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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. Good! I thought so too. Me too. I have panicked before when I've heard the music and rushed down there thinking I missed it, but it turned out they were on another part of the lake and hadn't made it to the Fort shores yet. Love that! I agree! Next time our families are both there I will tag along with you guys. That's cool that they know the show so well! Thanks……I won't let it happen again. I think one set of these per fiend is enough. You're welcome! Do visit the GF next time you're at WDW and have the time to. It has this feeling of splendor and being in another era.
  2. That is some good stuff, BLC!! Thank you for sharing it. Note the last sentence on that last book page scan - pg. 142. How very sad that plan got forgotten.
  3. naahh…….it is kind of a cool novelty. Dumbo paper! Curious to know if you were to run it through the printer/copier then it would begin to smell - from the heat? Get back to us on that one!
  4. Whew! Caught up. I was having trouble keeping up w/ this one……it's so good! First of all, adorable family. Sweet kids. The way you describe your son he sounds a lot like my oldest. Those cookies look incredible. Bet they were delis! We're also Tomorrowland Speedway fans……we're a dying breed aren't we? Where did you get that potato salad in the burger photo? Man it looks good! I have more comments but will save them for another post!
  5. Somehow, I doubt there are any. Are you in with the twins? Bet they have some…... As for me, I believe it. Why would anyone ride a bus, sit in traffic and go to the check-in center unless they were competing?
  6. Phooey! Missed out on pg. 1………. Oh well, still got TOP2BR……..so there.
  7. Paper made from poop? ewww. I wonder what else they make from poop? Don't answer that. WTG on the 5K. I too want to do a RunDisney event one day!
  8. WARNING: this update contains material that is not appropriate for anti-EWP people. Viewer discretion is advised. In other words, it's a boring update to finish off New Year's Day and if you don't like the EWP, don't waste your time reading this one. I promise you won't miss a thing. While we were across the lake this afternoon, we also popped into the Poly for a look at their holiday décor, but I didn’t take any photos. After we returned from our resort tour and played on the beach for a bit, we had dinner in the camper and hung out there for a while. Then, we got bundled up to go out loop
  9. Thanks! We're definitely not classy enough for that place. Thank goodness my husband didn't try to wear his awful shirt there! Thanks! Me too……and Easter. I don't like gingerbread, either. But I do like hunks. It's so beautiful. Great place to get holiday pictures of the kiddos, or for your card or whatever.
  10. That is funny. I love SM, actually find it sort of boring from riding it so many times. However I have never ventured on RNRC. I got all the way to the end of the queue once and panicked at the last minute. Terrified of it. I am embarrassed by that, but it sounds like it is all in my head and if I can endure SM, I could probably survive it? I love riding Everest too. Last summer, we went to Hersheypark and I rode a couple of pretty fast ones. I thought it would prepare me to come back to FL and gather up the courage to ride RNRC, but it didn't work.
  11. Video camera guy and family are DB's. Ok well not the kid, it's not the kid's fault the parents make bonehead moves like that. The only problem is, that kid will grow up thinking that barging in front of others to get what you want is perfectly OK. You should have muttered something low enough so he didn't hear it but loud enough so it would come out on his movie to let him know his rudeness wasn't appreciated. Your poor daughter. I hope his pits weren't too smelly. Good catch on the secret driver compartments. The hitches must be there so they can drag them around backstage without a drive
  12. Enjoying your TR! I think you can do the grand slam in a day, if you try it when the crowds are low……. I seem to recall a thread on here, or maybe it was part of a TR, where someone posted that a couple went to both Disneyand and WDW in the same day?
  13. Hahahaha……..I love this. Not as good as Dave's, but still fun. Except, I don't think that is JJ in the beginning with the fire suit & helmet on. I am sure he can move his pelvis a lot better than that! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82s9PmJOAJ8
  14. Awesome. Yes, he really is. He heart is in the right place. He can come off as blunt or rude some times in his interviews, but I can tell you from my experience on Wed. night, he truly appreciates the fans.
  15. This whole GF lobby time bit is not something the boys dig at all. My husband is good about looking out for me and reminds them that I do an awful lot of things I may not necessarily like for them, so they should tolerate things like this for me once in a while. Thank goodness for the fact that my kids still find riding the monorail cool, so they at least got something out of it. Tough to get any shots without people in them. I suppose you’d have to be there in the wee hours of the night to do that. I stop and admire this metal ferris wheel sculpture every time I pass it. I don’t know why
  16. Oh, Troll. You are too much! This is both hilarious and creepy. The image is seared on my brain now, and I want it to go away, but also think we need to make a little garden flag with this on it for TCD to post on his campsite. Can anyone translate what is written on the tablet? Great update TCD. I had comments about the TR itself but this hijack has been the mack daddy of distractions and I forgot them.
  17. Glad you're back MD. Having a crummy time lately and your TR's always make me smile. Hope things are calming down for you and the Metal fam. I look forward to hearing the MD/BM reviews of those CA brews.
  18. Now that is something I've never done…..tasted it. But I am not the biggest gingerbread fan. Since we don't usually have parks in our budget, touring the resorts is a nice way to take in the WDW holiday splendor. I am going to try and catch up on your TR today! As you already know, your wish was granted. I did the mini TR over on the NASCAR thread, but left out Monday. Turns out the photos weren't so good. Snapping away with an iPhone while driving doesn't always yield the best results. But Wednesday's were great and I shared some of those. Agree. I also love WL, and AKL. But I have y
  19. I keep forgetting where to find this thread. In my head it should be in the "Sports Talk" forum, because that is where I keep searching for it. Panicked when I couldn't find my mini TR and thought someone took the photos of my kid! Phew! Now that I'm here…….Aaron I could not agree more with what you said. If this is any indication of the season ahead, I'm already bored. I think I felt the worst for Edwards. I hope he can get all of his cars back in shape some time soon!
  20. For an actor, James Franco isn't very good…….he had one line to remember and blew it! What a tool. A cute one, but still a tool.
  21. Erin Andrews? Seriously? She doesn't belong on the sidelines of a football game, much less on pit road. Fail, FOX sports.
  22. Yes, plus at least one tire. Last update I read stated at least one individual with life threatening injuries. Do you think they'll postpone the big race since the fence has been compromised?
  23. Thanks Aaron. He is still tickled pink and puts that hat on every chance he gets! It says "Daytona 500 2013" with the new logo for this year's race. I told him, if Tony wins the 500 he will really have a special piece of memorabilia. That photo is so sweet, particularly since mine was an epic FAIL! This wreck is terrible. I cannot believe this has happened and share your thoughts for those involved. We lived in Charlotte the year that nasty IRL wreck happened there. Scary stuff.
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