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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. I didn't realize that Annie's cute little flamingo was a Webkinz when she introduced him to me! She is so darn cute. We went through a major Webkinz phase here years ago. We have a couple piles of stuffed remains in the bedrooms somewhere. Just another racket by some brilliant entrepreneur to suck the money out of our wallets! Hey, let's sell a $2 stuffed toy for $20 and create a virtual world for the kids to play with it on! Kinda like those $5 rubber bands from a few years ago, made me shake my head and think, "man, I wish I'd thought of that!".
  2. Too bad more of the people who live here but are not from here don't go to as much trouble to learn the language. No apologies necessary! Thanks for reading. I love that tree too, we may have to move soon and I will have to make sure the next house has high enough ceilings! Don't want a Griswold problem on my hands.
  3. You're right. Thanks, professor! I appreciate someone who has the same respect for the written word as I do. Were you an English teacher before you drove a bus?
  4. We began our 4th day at the Fort, and 2013, with a yummy breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. After sleeping in from our late night of course. I really can't think of a better way to begin a brand new year than at my favorite place on a beautiful day with my family enjoying a delicious meal in the comfort of my Micky Mouse pi's. I like my little fold-up Coleman stove with the griddle accessory, but have difficulty with getting the temp of it where it needs to be. As you can see below, there were a couple of crispy Mickeys: The mix I used was so tasty though, even the crispy one
  5. Nice. Just insert apostrophes everywhere, one of them has to be the correct spelling. I can't promise another update today, but will try. Life has been pretty messy this week. But, maybe I will need an activity to distract me from being starving later on. Fasting today. I always have a hard time with it.
  6. OK, the beach title thing was bugging me. I knew I had a photo of the sign someplace, then took one of the card we got that listed all of the NYE activities at the Fort. Here is the card that was in our packets: Here is a close-up of that first paragraph that shows they spelled "Clementine" with no "s". I don't have a purple crayon, maybe TCD can help me out there. Now here is a photo I took last year on our spring break trip that shows the sign that sits at the beach: It looks to me like the literature handed out this past New Year's has it wrong. I think the correct spelling is "Clemen
  7. I noticed you wrote "Clementine's". That is what I had in my original text. Then I had to refer to the little card that lists the activities for that night because I couldn't remember what they were all called, and noticed that the "official" WDW publication had it as "Clementine". So I changed it. I guess that is one of those things like Meadows/Meadow? I am surprised they passed out park-only party favors to the lowly campers. I liked the hats so much I kept them. They're plastic cheapies, but kinda cool. We are all learning from our NYE TR's. I know from reading yours that I will n
  8. Quick update to finish off New Year's Eve. Some time during the 11 o'clock hour, noise makers were given out. I wondered why there had not been any and wished that I had gotten some for us. Then I realized they intentionally wait to pass them out so we don't have to listen to them for 3 hours! Smart! Many have already posted their photos of the fireworks that evening….but I am still gonna post mine. I always enjoy the fireworks from the beach and this show did not disappoint. There was a mist in the air so the photos aren't very good but it was a long, bright show in person. Here
  9. After a day full of meeting fiends and enjoying near-perfect Fort weather, we still had to get down to Clementine Beach for the New Year's Eve Celebration. As I mentioned, we opted to skip the photo booth, lucky duck challenge and trivia portions of the evening. We headed over around 10 pm after I packed some snacks, hot chocolate for the kiddos and a couple of beers for the grown-ups. We circled a few loops on the way over then were directed to the grass between the back of Pioneer Hall and Backyard BBQ to park our cart. It was odd, but we actually got pretty close to the beach so didn't
  10. Look, I admit I'm a nag…..but I am not happy about it. I don't like having to nag. Why can't you guys just remember what we say the first time? I'm a little bit older than my husband. He better hope that my mind outlasts his. Because his memory is terrible. Another reason I was very anxious to have him get home in time is because I had made plans that were a surprise for his early Valentine's gift and didn't want to miss that chance, or lose the money I had spent. As in, kids are at Grandma's for a sleepover, suite at the beach kind of surprise. And I did NOT pack his flannel shirt. See
  11. He made it! Texted me a while ago and was boarding his last flight to get him HOME. Phew! For once, it paid to nag. He was going to believe the moron travel person at Amex that "NYC wasn't supposed to get hit that bad" and no need to change his flight. Meanwhile I kept checking the news reports and reading friends' posts on FB about schools closing and "hunkering down". Texted and emailed my husband like crazy begging him to get back on the phone and switch his flight. Then the airline ended up canceling it and did it for me anyway!
