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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. On day 2 we slept in. It was Sunday the 30th, and still pretty chilly, the sun was out, but it was cold enough to keep us under the covers longer. We weren’t good like MD’s family, rising early on Sunday mornin’ to find a local Catholic church. Honestly, I probably didn’t even realize it was Sunday. So bad! After we had eaten breakfast and went for a couple of laps around the Fort in the cart bundled up in blankets looking every bit the Floridians that we are, we busted out the Christmas decorations. Spent the next hour or 2 decorating and re-arranging so all of the extension cords lined
  2. I thought of one: "Cool. With this etch a sketch I can draw a picture of myself with a full head of hair!"
  3. OMgoodness I literally laughed out loud. I'll bet you had fun drawing that.
  4. On the loop info page that Mo maintains, if you scroll down there it shows the names. They are in groups, not one big list. I'm glad I got to meet you, too. I don't have a FF sign which is probably why you missed me. Don't tell Lou. Me too, it's my favorite time to go. Working on my next update! Thanks. Just getting going, so I wouldn't call you late. I would call you Stef, because that's your name. you're gonna need all that popcorn, I can't promise to be timely with the updates! But I'll try not to drag it on for too long. Cheers to you, Mr. TOP2BR. What's on my cart?
  5. Loving your pre-live, live TR! It's cool because I can actually see you there, and you'e there! That sounded a lot better in my head. Anyway, have a great time. Cute kids! Love your little girl's skirt in the Sea World photo.
  6. Waldo! Hahahahaha!! I was wondering where he had gotten off to. And I love how Anna photo bombed him! Yes, I yawned. Sorry, but I don't like skinny jeans on dudes. Even skinny dudes. It's just odd. I'm old-fashioned and a little bit redneck. Good 'ole Levis are what I prefer to see on a guy. That is hilarious that you hid from your own children! Except, I don't see Izzy? And she is tough to miss with those mile-long legs of hers! It is too late for me to come up with anything clever for your caption contest. So, I will simply blurt out the first thing that came to my mind when I sa
  7. We were Fort-bound on the 29th. Once again, drove 2 vehicles…….this time because one was towing the camper, the other the golf cart and some Christmas decorations! Even though Christmas had already passed, I still wanted to decorate our site. ‘tis the SEASON, not the DAY, right??? The men drove the big truck, and I was on my own with the cart. Left around lunch after Dad got done working. I arrived first, around 4. I am actually kind of surprised since I hit some traffic and went slower than usual. It had been a long time since I had driven with something in tow. I was on the phone wit
  8. I know. If we didn't live in FL and were able to visit the Fort as often as we do, I am not sure I'd be able to resist, either. Actually I was trying to convince my husband to spring for passes for this trip. But then he bought the cart and that no longer fit into the budget! Our family likes to eat, and we make those holiday meals count! Hi, In! Nice to meet you! OK! Consider yourself counted. Yes, the Dec. one with all of the cool park pictures……and A of A…..etc. etc. I didn't know there was a standard ratio! I probably got a little carried away. Truth be told, I melted part of an
  9. Carol, I am actually a little annoyed with myself for not finishing yours before beginning this. I am really trying to read and enjoy all of your wonderful photos! I'm about 2/3 of the way through…. Thanks! I was hoping someone would catch that. We quote that show quite a bit in our house. I posted that dinner photo with you in mind :) Thanks! I'm afraid it will be slow-going but figured if I kept putting it off I'd be doing a "Christmas in July" TR!!
  10. It's been a while since I've written a TR, even though I've been to WDW several times since my last one. Mostly due to time constraints, but also because some of those trips were very short or had too few photos (or both), and then there's the fact that I'm pretty lazy. I'd rather read everyone else's TR's than create my own. I noticed that I was coming up on my 700th post. What better way to make that mark than with a TR? I've been inspired by those I've read lately, particularly since some of them are reports of the very same time we were at the Fort. Once again, this TR will have no
  11. Dave, I'll bet your neighbors were delighted by the sounds they got to hear that day! Love the playground pictures. That one with Stella and Anna going down the slide is pure joy. Just like Stella's shirt says, "Love, love love love!!". I worked for a Cheerwine bottler when I lived in Charlotte. It's big stuff in those parts. SunDrop, too. I am also from NY state, but the "Southern Tier" area (Binghamton/Oneonta), kind of central/south along the border of NY & PA. We said soda, but all of my relatives in Buffalo said pop. We visited them a lot so I grew up hearing that a lot, also.
