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Family of Bears

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Family of Bears last won the day on June 20 2015

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About Family of Bears

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    Hero Fiend

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    I have a schmuck faced pixie dustbuster to report.
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    Fort Lauderdale, FL

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  1. Thought I would pop in and check on my fiend friends, and I get rewarded with a TCD tr!! It's good to be Mrs.Familyofbears. A few notes: Good work with the girls, they look so happy :) That parade looks awesome! How come DL gets chill parade goers, building projections, AND a non-dude tink?!? Huh?!? The corn dogs. Great pic. Does Mrs. TCD know it's on the Internet?
  2. Got a call at 730 am with our site number as well as a request for us to pay in full. They said they wanted to make check in quicker. Dh didn't pay. He wasn't 100% sure it was legit. Sure, random person from "Disney". Here's my credit card number. Oh you want my social security number too? Suuuure! How bout mothers maiden while we're at it. He knows now that it was legit. She told him to call back if we wanted to pay on the way. I tried calling but they jerked me around for so long with the whole "pretending I'm at the fort when I'm really somewhere else and don't even know what the fort is"
  3. I've said it a few times and I'll say it again. The free valet. Worth every penny!! Hate to see it go if it's true.
  4. Gosh we are talking 40$ a night to downgrade. I totally would have done it. We've been in 2000 for the fourth. It's not so bad.
  5. I've been checked at the fort. I thanked them. They thought I was being sarcastic.
  6. Mo, raglan brunch is on my list. I think it may happen soon, maybe for the kids birthdays this month? Bella dances and turns 9 and baby turns 1. I'm not sure I can come up with a better way to celebrate. They have those family style roasts. I think it could be super fun. I'll report back :)
  7. The chips. I love the chips. So much. Especially when he falls asleep holding one. Parent to parent, you gotta go with what works.
  8. Looks like all great ideas. Pack n play on folded down dinette is what we did. When she was older we made dinette into a bed so she wasn't all alone on the other end of the camper. She liked being close :).
  9. Me and DD8 saw it. We both cried. The whole time. At one point, she was wiping the tears off of MY face with her hands. It was super emotional. That said, it was also fantastic. I'd rather watch that than most "grown up" movies with no soul. This was great. It made you think. And feel. And then think some more. We are both super sensitive, and at one point she whispered, "this is really heavy". But we enjoyed it so much. And I highly recommend it. :)
  10. Oh, and is there some sort of invisible fence there on your balcony? Every time I see a pic of W by the railing my heart stops. I know you guys have got him, but man, that freaks me out.
  11. Stop it with the pirate costumes. Just stop. Tell CP she looks awesome. You guys did good. Where did you get these? Where did Ws come from? I see a Disney cruise in our near future and I'm gonna need to know. (You can drop the whole "CP made me do it" charade. We are all on to you)
  12. I haven't seen you guys wear your shirts that point at strangers yet...I'm with that guy, she's with him, my parents are over there...
  13. Oh and I think CP is cool. This is at least the second tr in which she's done cartwheels, she puts chocolate frosting on everything, and she dances like what looks like a monkey there on stage in one of those last pics.
  14. Lol at the sheer terror on his face as he reaches to you to rescue him from the giant scary creatures
  15. Few things: First, I knew those placemats came home with you the second I saw them. No way in the world you could have stopped them from hopping into my bag. Also, how many people do you think go to the pan pan meet and greet expecting a fairy boy in tights? I did my research earlier on tripadvisor and had seen the pool. It looked nice in the pics. I can imagine it would be great if busy and taken care of, some music, happy kids, activities. It has potential. Just like you said. But your experience just makes me feel sad and lonely. I definitely would have felt a little homesick for the fort
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