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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. Loving this tour! I can't wait to get back down there. I don't think your photo and the Disney one are from the same area. I do think the Disney one is from an actual loop, I just cannot figure out which one, but agree that it has been doctored up a bit. Why did you used to stay in 1400 exclusively? Proximity to the movie? Mix in a shirt. You crack me up. The crazy sock thing. Lacrosse introduced them in our parts, kids began wearing them to school, and now they have become a trend. My son had me get him some, even though he plays baseball. But, he is 10. That dude needs to put some r
  2. Me too! When I read that I just missed Dave and Anna, I was bummed! Though I was fortunate to meet Dave later in my trip, I still have not met her. Someday! I forgot to chime in on the scavenger lady, too…..how disgusting! Reminded me of the scene in Caddyshack where that kid drinks all of the leftover cocktails on the table and one of them had a cigarette butt in it….if you saw the movie you know what happened next.
  3. Exactly. I don't see why they can't publish the prices, at least maybe a month out, so people can decide whether to make/keep their reservations. And, I am with all of you on trying to get through on the phone. I HATE their phone system, and it really does depend on which CM you get. Some are very good at it, most are just there to earn their hourly wage and go on home, your vacation is the least of their concerns.
  4. Congratulations to your daughter! What an exciting time for team TCD! Another prestigious SEC school added to your already impressive family resume. I predict some new content in the NCAA thread this fall! I hear they have great prices on ramen noodles at Costco…….
  5. Just don't leave the rope behind on one of the trees or you could end up in someone's TR, or worse, in the DDBHOF. We have a premium reserved for an upcoming trip, I really wanted a full hookup but couldn't get one. I still can't decide which I'd rather have. Proximity to amenities used to matter more but now that I have a cart it doesn't as much.
  6. Hooray! You're back. Having some difficulty keeping a TR going myself. I need to get it wrapped up….hopefully today. I'm so glad you took pictures since I took none! I must have met 10 new fiends this trip and not a single bit of photographic proof. It was great to hang with you a couple of times, hear your great tunes from the Little Tykes boom box and chat by your fire. Hope our families end up camping together again some time! I think your fireworks viewing spot is pretty much perfect. You have the CS right there and can just walk 10 steps to your camper and crawl under the covers whe
  7. Thank you! Why is there a range? Are there discounts of some sort?
  8. Thank you for all of your ears! And tips, and expertise. That is why I came here - because I knew I'd find out what I needed without too much effort, and some smiles to boot. Perhaps I should reconsider making it lunch, for the savings, and the smaller crowds. I can try to time the wild rides before or long after it, or build in some rest time after I inevitably overeat.
  9. Hahaha, honestly I don't think I've every done that anyway. It's a thought in this case though, because if he's just gonna sit there and not eat, what does it matter. Our family really doesn't eat out much at all so I've never even been tempted to fib about either of their ages. (although I do confess to indulging in the occasional happy meal at the drive thru when I have no children in the vehicle) what? regular portions are too much for me! We're only just beginning to explore the dining possibilities @ WDW, mostly from me reading all of the reports and reviews here on FF. The kids are
  10. That's a great tip. I had not thought about the entertainment value of it. Sadly, this is why we have never done HDDR……couldn't see spending that much for him to eat nothing. Do you know how much it is for dinner? I really wanted to keep it at the end of our day so I don't barf riding test track, also so I can stuff myself then roll out of the park and straight to bed. Not kidding. I will be wearing some very stretchy pants!
  11. DaveinTN and others' TR's have convinced me to make ADR's @ Biergarten for our next trip. After blowing 160 bucks on dinner at Hollywood and Vine last time for our family of 4, and my super picky 10 year old ate practically nothing, I am trying to decide if it is worthwhile. I have viewed the menu online and there is maybe one thing he might eat. He is a severe case. I am embarrassed by my poor parenting in that department, his Dad and I both enjoy a variety of foods, I cook a lot and we don't eat out that much, so not sure where it comes from. Nonetheless….. Despite this being my own fault
  12. That is pretty darned funny given the previous content of this thread!!
  13. Hey, you should have had the girls see if the naked lady wanted to pin trade…..in the Twister photo I noted she had a lanyard on and wondered why someone with so little clothing on would bother to accessorize……. Oh and good job getting a photo of Devores wearing those knickers! He looks quite dapper!
  14. That's what it changed it to. I've never heard this version…..thought it sounded very strange and certainly made the post odd!
  15. Two things: 1. You had me stumped with the Garth at AK reference. I thought you were talking about Garth Brooks. Then I re-read that post. I see what you did- you dropped a Wayne's World reference. Nice job! Party on, Wayne! 2. Seriously? That is underwear? I thought it was just a too small swim suit. That makes it even worse. It was the bra that gave it away. Swimsuits don't have hooks on the back like that. Usually there are ties, or there is just one big hook. There wasn't enough of the thong showing for me to tell for certain, but my guess would be they are also not swimwear. W
  16. Great report!! Wow, your son really got extra helpings of Disney magic! How sweet was that? I don't know if that is the same CM that TCD is always referring to, but if it is, he'd better get a bigger costume……some of his six bits are gonna make an appearance if he isn't careful! Those buttons look ready to pop.
  17. I really apologize to the few who have been reading along for the delay in this TR. Life has interrupted my FF play time in a big way lately. I am going to do my very best to get it wrapped though, because it is only gonna get worse in the coming months! After the hubs wrapped up his work stuff, we all loaded into the truck and headed over to DTD. On our way out, some of the RCFD guys were playing a little ultimate Frisbee on the field along the main drive into the Fort. The parking lot was it’s usual nightmare and we got “japped” out of a spot we were waiting for. (I hope that term isn’t
  18. Those last photos made me completely forget all the remarks I had about the various characters in the race. And Garth at the AK. I mean how do you get that image out of your mind? Dude, did you really need to share those? Oy. We played on that very Twister game when we stayed at Pop last month. Thankfully, it was the weekend before the one this TR is about. I will never touch that Twister dial ever again. She is wearing underwear, that isn't even a swimsuit. That is a regular bra and panties, meant to be worn under one's regular clothes.
  19. GREAT photos!! Thanks for sharing them…….
  20. Did anyone else hear about this story? http://www.news-journalonline.com/article/20130222/NASCAR/302229948
  21. No caption ideas, but is that Todd in the Puma half-T?
  22. YES!!! Phooey. Some day I'll find something that stumps you guys.
  23. Day 4 of our trip, day 2 of 2013. The temperatures are about 30 degrees higher than the first couple of days! We spent the entire day outdoors. My youngest loves to play tennis and had been begging to do so since day one. So he and his Dad did just that this morning. The other half of our family went on a bike ride, then one went swimming. Only in FL will you be wearing gloves and a hat one day, swimming 2 days later. Pool was plenty busy that day. There had been folks swimming the whole week we were there, but being the thin-blooded Floridians we are, didn’t go ourselves until temps
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