Vacation". That's where that line comes from)
  16. Yeah, your TR's do make one think! I just decided to spill my thoughts this time. I may have beat you back to WDW but I don't do near as much as you do in one visit. And, I will likely not return for a long while. I had a chance to run down and wish one of my favorite fiends Ms. Tigercock a Happy BD so I took it! Sure the leash was for your daughter. Sure, I believe that. OK I do believe it because I know you have a real dog but had to give you some grief. You realize that when I said the guy on Jacka** gave the display toilet "a spin", I mean literally tested it out. As in, made a d
  17. Well at least you weren't wearing a hard hat or a cop uniform……or no one took pictures of it. Waiting for the next day so I can get more ideas for my playlists!
  18. That's a whole lotta cuteness and sass right there. I've noticed the hand on the hip in some other shots, too. Then again, if I was rockin' a pair of cool boots like that, I'd be sassy too.
  19. So, so far behind. I cannot keep up with you. You go to WDW almost as often as I go to Publix! Geesh! Some thoughts, in no particular order: I am quite well-versed in many things IBM, as I grew up very near Endicott, NY and am a graduate of the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering at Binghamton University, which was known as SUNY Binghamton when I was a student there. Go ahead and google that, I promise you won't need any brain bleach. The girls at the HS I attended in NY felt the same way about Monty Python as your classmates in NJ. But we chicks also felt that way about dudes who walk
  20. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue…...
  21. What a wonderful thing you did for that sweet young man. Please tell him I am sorry I missed the big sha-bang but am honored to have met him and thank him for his bravery and sacrifice. I love your poster. It's like a gigantic scrapbook page. One of his comments made me smile - that is what he said about the music I played on the golf cart that I mentioned earlier. Love Nate's shirt. Riot! At least it says "girlfriend", not "mom". bahahahaha…….. Genia: I saw that. Easy, Mrs. Robinson. I ran into Judy and a friend of hers on the beach New Year's Eve. Let's just say I am glad my kids
  22. So glad you liked it!! I'll have to see if I can find it up here and pick some up for the hubs. I had a great time too, wish I could have stayed all weekend but am glad I got the one day. Better than no days! We'll have to try and have a beer when you come down next month. So save me a PBR.
  23. Belated Happy BD to your Dad! I just noticed in the picture of Nate and his friends, Colton is standing in front of your MM light and it makes it look like the ears are his! Funny! They are a nice bunch of kids and I enjoyed having breakfast with them. I picked on the boys and asked them if there was a sale on those camo hats they all had on. I've never thought of shredding chicken to put in sauce. Looks like it's a lot easier than cutting it into chunks and making ziti with it like I do! I also noted the secret weapon for your punch sitting there next to the crock pot. Might be a fire h
  24. I knew you had taken pictures that night and was a little worried about what might turn up…..but you were kind! Thank you! Judy doesn't look impressed. My cart wasn't dead, just painfully slow compared to your hot rods! I was waiting for the rangers to pull us over! I loved it though. A little rebellion is good for you every once in a while! Jordan looks like he is ready for some kind of redneck polar plunge! It was chilly that night! Cousin Eddie in his shortie robe comes to mind too……OK he's a combination of both! No offense taken here on the boob shot. But just so you know, you're a
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