  12. Awesome update! Love the track pictures, I don't care if the cars are a blur. Still very, very cool. That sound is like a lullaby to me. Even though I live only an hour away, I don't get to as many events there as I'd like to. When we lived in Charlotte, before I had my kids, we spent a TON of time at the track there. Back when it was still called Charlotte Motor Speedway. They had stuff going on all summer between the 2 big races and we only lived 20 min. away. Jimmy Spencer hosted these school bus races that were a freakin riot. That meal was a good deal! The pitcher of beer with the
  13. Wow, the pictures in the second to last update are stunning! That one with the Osborne lights and the sunset is so pretty. And of course all of the ones with your pretty ladies. There is a guy giving you the stink eye in one of them, did you catch that? I can't believe I was there for several of the days you were and only saw you the one time! Then again, we didn't go to any parks.
  14. Dang Stef, you're really heating this board up with all this Italian sizzle!!! Thank you!!! Shame to hear about Dario and Ashley. Did they ever have any children? So JPM anchored the winning leg for his team? Guess they kept the track drying truck out of his way this time?
  15. You were busy! I'm glad you had a good trip with nice weather. I'll bet that tree frog glows in the dark from living in the electric box. That Italian sub looks delish. But I still prefer the Italian drivers in Stef's TR.
  16. No way! She didn't even go outside? Still, I don't think that would bug me as much as seeing the young girls in my church wearing teenie tiny dresses that leave very little to the imagination of the young boys in attendance. Every time I see one, I look up and thank Him for giving me boys! But seriously, if they can't wear that to school (at least not at the ones in our district), why wear it to church? I can remember being discouraged from wearing a strapless wedding gown….and that was only 17 years ago. I'm no prude, but I just think there's a time and a place, and mass isn't it. Sorry f
  17. Yes I know. Just picking on ya. Sow hat is up with the 3 little pigs? Any significance, or do you just like them? My son's class has a pet pig. That thing is funny as heck. It's one of those miniature ones.
  18. Stop changing your picture! We know it's you.
  19. Very cool! Thanks for taking us to the track with you. I love it! Though, I must admit, I had trouble following along after this: Holy WOW. Molto Delizioso! I had more comments, but now I have forgotten what they were…….
  20. Sites for this year's race? There is no way! Maybe they just got added, as in newly constructed? Stef, you are adorable at 5 am……..way more than I would be, since I'd still be snoring and drooling into my pillow at that hour! Bravo on finishing and in great time, too! Just my opinion, but I like the pink better than the camo and am glad you stripped those layers. Now, pink camo, I like. And I even own some! You know how it is in a house full of testosterone. I wear a lot of pink to compensate.
  21. I love looking at old photos. Hope you get a chance to get them digitized some day, would love to see them. It is funny how we snap away now where before we always had to worry about running out of film! Maybe that is a project you can take on once the girls are off to college. That is, when you're not busy taking Stef and I to the parks. Your girls' don't really look any different then, just smaller bodies. Their smiles and expressions are the same!
  22. What a good Catholic boy you are! Metal Mom raised you right. That looks like a nice church, might have to see about visiting it myself on a future visit. With some of the things I see happening at mass nowadays, taking photos is pretty far down on the irreverent list, if you ask me. Love the kid-cam shots……I can almost hear the giggles. 4 Sleazins…….good one…..also might make a good band name! We also saw the blimp that day, from the marina.
  23. The Speedway has a great interactive museum/tour/informational thing….can't recall the name off of the top of my head…..Daytona Experience maybe? We have been several times and it is worthwhile and very fun! There is another place in town away from the Speedway that is more about the history of Daytona Beach and how much racing influenced its' growth. You said next month……the month of Feb. is the busiest of the year there. The 500 is on the 24th and the weeks leading up to and right afterward are very crowded, lots of traffic, etc. I doubt they even do the tours when events are happening
  24. That is AWESOME! I would love to see more WDW photos of your girls when they were small. I'll be they love that you're putting them on here, too, huh? Twin 2 looks pissed. Guessing it may have something to do with the sucker in Twin 1's hand, and the lack of one in hers? Adorable picture!
  25. Or getting reservations at the Fort during December? If they're not there he can check his 'stache. God only knows what's buried in there!
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