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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. As I was writing that mini TR, the horrible wreck was happening at the track. I thought about scrubbing that post to make this one, but was too far in. I do hope everyone involved in the incident just now will be OK, and that none of our fellow fiends who are there this weekend were involved…….. And hats off to Tony for forgoing the victory lane hoopla to respect the injured fans.
  2. Living in Jacksonville, we are fortunate to be close enough to Daytona to be able to go down and back in one day easily. I really, really wanted to get to the 500 this year, and was hoping to finally fulfill my dream of camping at a track. My sons are now old enough that they could sit through it and get what was going on. But, that was not to be for various reasons. I've been to it twice, but not in many years. I did get to the shootout 2 years ago, which was my third time at that event. So I have been lucky enough to go before, and am glad for that. But, one thing we could do is go to th
  3. That is a good question. However, he is a retired defensive end with a lisp co-hosting a chick show with the equivalent of a Barbie doll. Some may take offense to that. Did you get a load of that watch? Or is it even a watch? He has huge arms, and it still looks way too big to be a watch. It looks like he has an iPad strapped to his wrist! He could just use that thing as a weapon…..
  4. Again, my apologies for the delay in updates. This has been another single parent week. Plus, I have been lucky enough to spend time at a couple of speedweeks events in Daytona. Not promising anything, but I might just crank out a tiny TR for that over on the NASCAR thread. Moving right along……we left off on New Year’s Day. Since we didn't get to WDW until 12/29, I still had not seen many of the Christmas decorations at the resorts. The GF is always a must-do on my list, and I didn't want to miss the huge tree and gingerbread house before they took them down. I wasn't sure when they did t
  5. Why thank you, kind sir. I got up on that rock to take a couple of those shots. Almost fell over! Whoops. Thanks! Coming up!
  6. You're never too old to play with bubbles! No kidding! Which loop was that? Sorry I missed you….. Thank you, and you're welcome. It's slow going, but I'm chugging along with it. That's right! I actually enjoy hanging out with my kids. They are really fun right now. I do get the occasional eye-roll, but it's not too bad, yet….. Thank you! I agree, and I am bummed that neither me or my children ever got to experience RC or FWRR. hmmm, sounds like we barely missed one another. I hope I don't goof on any details, but with my memory, I probably already have, so feel free to make it ri
  7. d'oh!!! We replied at the same time, and I didn't see that! See, we do have the same sense of humor. I knew it. But yours is funnier.
  8. Those guys look like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum in their street clothes.
  9. I agree with you, it's odd to see Michael as a co-host of a chick show. But the ladies love him! We almost convinced my 81 year old mother-in-law to come with us, because she's a huge Michael fan. She is glad Regis is gone. Not me. I've never even watched since he became host, but the reason is b/c I cannot stand Kelly, not him. I am sure he is a swell guy, but she is so awful I've never tuned in. She should have stuck to being a soap star, because she has zero talent. The only thing she has going for her is Mark Consuelos. I liked Regis, and used to watch years ago when Kathie Lee was
  10. So true! This totally took my mind off of Devores' knickers. Dave & INC, you and your family rock. LOVED it! I'm guessing this is a Gwen original?
  11. This entire post could be taken the wrong way very, very easily! Sorry, but I have no desire to see Dave in his knickers. I am sure he looks great in them, as he appears to be quite fit, but I will respect Mrs. Dave on that one. However, I would love to run into him at one of the character meet and greets some time. (thanks for the great tip, btw!) Too bad on the uniconing patent being taken already. At least twin #1 was smart enough to do hers after the ice cream was eaten. That would be one sticky mess with all of that hair of hers!
  12. What is a Clery report? Just curious. Mine aren't even in HS yet. I have observed that having UF or FSU on your resume is huge for a lot of people. Very prestigious, and would most certainly give them a leg up as far as job prospects, especially in FL. Depending on what they want to study, too. My niece got her master's from FSU in August and had a job before she graduated waiting for her. My husband got his MBA from UF and immediately got a better job after he finished that program. My neighbor's daughter is a sophomore at UF majoring in some sort of pharmacy study…….pharmacology? Not su
  13. You have made 4 hours at WDW a 4 page report! Only you! Great photos. It looks to me like some shrubs were actually removed, and others were trimmed, looking at you comparison pictures. I didn't hear a big "thud" at the end of the video. That's good, I guess! Still, I look forward to hearing about your next step in this investigation. The SM snooze photos are a riot. SM must be kind of a snooze for you guys I guess, since you have rode on it so many times! Love the SB circus shots too……esp. the one of you and Devores. You're a couple of softies deep down, aren't you? Shouldn't twin #1's
  14. There is definitely room for improvement on BV drive. I avoid that route at all costs when we are there. I do not like parking garages and think that is a poor choice. The city of St. Augustine put one in near the visitor's center in the last 5-10 years and it really ruined the landscape of the historical district, imo. Even though they tried to make it architecturally similar, at night it is a big lit up eyesore that resembles a beige Rubik's cube. Whatever they end up doing, I hope they use the real estate wisely this time. Right now there is a lot of valuable wasted space over there.
  15. Saw this tonight. Not sure what to make of it, probably just talk at this point. But, if they are focusing on revamping DTD instead of other projects, that is good news for our beloved Fort! http://www.wftv.com/news/news/local/rumors-swirl-downtown-disney-could-soon-be-revampe/nWTrT/
  16. Love the RR photos - beautiful color! Love the carriage. I would have liked to have had an opportunity to see it too. I played Cinderella in a play in elementary school (I was the "before" version), so I have a special fondness for that story. Funny you bring up the service animal thing. On Sat. night I was researching the DHS map to find out if they had lockers. We were going to be doing the Feast and Fantasmic on Sunday night and the forecast was for 34 degrees that night. I wanted to bring blankets to sit on and wrap up in during the show but didn't want to lug them all day. While loo
  17. This is super cool! Thank you both for sharing your trip.
  18. I don't know, maybe it's just around here? My kids and their friends say it a lot, and I heard Stef's "adopted" son Jordan say it once. Might be a regional thing only in FL. My husband referenced that very rap song to them and promptly received the "oh brother" eye roll. I had a thought on your shadow box plans for the wires. You might try taking some of the steel wire you have already, that you used to secure the RR spike, and leave it outdoors. Over time, there is a chance it will rust and blend right in with the spike.
  19. I figured you had one in the hopper ready to go! One of my friends and her daughter were at the show taping yesterday, too. By chance will this TR cover the group that was on 1500? When I drove by and saw that, I thought for sure you would be on that story! Congrats to your daughters. UF and FSU. Wow. That is tremendous. They are not easy schools to get into!
  20. Captain Kangaroo isn't the vibe I get from that thing. Maybe the real reason is that Magnum called and told you he wanted his 'stache back?
  21. HAHAHA yes! I remember passing the trash can out in the garage for days after I tossed it and I could hear it in there. I'll be there are many Furbys chattering away in the depths of landfills everywhere right now.
  22. Oh, don't tell me Furby is worth something now! My MIL gave one to my boys once and it was so annoying I threw it out!
  23. GREAT TR!! I'm so hungry now! Happy belated birthday. I'm sure it showed up on the b'day thread, but I can't always follow it. Sorry. Too hard to keep up with! But I love that someone thought of it. That shadow box is awesome! Or, as my kids would say, "legit".
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