  12. Ask Buddy. I don't have any. Figure of speech…….totally kidding around.
  13. Thanks! The boys would love to go exploring w/ you…..actually my youngest wanted to find you and show you that picture we took, he was sure you knew what that metal thing might be. As far as I know he is en route. Made it to Philly. The only problem is, he is flying on Delta thru Atlanta. They are the worst. THE WORST. Even on a bright, sunny, clear day, that airline can mess up your whole trip. And that airport is pure chaos. Thanks. Yes, well I am grateful for the lack of vomit. We're pretty simple when it comes to our camping meals, and the kids were actually pretty thrilled to pe
  14. My goodness. For someone who doesn't read these things, you certainly have your dander up over this one! When I made those comments about Josephine, I didn't mean that she was cheerful as compared to other CM's, I meant as compared to people in general. Not that CM's aren't people. Wait I seem to be digging a bigger hole……. In all seriousness I did mean that from my heart. She is always happy. If she does have any yucky stuff going on in her life or in her past, she doesn't display it. I admire that in others because I don't always do it myself. And I do not enjoy being around the oppos
  15. Apologies for the delay in updates. My husband has been in CT and NY all week so I've been flying solo. His return flight was cancelled so he hopped a train to Philly and is flying from there. Crossing my fingers! I left off on our second day, the 30th. Moving on to day 3, which is New Year's Eve. It warmed up quite a lot compared to the previous couple of days and we spent most of the daytime just playing outside all over the Fort. The boys played basketball, tetherball, and hung out with their Dad over in the Meadow area for a long time. I went for a run while they were doing that a
  16. Those really are precious pictures of Anna and Josephine. And, I agree with TCD. She's a fixture at the Fort, part of what makes it what it is. One of the last times we were there and I was hanging out on the porch while my boys played horseshoes, she was playing giant ring toss with another smaller child using hula hoops. I watched for a while and wondered how many games of ring toss, horseshoes, jenga, etc. etc. that woman has played over the years. And yet, she seems to enjoy each as if it were the first time she's done it. She appears to be one of those rare individuals who chooses ha
  17. How dare you post this filth on our clean forum?!?!? hahaha……yeah, I didn't buy that either. Now do a 180 and take another shot please!
  18. BTW…….I noticed you made your 300th post at 3:33 pm on my 3rd ever TR. Maybe you should go buy some lotto tickets with lots of 3's?
  19. Don't encourage him. I am pretty sure he wears it because I hate it! Ditto! If you find out the name of the pizza place, let me know. Always like to try new ones, esp. recommended by a New Yorker! Never again, sorry. But I say, go for it……wear long sleeves and gloves and use wire cutters. We drove by around midnight one night and it was still fully lit! And when I went down to visit Stef and Genia in late Jan., they were still working on taking it all down. That has to be a big job. MD!!! Buddy! I was wondering where you'd been, glad to know it's just life and nothing bad keeping y
  20. I loved your report! We think alike. I would have called the Rangers to come and save the day since that was a WDW rental cart. HA! Yeah, right. Sadly, my kids now remark on how people park when we're out shopping before I even have a chance……."nice parking job, dude! what a moron.". They also now know what "grow a set" means thanks to riding with their mom, who doesn't like to wait for ninnies who are afraid to make a right on red and we are in a rush to get to baseball or karate or whatever. I set a fine example. I also LOVE the sing-along and movie. That picture is beyond priceless. A
  21. That little dog is very special to Donnie, as it came into his life during a very difficult time. And we all know how our kid's pets somehow become "ours" in the end! I like the old Albert much more than the logo that is used now. Any time I find something with throwback Albert on it that fits me, I get it. That sweatshirt is super soft, too, which somehow makes it seem warmer? I'm sorry, but there is no way I believe any of the TCD women would allow you to wear that awful shirt. That thing is 2 cutoff sleeves shy of being a Larry the Cable Guy original. I only know a few by name. Some a
  22. Talking about packing and clothing on that last post reminded me about something I forgot to mention on day one. When we realized how chilly it was outside that first night, I insisted my kids put shoes and socks on before we went looping that night. They had both been wearing Crocs all day. My oldest discovered that he didn't have any shoes to put on. He had socks, because I had packed his clothes, but I had asked them to grab their sneakers before we left home and put them in the truck. He neglected to do what I asked. He does that a lot. I knew we couldn't get through the week with him
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